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FEMA Coffins In Georgia

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posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:05 PM
I was just wondering as I read this long thread of posts...these pictures (of the "coffins" ) were taken in 2002. Its now early 2009...does anyone know if they're still there or if the "piles" have grown? Has anyone found any other "piles" anywhere other than Georgia?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:11 PM
They are coffin liners. The coffins go inside them. Why do they need more? Because people aren't going to stop dying, and these things aren't reusable.

[edit on 1/14/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by musselwhite
reply to post by mikellmikell
you keep returning and i am unable to figure out exactly why but have you seen this video wherein the fema coffins were investigated? it's worth the watch. then come and post once again as it increases my points.

Again, who is the man narrating the video? Is he just some random conspiracy guy or does he have some special insight or knowledge?

Originally posted by SkullShoals

Originally posted by spannmark
So whatever you do SKULLSHOALS, do not....I repeat DO NOT watch this video, and whatever you do, do NOT believe a word this man says.

OK, but who is that man? I don't think he ever says.

I like the guy in the video who says something like, "I was told these were 'coffin liners'... but that just can't be. These are way too big to go inside a coffin." Really genius?
Since they are too big to line the inside of a coffin, this must be a plot by the government to kill us all.

Although technically, they aren't really coffin liners at all - outside the coffin or otherwise. They are grave liners. Their purpose is to line the inside of the grave and keep the ground level. (not to mention, help protect against flood damage.) They are required by law in many places.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS
yes, mark and i took the pics in 2002; however, the man in this video began an investigation into these coffins in 2000

they are in covington, georgia; ennis, texas and afton, wymoning

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 01:22 PM
guess what?

Covington is where these folks are headquartered.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by jibeho
that for the info. i've researched vantage and its parent company rowen tech. you will find it within the thread and throughly by another ats member; o, have you read the entire thread? anyways is there something else you would like to add? good luck and thanks for posting.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by musselwhite
reply to post by jibeho
that for the info. i've researched vantage and its parent company rowen tech. you will find it within the thread and throughly by another ats member; o, have you read the entire thread? anyways is there something else you would like to add? good luck and thanks for posting.

If you can't accept another viewpoint clearly you are on the wrong site.

I've read enough of this thread, similar articles on other sites, and seen the videos. It is all hype. They produce in mass quantity and can store them anywhere because they are unaffected by the weather elements.

I read about a rail spur further up in the thread. Rail spurs are common. The large lumber yard I shop at receives the majority of it lumber shipments via a dedicated rail spur. Big Deal.

Everyone assumes these burial vaults have been made for some evil purpose. People die everyday hence the demand for these products worldwide.

Like I said before. Dig a massive pit, fill an old quarry, dump bodies in a land fill, or burn them. This is how evil govts. dispose of massive quantities of bodies.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by jibeho
viewpoint accepted. thanks for your posts. appreciate your point of view. good luck.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by musselwhite

You are blind, you need to read your BIBLE, and go to your state legislative House Bills, and Real Id laws. anyone who refuses will be harmed killed, and placed in these concentration camps in your state, The Bible warned this is anti-christ and you need to wake up... People like you need too wake up. But God will show you. Just take those id cards and implants and see what God will do for you.. Ouch! I am burning... That's right straight to hell you will go singing the song I am burning...

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS
i don't understand why you say i am blind. i am the original poster of this thread. i believe my eyes are wide open especially my driving force: Ezekiel 33. Please expound on your statement. It seems to be way, way out there and quite judgmental. Nonetheless, I appreciate your point of view. I know you are unable to go to my profile page since you are not registered. So please register and delve a little more into who I really am and hence I can see who you really are.

Good luck and thanks for the warning.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by SkullShoals

Hi, SkullShoals,

I noticed you have really limited your experience here at ATS.

Might try some other threads, there are many with great content.

I have to wonder if you made an account just to post to this thread, which is quite alright, I suppose. It just makes me wonder if you have some kind of vested interest.

Here is a copy and paste of post history for ya!

FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 15-1-2009 @ 07:21 5641058 thread posts
2 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 27-12-2008 @ 07:21 5528430 thread posts
3 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 17-12-2008 @ 07:15 5485091 thread posts
4 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 14-12-2008 @ 18:57 5472813 thread posts
5 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 6-9-2008 @ 18:35 4934360 thread posts
6 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 1-9-2008 @ 21:11 4908552 thread posts
7 Sarah Palin a Secret Agent for Dominionist Christianity? 149 31-8-2008 @ 22:07 4903214 thread posts
8 Please help me identify this craft. 13 28-8-2008 @ 13:08 4885014 thread posts
9 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 28-8-2008 @ 12:53 4884942 thread posts
10 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 27-8-2008 @ 21:32 4881977 thread posts
11 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 27-8-2008 @ 18:52 4881233 thread posts
12 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 25-8-2008 @ 23:11 4870755 thread posts
13 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 22-8-2008 @ 23:40 4856490 thread posts
14 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 18-8-2008 @ 17:50 4831492 thread posts
15 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 15-8-2008 @ 07:45 4812446 thread posts
16 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 14-8-2008 @ 21:39 4810124 thread posts
17 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 13-8-2008 @ 18:58 4802530 thread posts
18 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 12-8-2008 @ 10:16 4791808 thread posts
19 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 31-7-2008 @ 22:12 4724282 thread posts

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
reply to post by SkullShoals

Hi, SkullShoals,

I noticed you have really limited your experience here at ATS.

