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How often do you experience Deja vu?

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posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 02:48 PM
I have flashes, its strange, its usually just before I go to sleep I occaisionly have a sort of short flash of snippet of conversation or something then a couple of weeks later ill be talking to someone and the snippet will occur. So far its never been anything important, just general chitchat. It is still pretty intresting.

[edit on 18-12-2007 by joecool280]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 02:52 PM
I follow my 'deja vu' so I can find the hole out of the field of illusions.

Follow it until you find your all knowing self.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by menguard

What do you do though when you find yourself in a moment of deja vu and you only realize it the moment after??

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 03:13 PM
You wait for your next one to validate the spirit within, these triggers are there for a reason.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 03:38 PM
I was in the works canteen the other day and there was an advert on television involving a horse and straight away, a dream I had not long back popped into my head. I started wondering why that dream suddenly popped into my head like that and then realised that that dream at one point involved me and my mates riding horses through these mountains. Then I thought.. I wonder if this advert caused me to have that dream in the first place.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by GUICE2
reply to post by menguard

What do you do though when you find yourself in a moment of deja vu and you only realize it the moment after??

Well sometimes I get that, more often then not when I get deja vu I relise Ive had the deja vu after. But sometimes going into a place I will work out that soon Im going to have the deja vu, its really weird knowing that something is going to happen and even weirder when you get the flash of something juts before it happens.
Usualy I end up thinking about those events a lot and end up writing them down for later reference, and to answer the thread question I get deja vu every few weeks.


posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 07:13 PM
I've had it happen a few times definitley and I'm more aware of things. Sometimes I'll be doing something and I'll think to myself how I've done this before. It's very strange. A few times I've gone half of a day with the dejavu feeling.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 07:15 PM
Sometimes when I have the dejavu feeling it seems like an obe dream. Does that happen to anyone else?

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

Its like you are viewing it one from behind the curtain and one in the physical life.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 07:42 PM
Deja Vu is odd, i get it probably once a week most of the time. but its never been anything to important.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 01:18 AM
The same thing happens to me as well. In my dreams I see random glimpses of my future through my third eye, when the deja vu happens I know what is going to happen next and like you I can get a sense that it will occur just before it happens. The more I stress my brain the more it happens, sometimes it's like I am constantly living in the past.

I have managed to open my third eye once while fully awake, I still haven't caught up to what I saw and maybe I never will. I find that if I dwell too much on a specific glimpse it never happens, especially if I talk about it with other people. If I just ignore it then it always happens, I guess having these future memories can cause us to divert from the normal time line.

I have also noticed I am good at remote viewing and I have been doing some experiments of my own in a different area with very promising results. I have a very good idea now of exactly what is occurring and plan to write a scifi novel over the coming years, just for fun though.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 01:29 AM
I used to have it all the time. It peaked when I was about 18, living in Japan. I remember the last vivid case of Deja Vu was so strong that I knew who was going to enter a room and what they would say before it even happened. It lasted for about 15 seconds.

Then all of the sudden it pretty much dried up. I still have very mild cases once in a great while, but nothing like I used to have. My own personal theory that I bounce around is that I was on my destined path, following it as I should and I would experience Deja Vu because perhaps I had done it all before? Then I made a change of plans, (left Japan early) which sent me on a new path that I had never experienced before. So, I am now experiencing everything for the first time.... therefore no Deja Vu.

I am probably insane.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 03:20 AM
[edit on 19-12-2007 by pak88]

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 03:20 AM
[edit on 19-12-2007 by pak88]

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 05:47 AM
Although I've also experienced many incidents of deja-vu over the years and has often been a momentary spiritual experiance, a practical explanation of the phenomenon could be explained as the incoming sensory-information bypassing the brain's short-term memory and being filed in the long-term memory first, before passing back to the short-term and registering as a 'seen before' event

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 06:08 AM
Okay, maybe you guys can help me here as I don't know who else to ask! I get this weird feeling with nausea and very light-headedness as if I'm about to faint and everything that happens from the time I start getting this feeling until it goes away (it normaly lasts about 10 minutes) seems to have happened before. Literally every word that is said and everything that I do is an exact repetition of a previous time but I can't actually recall the previous occasion. I don't know if that makes sense but that's the best I can explain it.
Any ideas?

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 12:05 PM
I experience it once every two or three weeks. Sometimes it's very intense, like a series of them strung together. At it's most intense, I'll also get the sense that the feeling of deja vu itself is a deja vu; i.e., "last time" I experienced this, I remembered having experienced it before too.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 01:28 PM
If this makes sense to anyone....i think this is proof positive that we are all becomming 5th demensional beings and our world is slowly ridding us of the confines of time.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 01:48 PM
in recent years i've tried to recall what happens next in my deja vu. sometimes it's freaky how accurate i can predict what will happen in the few seconds after its onset. other times i think i know what will happen and it doesn't.

it's freaky when i interrupt someone mid sentence and point out something that is just about to happen or what they are going to say next - and it's right. there are those times when i'll interrupt and wait for something to happen but nothing does.

i've started to realize that deja vu is just an extreme of some sort of instinct or precognition phenomena. a few months ago my toddler was playing in the living room and we had bought a new cabinet to go next to our couch. it was tall and didn't have a large footprint and i kept getting an anxious feeling that it was going to tip over on the baby. it seemed solid enough and it was very plain and box-like - nothing he could get a good hold of to pull it over. a few minutes later there was a crash from him tipping it over. he wasn't hurt, just made a mess from the glass of water that was sitting on it. =) that's easy to chock up to just being conscious of a potential hazard, but the fact that i got anxious so soon before it actually happened makes me wonder if there's more to it.

i think this is the same phenomena that snaps me awake the instant before my alarm goes off. almost always within 10 seconds, but usually within 3-5 seconds. this isn't something that happens every day, but it's nice to start the day off like that when it does happen.

my wife always says deja vu's are the universe's way of telling you you're on the right track - sort of like checkpoints in life. it's at least a neat thought. i think this is along the lines of what mengard was saying.

draconian: that's it exactly. it's almost as if by paying too much attention to the events that they are somehow changed or don't happen. i seem to have more success if i let it take its course.

i've heard the short-term memory bypass theory. i think it may play a part, but i don't think that completely explains it.

[edit on 19-12-2007 by an0maly33]

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 05:47 PM
Apologies in advance......... but....
What is really happening is a seizure.
Temporal lobe epilepsy is responsible for triggering Deja-Vu in all instances.
I vividly recall as a child many,many instances of Deja-Vu.
As puberty approached these experiences became more fragmented. Within two years at the age of 13, D.V. became a ghost in the fog of my past.
The very last time I had D.V. was earlier this year - a very disorientating experience especially traveling at 70 M.P.H. on a motorcycle.
Now that did freak me out!
D.V. is not a mystical experience it is a medical one,

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