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Minneapolis Police Raid Goes Awry

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posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:49 AM

Minneapolis Police Raid Goes Awry

Two officers who raided an innocent family's house on a bad tip were shot at and returned fire, but no one was injured, a police spokesman said.

Vang Khang said Monday that he grabbed his hunting gun to protect himself, his wife and his six children when they heard someone burst through the back door early Sunday. He fired three shots, hitting two members of the SWAT team, but they were unhurt because of their bulletproof vests and helmets.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:49 AM
They're actually considering charging the homeowner with something.

Police say they are investigating whether to charge Vang Khang for shooting the officers. Source

It used to be that the people in masks kicking in your front door were just simple thugs or thieves. Now we get to pay with our tax dollars for the privilege of being victimized by our own government and god help you if you defend yourself. You may be charged with a crime.

Then, this really isn't anything new now is it?

*Edited to add information about pressing charges against Vang Khang.*
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 18-12-2007 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:54 AM
this isnt unheard of. it wasent to long ago that a police officer in ohio or some where was shot on the side of the road. he was in plain clothes and waving a gun so a consealed weapons carrier shot a wounded him. no charges were filed.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:56 AM
Most are still thugs and thieves, just better organized. Because the leadership of our nation is so crooked, Ronald Reagan's trickle down theory assures us that the government in any and all ways will be infested with those of low moral character.

And yes, the police feel that it is right to charge him with a crime, even though it is the most basic instinct of humanity to protect hearth and home, and especially our loved ones, in a moment of crisis. They don't care that the next time might be a home invasion where the entire family was murdered, they want to instill fear of resistance.

I'm poor, but I would gladly donate what I could to a defense fund for this person.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 10:57 AM
I would also be willing to donate some money to this man and his family. That is just sickening, you storm into someones house, and in turn they go about protecting their family. Then you go about even thinking about filing charges when you were in the wrong. What has this country come to? I think as well as any talk about a defense fund, emails and calls should flood this police department.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:22 AM
i just tried to send an email and couldntget through to them but here is there email address

[email protected]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:34 AM
To the OP can you site your source for claiming they are considering charges?

I didn't see anything in the article that says that. Actually Seven police officers were put on paid administrative leave as the department investigates, standard procedure when officers are involved in shootings.

They should go back to target practice as well it appears the man with the shotty hit 2 (yeah sure its a shoygun) and the police hit none.

The tipster should be the ultimate responsible party and if it was an anonymous tip it should never have happened.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by ATruGod

Police say they are investigating whether to charge Vang Khang for shooting the officers. Source

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:43 AM
This is pretty ridiculous and I seriously hope that no charges are filed. Perhaps everyone has forgotten but in America we have the RIGHT to protect our home, family and property with force. It's called the second amendment. I seem to remember a time not too long ago when the police would actually announce themselves before they took action, partly for just this reason.

I also have a bit of a problem with the SWAT team. It personally scares me to have such shock troops who are highly trained and equipped out their ears with the sole purpose of attacking US citizens. I watched an episode of a show called Dallas SWAT where they were raiding alleged drug houses. These houses were pretty much one step up from a double wide trailer yet we had veritable urban commandos smashing in the windows and doors and arresting everyone they came across.

When the government finally decides to take over it will be SWAT that they send after you and there will be little to nothing you can do to stop them.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:54 AM
Too bad the cop's lived through it. If a lot more cop's lost their lives while raiding innocent homes they would stop this nonsense. There are cases happening more and more of people defending their homes from wrongful raids by the pig's. ONLY deaths will get attention; I say too bad if cop's get tagged carrying out their schemes: Innocent people should not have to defend themselves against wrong address raids and raids based on wrong info: The cops love to use force and act out all tough: But when the lead is flying their way they change their tunes!!

I read recently about a guy getting charges dismissed for beating two cops up: they illegally arrested his wife in their garage, no warrant, and he fought them off: He injured at least one of them: When it came to a real fight with a real man, two cops had to turn tail and run for help!! And of course the filthy pig's charged the guy: The judge threw it out as the man had every right to RESIST ILLEGAL ARRESTS. We do NOT have to stand around and let the cop's abuse us illegally: Resist and fight back if they are wrong!! Sue em to death if they survive the fight.

