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NWO is responsible for concert pitch A-440hz

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posted on May, 22 2008 @ 10:56 PM

nice links, has a few good songs at 432 for those who would like to hear it.

the mp3's are blocked at my work so hope it works

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Maya432

Red 780-640 nm .. Orange 640-595 nm .. Yellow 595-570 nm .. Green 570-500 nm .. Blue 500-450 nm .. Violet 450-380 nm

in frequencies (Hz) this is
Red 3,85E+14 4,69E+14 .. Orange 4,69E+14 5,04E+14 .. Yellow 5,04E+14 5,26E+14 .. Green 5,26E+14 6,00E+14 .. Blue 6,00E+14 6,67E+14 .. Violet 6,67E+14 7,89E+14

D 288..... 2^41 6,333E+14 474 - Do -Blue
E 324..... 2^41 7,125E+14 421 - Re -Indigo
F 341..... 2^41 7,504E+14 400 - Mi -Violet
G 384..... 2^40 4,222E+14 711 - Fa -Red
A 432..... 2^40 4,750E+14 632 - So -Orange
B 486..... 2^40 5,344E+14 561 - La -Yellow
C 512..... 2^40 5,629E+14 533 - Ti -Green

Since Music is Colour, just watch the Rainbow.
The Rainbow can only be seen together with water (H20)
Pythagoras told us that Water is a Icosahedron. (20 faces)
And there the 432 comes again for water (Icosahedron)
43200 / 20 faces of Icosahedron = 2160

Since a human body is almost complete water, it must listen to 432 Hertz music.

The NWO religion, which is called NewAge is also connected the Rainbow.
I expect that the NewAge colours are also tuned to 440 instead of 432.

[edit on 23-5-2008 by hawk123]

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Newton defended the Pythagorean doctrine that the harmonic ratios found in music operate throughout the entire universe, arguing that the rainbow of colors in the visible spectrum progresses in a series of mathematical ratios like those Pythagoras discovered in the world of sound.

If music is colour, then I am wondering if the rainbow would play 440 Hertz.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 07:24 PM
As far as i can see this is connects pretty much everything. Its like an equation, 440 can only get you so far so to speak, its false, 432 really does open the universe. Its the perfect piece in the puzzle.


posted on May, 25 2008 @ 09:42 PM
from just a musicians standpoint,
I guess what is next is to find out (if possible)
just what(if any) affect/s this 432hz has.

from a scientific standpoint.....WOW....
where to
like i`ve said before .."What I wouldn`t give to be a quantum
physicist right now.

is it the center of our universe..??
the ultimate zero point..?

light, sound, distance, frequency...intimately connected...

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:01 AM
i was actually thinking about that, could it be linked to Zero point energy?....

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Herbal Oli
As far as i can see this is connects pretty much everything. Its like an equation, 440 can only get you so far so to speak, its false, 432 really does open the universe. Its the perfect piece in the puzzle.


440 is indeed the Rainbow Serpent frequency.

We are all ruled by the NWO, UN, New Age Rainbow serpents.
The "Over the Rainbow" song was written for the "Wizard of Oz"

This theremin produces a great variety of timbres, the fundamental ranging from 55 to 1760 Hertz, and the sixth harmonic from 330 to 10,560 Hertz

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Maya432
from just a musicians standpoint,
I guess what is next is to find out (if possible)
just what(if any) affect/s this 432hz has.

from a scientific standpoint.....WOW....
where to
like i`ve said before .."What I wouldn`t give to be a quantum
physicist right now.

is it the center of our universe..??
the ultimate zero point..?

light, sound, distance, frequency...intimately connected...

