posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 07:59 PM
We're very pleased to welcome Gustavo Hiquera to his very-own ATS forum for fans if his soon-to-be released new comic from Image,
New World
Order (NWO Comic), issue #1 available Jan. 23, 2008.
Inspired by the research of occult master Jordan Maxwell, New World Order is the story of a young group of truthseekers called the Third Army and
their enigmatic leader Max as they confront the modern realities of a world that has been plunged into chaos by entities working to bring about a New
World Order. With unique symbolic interpretations, detailed footnotes and encounters with modern-revolutionary thinkers, New World Order explores such
themes as secret societies, religious controversies, occult philosophies, UFO’s and government conspiracies with the purpose of preparing the world
for a new age of enlightenment by the means of an intellectual re-evolution.
Not only is New World Order a compelling story that explores many of the problems that the world faces today but it is also the untold story of the
“Lonely Ones”, the real-life truthseekers who are attempting to awaken the masses to a world that is torn between it’s own unlimited potential
for greatness and it’s own self-destruction.
About the Author
Gustavo Higuera is a graphic-designer-coder-mad-scientist that has been working in the creative industry for over ten years now. Along with a passion
for creativity and imagination, Gustavo has also always had a fascination with the mysterious and unknown. In 2001, he helped found the Truthseekers
Network, an educational organization dedicated to the purpose of providing provocative and cutting-edge metaphysical, spiritual, and philosophical
material in the form of books and videos. Although the company was dissolved in 2003, his passion for truth and knowledge carried on into the medium
of comics with the creation of the New World Order mini-series to be published by Image/Shadowline in January 2008.
This forum will provide a unique and compelling destination for ATS members to engage Gustavo in conversation about his excellent comic series, pick
his brain, and perhaps even give him some inspiration for his upcoming editions. Fans of the comic will have a chance to meet Gustavo here on ATS,
give him first-hand accolades, and learn even more about many of the issues raised in the comic story lines. Look for an interview on ATS MIX coming
soon, and much much more from Gustavo.