Only when the people are outraged by the conduct of the filth will changes come: Cop's are the enemy, and we better be ready to defend oursleves from illegal actions. In this case, too bad the cops had armor on: Maybe if it had turned out that a few got shot, they would be more careful next time....cop's are thugs and liars and crooks..

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
Too bad the cop's lived through it. If a lot more cop's lost their lives while raiding innocent homes they would stop this nonsense.

Governments, local and federal, aren't exactly famous for "learning" anything. If more cops were killed for this sort of reckless behavior I bet the end result would be more pushing toward civilian disarmament. After all, how dare we defend ourselves?

The judge threw it out as the man had every right to RESIST ILLEGAL ARRESTS. We do NOT have to stand around and let the cop's abuse us illegally: Resist and fight back if they are wrong!! Sue em to death if they survive the fight.

Now there's a tough fight for you. Who are we simple citizens to determine what is "illegal arrest?" They have all the prisons and guns you know.

Cop's are the enemy, and we better be ready to defend oursleves from illegal actions....cop's are thugs and liars and crooks..

Hell yes they are. There has been a flip from having one or two crooked cops in an otherwise "good" institution to having maybe one or two "good" cops in a corrupt and tyrannical arm of a corrupt and tyrannical government.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 12:32 PM
shame on the MPD. i hope that there is an outpouring of support for this man, if he is jailed for protecting his family from an assault i will loose a lot of respect for a city that i love.

again: [email protected]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Animal
shame on the MPD. i hope that there is an outpouring of support for this man, if he is jailed for protecting his family from an assault i will loose a lot of respect for a city that i love.

Forget loosing respect on them. I say cry Havoc and loose the dawgs of War!

You know, that this foul deed smells, uh, above the earth and all that.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 07:45 AM
ya know in a sick way I hope they push for disarmament because we keep getting the drop on the PIGGIES.

I highly question those that can morally justify putting on a badge these days to themselves. In my experience your average cop is someone who was too much of a wuss to act out their control fantasies without knowing they have unquestioning backup from others.

Sorry to sound so hateful and all but I honestly just can't really accept that those that work in law enforcement are anything other than mercenaries (albeit underpaid and badly trained ones) or morally bankrupt individuals using their badge to live out their control fantasies.

The rightful controllers of the state have had their power usurped and the police forces are the front line troops in enforcing the will of the corrupted usurpers.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 07:52 AM
I didn't think any states still used the "No nock" law

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 08:07 AM
Good thing it wasn't my house - those pigs would've been carried out on stretchers. The first thing you learn when traing CQB is to follow-up your first shot, which is typically center of mass, with a kill shot, typically to the head or face. I am proud to say that I am deadly accurate.

The sad part about this is how typical it's become. The police are the modern day brownshirted, jackbooted thugs - reminiscent of Hitlers' Stasi. I have neither trust nor respect for any of our police officers er... I mean urban assault squads!

I wonder if this guy can sue? If he can I hope he sues the living snot right out of the city and bankrupts the police force!

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 08:33 AM
Ooops didnt see your article....This is some scary stuff. I would of been like the homeowner going Arnold on these people.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

They're actually considering charging the homeowner with something.

Then, this really isn't anything new now is it?

Dear thisguyrighthere,

Thank you for the post.

You're right, it's just the latest in a long list of botched raids of this sort over the years in every city. Too often resulting in injury or death of both innocent citizens and law enforcement.

The ultimate irony is everyone knows this type of police activity is nearly meaningless in addressing the real problem. The law, or what we commonly think and too often mindless call, the law. But that's a subject for another time.

So, with rampant recidivism, a booming underground economy amid a sinking legal economy, this morass is getting deeper everyday.

I predict we are on the cusp of a major crime wave in the United States. The leading edge of that wave is now washing over Northern Mexico in a raging bloodbath between govt. troops fighting heavily armed gangs who are also fighting each other for a piece of that huge underground economy. Hundreds of people have been killed over the last few months, including a couple high-profile be-headings you probably saw in the news not long ago. With out respect for the law, there is no law. Anarchy and brutality prevail.

As this particular case so well demonstrates.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux

When the government finally decides to take over it will be SWAT that they send after you and there will be little to nothing you can do to stop them.

It seems like this guy did pretty well for himself. He's still breathing and his family is safe.

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