posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 08:12 AM
Being a Wiccan, The Circle and the Circle of light are two different things, yet they serve the same purpose.
The Circle: This is a ritual circle, usually drawn on the ground (indoors or outdoors) within which you are protected from malicious energy, yet open
to the energies of the God and Goddess. The circle is actually where a SPHERE touches the ground. The sphere then raises above your head and below the
ground to complete a perfect sphere.
The Circle of Light: This is a psychic shield for protection (notice protection is used in both). There are many names for this (White Light, Light
Shield, Light Dome, Light Sphere and more). This Circle of light is created during meditation to keep malicious energies away. It is also often used
by empaths (such as myself) to help ward of emotions from other people while we are in a large group of people.
Now, these are of course the Wiccan meanings for the terms. There may be, in other religions, or other paths, different definitions for the same
terms. I am just offering one possible suggestion.
Blessed Be