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New World Order Questions About Population Control

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posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by 3_Libras

Never know....I just think it would be easier if they could do all that.....I also think it is rediculous though...I think the idea of pop reduction is aswell and I think it would be impossible.....And besides if these NWO guys wanted to do it....With that much jealousy and greed wouldnt they kill each other off for the power rather than trieing to control us.....

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Sentinel 1
reply to post by 3_Libras

Never know....I just think it would be easier if they could do all that.....I also think it is rediculous though...I think the idea of pop reduction is aswell and I think it would be impossible.....And besides if these NWO guys wanted to do it....With that much jealousy and greed wouldnt they kill each other off for the power rather than trieing to control us.....

There is no jealousy and greed between people who can coexist as Gods. The idea of population reduction is not ridiculous at all in my opinion. Of course, "reduction" isnt the word anyone would use...maybe "maintenance" or "control". No one will admit they are out to diminish the population, they would create things like condoms, chemicals/medication, viruses, AIDs, etc, etc, theres too many to name.

Lets get real, the population is a problem, and while we shouldnt go out of our way to kill off those that are deemed dispensable, we need strategies to control the growth. That would be a rational point of view. But we live in a world where an ordinary man can go out and kill someone - is that humane? Not at all. So nothing should surprise you really. As we know, if we (no, they) wanted to feed Africa, they would have done so already.

[edit on 19-12-2007 by 3_Libras]

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Sentinel 1
I just honestly do not think it would happen in my lifrtime at 40 yo honestly....I could see somthing else killing us off though somthing uncontrollable like a disease or natural disaster or somthing but I dont see anyway possible of the NWO doing it intentionally and being able to gain any kid of control secretly over the survivors.....I think it would take years and by then either the rest of the people alive would die off or they would multiply and eventually get to the point we are at now.... Again I just cant see it lol

Dont get me wrong I think they would like nothing more but to do it...And I have heard alot of smart people try and explain why but I have never heard of a reasonable and direct way for them to pull it off and keep control if that is what they want......

[edit on 19-12-2007 by Sentinel 1]

After reading what ws said on page 1, about the NWO being survivors. Let me take you on my purposed theory, on how the NWO's version of Situation-X would work.

Lets say situation x was the scientific theory (theory until proven) Polar Shift, Polar reversal, Or anything relative with the alterization of Earth's geometric position. (Magnetic shift= erraditc temperature spikes in Odd places)(Land mass Shift= Utter Devastation on Unknown levels).

For Benifet of the doubt lets go with Magnetic shift. If this event were to occur, their would be radical changes in weather patterns, and perhaps causing all communication to crash for an extent of time. in this case lets go for Weeks.

you have both downed communications, weather alterization, melting ice caps, raising water levels, while there is extreme drought in unprepared oblivious populations. those simple two events alone would kill off millions worldwide within weeks, and perhaps tens of millions in months, and hundreds of millions within years.

Urban Survivors would have to fend againsts thousands of competitors for food, fighting pestilence due to a backed up un-kept sewage system. If the city doesn't go under the waves. Coastal populations would be devestated ( where majority of earths population is located).

Remaining survivors will have to rough it with resource disputes.

This would be the Perfect World for the NWO to Emerge from their underground bases.

[edit on 19/12/07 by Obsurion]

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by Sentinel 1

I only mentioned starvation as a side effect. Not as the means of population control.

It seems pretty obvious that you won't have your mind changed. At least not by me, so I will stop spinning my wheels here.

Google population control and you will find theories out there by people way more interested in the subject than myself. I am just posting this, not because I think there is a grand conspiracy going on, just that I acknowledge that population control will be addressed, I just don't know how.

Here is a link

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by Sentinel 1

I only mentioned starvation as a side effect. Not as the means of population control.

It seems pretty obvious that you won't have your mind changed. At least not by me, so I will stop spinning my wheels here.

Google population control and you will find theories out there by people way more interested in the subject than myself. I am just posting this, not because I think there is a grand conspiracy going on, just that I acknowledge that population control will be addressed, I just don't know how.