Might try some other threads, there are many with great content.

I have to wonder if you made an account just to post to this thread, which is quite alright, I suppose. It just makes me wonder if you have some kind of vested interest.

Here is a copy and paste of post history for ya!

FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 15-1-2009 @ 07:21 5641058 thread posts
2 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 27-12-2008 @ 07:21 5528430 thread posts
3 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 17-12-2008 @ 07:15 5485091 thread posts
4 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 14-12-2008 @ 18:57 5472813 thread posts
5 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 6-9-2008 @ 18:35 4934360 thread posts
6 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 1-9-2008 @ 21:11 4908552 thread posts
7 Sarah Palin a Secret Agent for Dominionist Christianity? 149 31-8-2008 @ 22:07 4903214 thread posts
8 Please help me identify this craft. 13 28-8-2008 @ 13:08 4885014 thread posts
9 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 28-8-2008 @ 12:53 4884942 thread posts
10 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 27-8-2008 @ 21:32 4881977 thread posts
11 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 27-8-2008 @ 18:52 4881233 thread posts
12 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 25-8-2008 @ 23:11 4870755 thread posts
13 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 22-8-2008 @ 23:40 4856490 thread posts
14 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 18-8-2008 @ 17:50 4831492 thread posts
15 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 15-8-2008 @ 07:45 4812446 thread posts
16 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 14-8-2008 @ 21:39 4810124 thread posts
17 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 13-8-2008 @ 18:58 4802530 thread posts
18 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 12-8-2008 @ 10:16 4791808 thread posts
19 FEMA Coffins In Georgia 489 31-7-2008 @ 22:12 4724282 thread posts

Stalk people much?? That member can post whatever and wherever they want. Are you the ATS police? or just Paranoid about someone's opposing viewpoint?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by interestedalways
hi, interestedalways, the little detective. i find that interesting as well. makes one wonder. there are quite a few although some have faded away that posted only to fema coffins in georgia. it's not really doing any good though; it seems this thread will never die..............but, we might and those coffins are just waiting.

as always, thanks. "The defender of the Underdog!"

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by jibeho
mind if i interject? well, i for one always investigate a poster. why? because i want to understand that individual to insure i do not misconstrue his/her post. sometimes, i dig a little deeper. i don't think interestedalways is in anyway worried of someone with opposing viewpoints; after all it only leads to truth. anyway, thanks for defending jibeho, keep up the good work and as always i appreciate the points you've added to my profile. i just might go shopping at the ats store.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by musselwhite

BTW. Do you have any documented proof ie. bill of sale, delivery manifest, purchase order etc. that proves that these burial vaults are actually owned by FEMA? All I have been able to find in your thread is hearsay.

Good Luck! I'm late for my next disinfo. agent meeting.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by jibeho
you are so funny. now that we've got our little thread side tracking over with. no i do not have that kind of documentation but would appreciate your helping in obtaining such. it would be most helpful. your support is so greatly are certainly one of a kind. who would have thought.

after your meeting could you give me some pointers?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by musselwhite
reply to post by jibeho
mind if i interject? well, i for one always investigate a poster. why? because i want to understand that individual to insure i do not misconstrue his/her post. sometimes, i dig a little deeper. i don't think interestedalways is in anyway worried of someone with opposing viewpoints; after all it only leads to truth. anyway, thanks for defending jibeho, keep up the good work and as always i appreciate the points you've added to my profile. i just might go shopping at the ats store.

I think your statement just about sums you up. If it is points you want, than so be it. You can count on me to help you in any way possible. Good Luck and thanks for your honesty.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by jibeho
thanks jibeho. i always felt it was good practice to get to know the person one is talking to getting a better insight into their way of thinking then one can have a real conversation and enjoy each other's input. the points, well, they are just perks!

let me know when you get some actual documentation and maybe a snapshot can be made w/in the thread. see ya

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by musselwhite
reply to post by jibeho
thanks jibeho. i always felt it was good practice to get to know the person one is talking to getting a better insight into their way of thinking then one can have a real conversation and enjoy each other's input. the points, well, they are just perks!

let me know when you get some actual documentation and maybe a snapshot can be made w/in the thread. see ya

Ding Ding another point for you. Actually I was hoping that you would provide the documentation to back up your grandiose claims that FEMA ordered and Bought these plastic burial vaults for some evil plot.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by jibeho
ha ha ha thanks for the points and o, did you ever get the 10,000 marbles and, if i might asked, where did you put them?

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