$32 might have more impact as the discovery by Galileo.
Galileo was a son of a famous musician and music theorist.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:06 PM
The Rodin coil as described before in this thread refers to number 528 (1,2 x 440 )

All other 528 (Baphomet) links are on:

[edit on 27-5-2008 by hawk123]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 01:58 PM
Text from previous page:

432:384 = 9:8 (wholetone) (radius sun x 1000)
486:432 = 9:8 (wholetone)
512:486 = 256:243 (leimma, i.e. halftone)
576:512 = 9:8 (wholetone)
648:576 = 9:8 (wholetone)
729:648 = 9:8 (wholetone)

768:729 = 256:243 (leimma, i.e. halftone)
864:768 = 9:8 (wholetone) (diameter sun x 1000)
The planet Venus is related to 243 (Leimma, i.e. halftone)
The Venus day is exactly two-thirds of an Earth-year (243 Earth days).
Again the same digits as in 432.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 02:43 PM
Sorry to jump to the last post with out reading it all.

I know we are talking tuning for music. A=440 A=436 A=444. I don't think it matters unless you want to create music with others.

I set up my guitars (a while back) using A=436. It made singing easier for me. With reference, we do have to talk pure sine wave. Harmonics. Overtones. Later.

Listen to A=432 in one ear and A=436 in the other. Not too loud. Take care of your ears. Can you hear the beat?

A while back I tuned my guitars for A=440. The strings were higher, at the first octave fret.


posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:36 PM
This thread has been really interesting.

Further research has turned up this (and various comments etc relating to harmonics creating reality - after all, everything vibrates):

Rosslyn motet:

based on the chlandi patterns in the chapel's architecture.

Can anyone recognise the patterns as derivatives of the enforced A-440 or the more natural one?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by dangleberry

very cool video.... and it uses the very same video sand/resonance experiment
that made me start this entire process of trying to unlock the 432 secrets.

This sounds like its right up Hawks alley.
I`d imagine it won`t be long till he supplies you /us with a
detailed explanation.

I realize that there are many many secrets encoded into the bibles

now that we have shown that 432hz resonance seems to
to be a focal/axis point of

now I am attempting to work on "temperature"
temperature can also be measured by the speed at wich the molecules
move, therefore if I can find a chart that equates these speeds,
then I would imagine that we will also see the same axis (432hz).
could be wrong... but its a guess..

I wonder also....
what else can be measured?......weight? .... pressure? ....

I`m sure one way or another , everything can be reduced to its

I wonder how many more times we will find this balance point.???

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Originally posted by Maya432
reply to post by dangleberry

now I am attempting to work on "temperature"
temperature can also be measured by the speed at wich the molecules
move, therefore if I can find a chart that equates these speeds,
then I would imagine that we will also see the same axis (432hz).
could be wrong... but its a guess..

I wonder also....
what else can be measured?......weight? .... pressure? ....

Look up the word Metrology. It is the science of measurement.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by dangleberry
This thread has been really interesting.

Rosslyn motet:

based on the chlandi patterns in the chapel's architecture.

Can anyone recognise the patterns as derivatives of the enforced A-440 or the more natural one?
Sir Gilbert the Haye understand the pattern.
He lived from 1432 and died in 1456.
His birth is calculated with 432 Hertz.
His dead is calculated with 440 Hertz.

At (ancient tunings)
A = 432
B = 488
C = 512

At (modern tunings)
A = 440
B = 493
C = 523
1456 (the year Sir Gilbert Haye Died)

It seems that 432 is more healthy.
With 440 Hertz you die.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Again the connection to 440 in Kaballah:

The Dragon, TLI, Theli. The Hebrew letters amount in numeration to 440, that is 400, 30 and 10. The best opinion is that Tali or Theli refers to the 12 Zodiacal constellations along the great circle of the Ecliptic; where it ends there it begins again, and so the ancient occultists drew the Dragon with its tail in its mouth. Some have thought that Tali referred to the constellation Draco, which meanders across the Northern polar sky; others have referred it to the Milky Way; others to an imaginary line joining Caput to Cauda Draconis, the upper and lower nodes of the Moon. Adolphe Franck says that Theli is an Arabic word.