Here is a link

What conspiracy? Are you meaning to tell me that this topic needs to be labeled a conspiracy? The population needs to be controlled, theres no doubt about that. Everyone should know that. As for how its done, hell, you dont need to find the answers on an Internet site, its done all around you. In most cases, this "conspiracy" kills 2 birds with one stone.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by 3_Libras

Agreed, wonder where you can apply for the position for "Population Management" probably cross linked with new laws and marketing

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

No need to get pissed off my idea was to see if I could get any ideas that I would imagine to change my mind you are right you didnt convince me of any thing different other than I dont think it is possible.....Just because I do not agree with your oppinion which you failed to convince me of doesnt mean I am not educated...I am sure there are people out there that are a hell of alot smarter than us put together that would differ with your oppinion aswell......Loosen up......It is just a blog.....

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by Sentinel 1

I am not upset at all. Sorry if I came across that way.

Edit* And I never said you weren't educated.

[edit on 19-12-2007 by Karlhungis]

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by Sentinel 1

Would it not make sense for Alternative three to already be in motion……
Camping the best of the best on bases on mars, and then when the time is right, mass culling, or plague, explosion what ever……..

So something like the controlling powers are getting ready to restart the human race…..
You know what this sounds exactly like the movie “ants” remember…..flooding the ant home and making a new colony from the best of the best…..

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:55 AM
andrew18, you have a major flaw in your argument. For one, amazingly rich people with power need actual people to be in control of. Secondly, these new age despots enjoy living life and the love the places they inhabit - can anyone ever learn to love the rocky red plains of Mars? Would imagine its not a very desirable place to live

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Oppps duh! lol its late here and I am tired I seen the get educated site thing and didnt realise it was a link....My bad!!!! My appoligies sir....But anyway ( after I did realise it was a link I was glansing over it) lol opened a new can of worms I have problems i will save it though....Give ya a hint "underground city" Hollow earth Its like 3 am here by the way and our daughter had a baby last night not much sleep and I am at work no nap for me...

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by 3_Libras

Also, amazingly rich people aren't actually very good at doing anything - only at paying others to do thing - including thinking - for them

Back on the population issue, it would make much, much, more sense for a theoretical NWO to engender massive population growth in order to cause conflict over food, water, mineral resources leading in turn to a global civilisation collapse .... Leaving the elite to inherit the earth and, we, well carry on living just the sorts of lives they current live. Which then turns round on itself and begs the question: why? Further evidence of how inanely stupid the NWO really are?

If civilisation collapsed and the NWO emerged afterwards from their bunkers to take over control, I wonder how long before a hungry wolf ate them? 1 day? 2 days?

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Sentinel 1
reply to post by Karlhungis

I think that if starvation was the problem I would think violence would take over and then the panic....But even so I dont think starvation would happen for years if they killed off most of the population......I just dont see a way for the NWO to trakc survivors if they did kill off the population....I seriously doubt they would have many civillians staying loyal enough to them for all that.....

I dunno, but I feel that this planet doesn't have much time left for us humans. Maybe the ETs are just circling vultures.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 06:22 AM
OMG, once again it's late. I don't feel the NWO has to kill us. It is my belief that the planet is now in a positive feedback loop as far as warming is concerned. Wait until the next solar max when the methane starts rising from the ocean floor. Panic.

It can only be reversed by a caldera detonation finally. A caldera would function like the pressure relief valve on your hot water heater; it would cool the earth preventing a core breech. Unfortunately, it would wipe us out in NA. Ever wonder why there are so few hominid fossils in North America? Yellowstone.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 06:36 AM
I like it when people talk about depopulation. Think of it a different way. If you were part of the NWO, who do you need, and who do you not need?

Who do you need: an educated base that works to keep your life comfortable.

Who do you not need: an educated base with too much time on there hands.

While its important to have educated people around to work, produce, and invent, you don't want them to have to much time on there hands to actually THINK. This is where TV comes in, this is where internet, and other forms of mass entertainment.

