posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:49 AM
I really, really wish I could take credit for this, but I can't...
From the DU forums:
Here's what you can expect tomorrow, in case you want to sleep in.
Boy oh boy -- Tough Tim Russert takes on George W on those ugly things that have surfaced over the last 4 years....
Ordinary mortal wither away under the laser saber of Truth that Russert wields with such merciless mastery. This is the man who made John Kerry lay on
his back and pee submissively, who got Wesley Clark to confess that he didn't switch from Republican to Democrat, but rather from Communism to
Islamic Terrorism, and then break down in girlish tears. Under the brutal bombardment of Russert's sharp mental weapons, John Edwards just started to
scream in a high-pitched voice and ended up hyperventilating and then nervously vomiting.
But Mighty Tim cannot find any fault with this flawless stallion of a man, and can only stammer and weakly mew in the Great Man's presence. He
shivers as he takes the measure of the man -- which is vast -- bigger even than Texas -- maybe as big as Heaven itself.
What to take home with you: George W is the greatest man who ever lived, ever -- the same as Jesus except not God's Only Begotten Son, but Barbara
Bush's son.
I've seen Cheney on Meet the Whores -- and I just have to laugh at the absurdity of it. Russert just goes all gooey, just about panting and drooling
over his power, nodding like a bob-head toy.
But put a Democrat on his show, and he turns into a rabid terrier, barking and barking and barking and snarling and nipping at the intruder in the