The same story as the Maya calendar Dragon Serpent connection to the Milky Way, which ends in december 21, 2012

And the same idea as symbolised by Shesha -- the Serpent of Vishnu

440 Hertz is related to earth+moon circle.
- Radius of the earth = 11 x 360 = 3960 miles
- Radius of the moon = 3 x 360 = 1080 miles
- Together earth + moon = 11+ 3 = 14 x 360 = 5040 miles

The circle of the earth+moon = Pi (22/7) x 5040 miles x 2 = 31680 miles.
72 Kaballah gods * 440 Hertz = 31680

[edit on 3-6-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:12 PM
Where does one start when the object of criticism is a garbage pile? ....oh well, someplace I suppose. There is natural tuning, and there is tempered tuning. There have been all kinds of opinions on what a tuning standard should be but in the long run economic won out. Tempered tuning simply cost less. And while it is not perfect, like natural tuning, it has more variety and is flexible, natural tuning is not. (And as far as A:440, not every one tunes to it now. A few symphonies like 442. They think it gives them a brighter sound.)

Let's say we lived before Mr. Bach when natural tuning was the thing. If you were a horn player you had to travel with several horns all tuned to different keys because with natural tuning you can only play in one key on one horn (it has to do with the overtone series, which are natural vibrations up that also add to the sound of a tone even if they are in the background.) Harmonicas and accordions and somewhat that way still. Imagine the problem if you were a piano player instead of a horn player. You have to haul around several instruments or re-tune in between songs in different keys. Mr. Bach thought this was nonsense. Essentially the history of music is pre-Bach, and pot-Bach, he was such a monumental musician. While the rhythms may differ the harmonies sung or played today are Mr. Bach's, from hard rock to babbling hip hop, Mr. Bach still rules. By parsing out the distances between notes, that is abandoning natural tuning, he was able to lower some notes a little raise some a little and where there were previously eight notes create 12. Tempered tuning. Well, the results was immediate. Once it has been figures out it had to be applied to instruments but that meant you could play in all keys on ONE instrument instead of owning a multitude. That is what the work The Well-Tempered Clavier is all about, playing in all 12 keys on ONE instrument. Practical, economical...that's a a hard due to break even for Gobles. As for natural tuning....musically today it is an affectation that few take seriously. And there is a good reason for this. Natural tuning sounds out of tune as soon as it leaves its central position. Go up or down a little and it begins to sound sour to our ears. So I don't think there is a conspiracy anywhere near turning.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Maya432
reply to post by dangleberry

now that we have shown that 432hz resonance seems to
to be a focal/axis point of

Music in 440 Hertz shows indeed the same harmonics in Yard distance
0,125 mile = 220 yards = 660 feet
0,25 mile = 440 yards = 1320 feet
0,5 mile = 880 yards = 2640 feet
1 mile = 1760 yards = 5280 feet
6 mile = 10560 yards = 31680 feet

The circle of the earth+moon = Pi (22/7) x 5040 miles x 2 = 31680 miles.
72 Kaballah gods * 440 Hertz = 31680

Please stay tuned with the Mile = 432 x 1000 = radius sun.
The Yard must be from NWO.

And stop the NWO Metric system.

[edit on 5-6-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:51 AM
10800 Minutes a week = 7 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes

31680 furlongs = 72 x 440 = radius of Earth
31680 = 10800 x 22/7 (Pi)

1 furlong = 220 Yard
2 furlongs = 440 Yard
3 furlongs = 660 Yard
4 furlongs = 880 Yard

Again the 440 Music relation.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 08:54 PM
sorry if it's already been asked:

1) I'm trying to modify some audio file with Audacity, does 440hz equals to 44100hz and 432hz to 43200hz?
Because there aren't values as low as 440hz, 432hz , just 5 digit numbers.

2) And what are their values in khz?

3) Do I simply need to modify the frequency of whatever audio file with a program similar to audacity or do I need to record them in the right frequency?

4) Do you know a program that helps you tune an instrument at 432hz?

5) Does the sound remain apparently the same?

6) Burning the files as an audio cd are the frequencies altered to the standard 440hz or whatever else, or does it remains as they were?

[edit on 7-6-2008 by hookedfish]

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