On the other side: who is expendable: People that don't contribute to what you need, how you use it, or how to keep the masses entertained.

Who fits into this: 90% of Africa, the aboriginess, the south american indians, the middle asia countries, the poor in china and India.

Who is dying of by the thousands every day? I think I just stated it

Bottom line people, we are in the NWO, we have been for sometime, once you realize this, realise what your part is in it, then you can move on with life and recognize when your being given orders.

How many of you want to give up the TV, the internet? How many of you want to starve? cause not being a part of the NWO is exactly that.



posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by camain
I like it when people talk about depopulation. Think of it a different way. If you were part of the NWO, who do you need, and who do you not need?

Who do you need: an educated base that works to keep your life comfortable.

Who do you not need: an educated base with too much time on there hands.

While its important to have educated people around to work, produce, and invent, you don't want them to have to much time on there hands to actually THINK. This is where TV comes in, this is where internet, and other forms of mass entertainment.

On the other side: who is expendable: People that don't contribute to what you need, how you use it, or how to keep the masses entertained.

Who fits into this: 90% of Africa, the aboriginess, the south american indians, the middle asia countries, the poor in china and India.

Who is dying of by the thousands every day? I think I just stated it

Bottom line people, we are in the NWO, we have been for sometime, once you realize this, realise what your part is in it, then you can move on with life and recognize when your being given orders.

How many of you want to give up the TV, the internet? How many of you want to starve? cause not being a part of the NWO is exactly that.



Please cancel my membership in the NWO. They suck. Thank you, thank you very much.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 07:31 AM
I've never, ever understood the theory of NWO and depopulation, and here's why:

- If we are the cattle, the workhorses for the benefit of a select few, surely the more of us there are, the more we can provide for them.

- The planet is heavily populated and it doesn't seem like the NWO are having much difficulty controlling us at our current numbers. In fact, I think the question of control is affected little by numbers. If the NWO have the right techniques, I'm sure they're able to control 10 billion of us just easily as they can control 1 billion of us.

- In my opinion, there is a clear conspiracy by the Western governments to create a densely-populated multicultural society. Some areas of Europe have a population that is getting out of hand and it seems that the government actually want it this way.

- Creating a multi-cultural melting pot is a far more effective tool in controlling the masses than depopulation. Why? Because when people forget their heritage, they forget their history. They forget what the world once was and what it has the potential to be. They forget that family, community, nature and spiritual development are more important than the material fruits of the modern world and they therefore happily propogate and uphold an age of industrial materialism. Who does materialism benefit in the long run? The answer should be obvious.

In short, I see absolutely no evidence of any powers in the West wanting to limit or control population. What I do see is clear evidence that they want to destroy our collective memory.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Cythraul
I've never, ever understood the theory of NWO and depopulation, and here's why:

- If we are the cattle, the workhorses for the benefit of a select few, surely the more of us there are, the more we can provide for them.

How many cattle ranches have you seen where they just leave the cows alone and just let them reproduce out of control?

This statement reminds me of something you would see in a far side comic. 2 cows standing in the line on their way into the slaughter house, saying to eachother "Don't worry man, you're being paranoid" "If they wanted to kill us, we wouldn't be able to provide for them."

[edit on 19-12-2007 by Karlhungis]

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by Sentinel 1

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by Sentinel 1

It happened already. Nazi Germany was a dry-run for things to come.

There was still alot of defiance and some of the Germans rebbelled there wasnt complete control....

Actually most of the German civilians never even knew it was happening. When first brought to their attention after we invaded Germany most thought it was the Americans who did it until they had to go clean up the mess themselves. It was a real wake up call.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit

Originally posted by Sentinel 1

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by Sentinel 1

It happened already. Nazi Germany was a dry-run for things to come.

There was still alot of defiance and some of the Germans rebbelled there wasnt complete control....

Actually most of the German civilians never even knew it was happening. When first brought to their attention after we invaded Germany most thought it was the Americans who did it until they had to go clean up the mess themselves. It was a real wake up call.

happens exactly the same with ppl today.
You're right.

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