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Is it just me????

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posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 01:08 PM
Truth: It may be that the bible contradicts me, that wouldn't supprise me, but that you still don't understand that this has nothing to do with humbleness at all. If you had understood the opening post, I was refering to false knowledge and false prophecies often presented as having cosmic or mysterious origin. I don't respect this "new knowledge" one tiny bit. It is the sign of the fall of the Serpent, and as it looks and like you have prooved several times for me and everybody in this thread, you are not able to figure this out yourself, so instead of saying I show signs of humbleness when I crush a serpents head, you should listen to what I say. The stuff that is coming out of the world and the soil stinks like sulphur, but you eat it like candy it seems. What is falling down on you these days is what you and your church has believed all the time, for the church will fall together with Satan. For it was the church who let him in there in the first place.


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 01:08 PM
what is this archtype of creation you speak about? Are you talking about some plan of a god?

Well I believe I exist for the most part...but there's nothing to believe when I die.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by Requiem
Anyhow all knowledge is just a bunch of contemplations and observations...and everyone does those things, so whether it is false or not is just another contemplation or your mind...

you're confusing knowledge with thought. knowledge is when the thoughtform of your mind matches the associated archetype of creation. you do believe you exist, don't you? dare i say 'know' you exist?

Billy you are getting it right there. Knowledge is a clean Soul (the Word) in a clean Body (the Mystical Body of Messiah Jesjuah). Not the blasphemous spirit of the Antichrist (Cloning, TV, Internet, Radio, choose your poison) and the filthy # of Babylon (the Catholic Church).


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Requiem
what is this archtype of creation you speak about? Are you talking about some plan of a god?

an archetype is the definitive blueprint of anything. a cube, for example. the truth of the cube is the cube. get it?

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Billy you are getting it right there. Knowledge is a clean Soul (the Word) in a clean Body (the Mystical Body of Messiah Jesjuah). Not the blasphemous spirit of the Antichrist (Cloning, TV, Internet, Radio, choose your poison) and the filthy # of Babylon (the Catholic Church).

So I take it that since all these things a evil you do not partake in them? What are you doing on the net?

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:32 PM
Any sort of sysmatical or serendipitous truth that eases this childs pain, is true Knowledge..


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Any sort of sysmatical or serendipitous truth that eases this childs pain, is true Knowledge..

I wouldn't call it knowledge at all. But rather love, compassion, awareness, conciousness, will, generousity, rightiousness, honor, and not so much lowering taxes, increasing the army spendings and watching at the wall of garbage from all that you have spent on useless things until it makes you choke.


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:56 PM

and not so much lowering taxes, increasing the army spendings and watching at the wall of garbage from all that you have spent on useless things until it makes you choke.

Well, how long till society chokes?


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:12 PM
Hamilton, I am not going to yell or argue with you, brother ive done enough arguing in my day and this inticement will not get me to hate or yell. Your a brother to me and thats that nomatter how you categorize me with those who abused our own teachings.

Do you even know what our churchteaches? do you even have a clue what or church is for?

How come I will to be perfected through the sacraments without lying or hating ect, and I get judged by you who doesn't even know an once of whats in my heart? This is why arguing is useless to me on this and I will not do so.

Just because men are dressed in white clothes do notmean they cannot be evil. If yu had acue why these scandles happen and why our pope allows it you would realie that thy are not ofthe church. The church is the teachings, notthe acions of men who claim to be in the church.

I consider the Vatican 2 church not the true church, they have changed our own teachings wit new age doctines, they have changed our chrches and tuaght lax values. This is why these priest rape kids and rome does notin about it because satan has infltrated rome throug the freemasons..

hamilton were you baptised?

"" Im sure it contradicts me ""

No it doesn't, you just express the exact opposite behaviour the bible preaches. You told me in private you drink, and did I judge you? did I say..

"" man yu drink therefore I cannot talk to you, you have sinned against our values "" ?

My reply was not meant to be what you think it was, I just thought it was a good thing to do. It surely opened the anticatholic floodgates and I apologize for even saying anything.


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Truth
Hamilton, I am not going to yell or argue with you, brother ive done enough arguing in my day and this inticement will not get me to hate or yell. Your a brother to me and thats that nomatter how you categorize me with those who abused our own teachings.

Do you even know what our churchteaches? do you even have a clue what or church is for?

How come I will to be perfected through the sacraments without lying or hating ect, and I get judged by you who doesn't even know an once of whats in my heart? This is why arguing is useless to me on this and I will not do so.

Just because men are dressed in white clothes do notmean they cannot be evil. If yu had acue why these scandles happen and why our pope allows it you would realie that thy are not ofthe church. The church is the teachings, notthe acions of men who claim to be in the church.

I consider the Vatican 2 church not the true church, they have changed our own teachings wit new age doctines, they have changed our chrches and tuaght lax values. This is why these priest rape kids and rome does notin about it because satan has infltrated rome throug the freemasons..

hamilton were you baptised?

"" Im sure it contradicts me ""

No it doesn't, you just express the exact opposite behaviour the bible preaches. You told me in private you drink, and did I judge you? did I say..

"" man yu drink therefore I cannot talk to you, you have sinned against our values "" ?

My reply was not meant to be what you think it was, I just thought it was a good thing to do. It surely opened the anticatholic floodgates and I apologize for even saying anything.

As long as the Church continues to portray Jesjuah as if he was the protector of the Roman Empire, I will keep kicking their arses. As long as they fill their churches with all kinds of filth as if ther were running some kind of art galery for faggots, I will continue reminding them of whom they remind me of, as long as they keep dressing up in gold and glitter while 30,000 children dies of hunger every bloody day, I will keep throwing #e at them, as long as they keep editing out the law against pedophilia I will wish they never existed, as long as they keep "translating" Congregation and Jewish Council into Church in order to stay wealthy and in power, I will keep harrassing them. The very word Church is the very same as Curia, but that doesn't mean a thing to you I guess?


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep

and not so much lowering taxes, increasing the army spendings and watching at the wall of garbage from all that you have spent on useless things until it makes you choke.

Well, how long till society chokes?


It has allready choked, it is just waiting for the shockwave. That's why the winds are like in a vacuum these days...........


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 11:49 PM
True prophets do use profane language and judgemental statements hamilton, so who knows.

Its useless arguing, what about the people who give their entire breath and life to creat homeless shelters like mother teresa? what about catholics who folow the true teachings who give freely to the poor?

I garuntee you hamilton tha *whoever* steels from the poorin our church and wears a robe is not a member of the church but of their own reed, because our churchdoes not teach this, no council has tuaght this, and not one good pope has taught this. But this is useless because I have already been sentenced by a man named
hamilton so why do i continue to even post about this anymore? My fate is sealed and you have searched my heart hamilton.

truley amazing the lack of grace in this world. I know you are madfor some reason and hold a grudge, but don't equate me with greedy men when you do not knowme.

God Bless.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Truth
Its useless arguing, what about the people who give their entire breath and life to creat homeless shelters like mother teresa? what about catholics who folow the true teachings who give freely to the poor?

What about if the Pope one morning had went off and sold everything he owned and given the money to the poor (all of it), humbled himself and asked the whole world and God for forgiveness for having lead them astray and for have made a system which force every "good Catholic" to categorically breaking all 613 commandments of the Torah? Now how about that? The vealth of the Vatican alone could feed every hungry soul in this world, and kept him warm and happy. Maybe there could even be some kind dessert on the table aswell. At least once a week for a hundred years...... If they sold one of the Michelangelos they have hanging there, they could educate, feed and cloathe a whole city. The Pope would become Popeye in my eyes if he dared to follow the commandments of my God....


posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 12:14 AM
well i do have one comment on the church. i was raised catholic, but dont follow it to much anymore. i have faith and thats good enough for me but i lost faith in the church.
i was at church a while back and some old homeless lady came into the church and was just listening maybe praying who knows, whatever the case they made her leave because she looked quite filthy. that for me was enoguh and i havent been back since. where was the love and care on this day?

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 12:20 AM
alot of popes in the past have grown up poor. But your missing the point, and that point is food alone doesnot cure their souls. what if he were to do this which wouldn't be a bad idea? then what? who spreads the faith to them? who organizes and leads the church? who confirms the bishops or prays ten times a day when noone is in office? who helps
pay for the creation of more churches to be built, or funds catholic organizations to feed the poor?

I don't think thhere has been a good pope since the 40s but thatas because i don't believe in vatican 11. But if a pope were to do this and giive up thir money it would be a good thing, an maybee there will come a pope who does this while still leading ourchurch.

But you cannot equate what they do with what our church does, you hae to read whatthe church teaches becaue it does nt teach this, infact according to our church, keeping from the poor is a mortal sin according to the 1950 catechism.

Church means those who follow the teachngs and acknoledge a good pope when there is one.

"" My God ""

your God also does not judge people or curses out of spite.

I really don't have any bad fealings for you at all, your a soul to me that Ii truley want to be friends with or have not hate me, but when someone judges me on anothers actions, it simply upsets me so much.


posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 12:28 AM
"" where was the love on this day ""

maybee these priest ave no love in them, but I do, and alot off priest do. Again, anyone who refuses a poor person is not of the church, but are not living by what God teaches or our own church and are in the organization for other reasons.

there is not one church document that agrees with stealing from the poor. And to equate other men who clai to be in the church who head the organization who truley do ot follow our wn teachings with peple like me who really follow the true teachings is pure judgemental.


posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Truth
alot of popes in the past have grown up poor. But your missing the point, and that point is food alone doesnot cure their souls.

But when a dude who has grown up in poverty gets a scarlet robe and a funny, golden hat and get to sit uppon a mountain of gold, their souls are somehow cured? Get real. Every day 30000 children dies of malneutrition and hunger. The pope alone could have stopped this, but it's more important to save the gold until Jesus comes back, for the pope knows he is a hard man, therefore he keeps the money in his palace. I want to see that old pope kamel walk through the eye of that needle unless something happens soon. For 2000 years he hasn't done anything else than increasing his wealth and waving from his throne with the correct pathos. Makes me wanna puke.


posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 12:44 AM
man you are judging every pope to ever live without knowing about most of their lives, you have heard of the bad but not the good ones, there have been numerous popes to have started or help start organizations for the poor. Their have been popes who have given their life to god and prayer and leading the church. the vatican is just a place that they have slept and ate, do you see any bigscreens in the vatican or a pope with limos?

Would you hamilton give up your computer and internet to do the same?

would you do what mother teresa did?

where did she learn these teachings?

You see your judging our teachings baiised on mens lack of actions, when we do the same thing, yet many popes have taken this life on for God only. the vatican is like the temple which deserves Gods honor and glory, we sit here and worry aabout the pope doing something but do we? are you going to go out tommorrow and organize a poor foundation and sell your house to do it, seriously?


posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 12:49 AM
Pope John Paul 11, is evil incarnate.

The man who is leader of Roman Catholics world wide, dare not show his face in public unless behind the protection of a bullet proof throne.


posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 12:51 AM
In fact, bold would be I, If dare to say a comparison take place between the, Pope and the Dali Lama.


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