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Maybe 666 is a dimentional eternityloop which goes in a degenerative direction?

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posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:37 PM
Well? Does 666 or 600, 60 and 6 stand for, are they the coordinates of a place where God does not exist? Trapped inside a volcano in a timechain and uncertainty regarding whether or not you'r in a loop forever....


[Edited on 7-2-2004 by Hamilton]

[Edited on 7-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:43 PM
Sort of like a dimension Void of anything but nothing?

This loop though, are you refering to Reincarnation cycles? which can equate to many Hell definitions in some doctrines.


posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Sort of like a dimension Void of anything but nothing?

This loop though, are you refering to Reincarnation cycles? which can equate to many Hell definitions in some doctrines.


Yes. Like an incredibly unexisting void stripped of time, reality, love, hope, faith, everything, eternity in a coffin. Complete emptiness and noone else around, not forget the fire and brimstone.


[Edited on 7-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:51 PM
I believe the Mormons believe this to Hell, do they not? Though, if you were to be sent to this Hell, a flux of negative emotions would overcome you, depression, anger, resent while in this void, hence adding emotions and Things to this Void?

Im a bit confused.


posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I believe the Mormons believe this to Hell, do they not? Though, if you were to be sent to this Hell, a flux of negative emotions would overcome you, depression, anger, resent while in this void, hence adding emotions and Things to this Void?

Im a bit confused.


Nah, I don't know about that, I believe total emptiness is the most horriffic thing anyone could ever live to experience. Cast away, lost between two worlds forever, not even really existing. Maybe because it doesn't even exist. What if God use a base two, three, four or five numerical system, then maybe 666 is a place which doesn't even exist??????


posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:58 PM
The NDE and Hell

As with heaven, there are various hell realms witnessed by near-death experiencers. We can even see many manifestations of hell right here in the physical realm. There are people in prison, in Bahamas, in mental institutions, universities, skid row, palaces, crack houses, all kinds of life situations. While hell realms can be seen outside all around the world as a manifestation of an inner hell within humans, hell realms in the spirit world are an even greater manifestation of inner hell within humans. Near-death accounts show that the hell realms in the spirit world are actually the spiritual/mental manifestations of spiritual conditions that humans create within themselves while on earth.

Between the earth realm and the heavenly realms, there exists two hellish realms known as (1) the earthbound realm and (2) the void. Both of these realms can be considered hell because they are the two darker levels. This web page will focus only on the earthbound realm. The earthbound realm is a hellish dimension that overlaps the physical realm. It is a dimension where souls who are bound by some strong earthly fixation, may remain indefinitely until they are able to extract themselves from this fixation. After death, most souls expand very quickly through the dark hellish realms of the earthbound realm and the void, by means of the tunnel and on to higher realms.

The following are the highlights concerning the earthbound hell that will be described. It is a state of mind. It is having earthly desires that can't be satisfied. It is caused by a lack of spiritual development. It is caused by living a hellish life. It is neither condemnation nor judgment. Its purpose is purification not punishment. The ways to escape from the earthbound realm will be discussed and the reasons why negativity must be removed in order to enter heaven. NDE examples of the earthbound realm, including traditional hell, fire and brimstone NDEs, will be presented. Religious descriptions of the earthbound realm and scriptures suggesting universal salvation will be provided.

This is an interesting site you might enjoy.


posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 06:00 PM
Cast away, lost between two worlds forever, not even really existing.

Exactly what I have always actualy thought hell to be, sorta...
Imagine being space with no air, no sky, earth, animals, no other sentient beings. Just yourself and emptyness to contemplate the reasons that led you to end up in this void.


posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 06:11 PM
The Tannakh teaches that everytyhing physical is in a loop. What if 666 is a wrong turn, like a virus, which is created to eliminate itself and sease to exist or become dust..... Deep stuff indeed. Shouldn't look too deep into that stuff I guess. For me it stands like a false vision of something which is a lie from one end to the other. A the ultimate perversion of the send the message and the story about when the feather became nine hens. Babylonian astrology. 666. Ba'al. Mesopotamia, Ur, giants. A series of lies and a plot to destroy the Love of my God......


posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 06:45 PM
seeing that the 666 # was 'inspired' by God as a clue to 'wisdom'...i doubt very seriously that it is a fatal tomb/time loop, as the created universe is guided by laws--> among them is law of thermodynamics, etc

both you knowledgeable members are familiar with
Jewish Mysticism (Kabbalah), yes...

i remain a fly-on-the-wall....goodday....eom

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by riffraffalunas
seeing that the 666 # was 'inspired' by God as a clue to 'wisdom'...i doubt very seriously that it is a fatal tomb/time loop, as the created universe is guided by laws--> among them is law of thermodynamics, etc

both you knowledgeable members are familiar with
Jewish Mysticism (Kabbalah), yes...

i remain a fly-on-the-wall....goodday....eom

I see Kabala as something immature yet obsolete for some reason. Maybe it's the name, Ka b Bal a, how they have ten sefirot (-gods) and seven planets (also -gods), it's the same old dead system of the fallen ones. It's Egypt and Sodom. God renewed the whole thing when it leaked out back then. Ba'al was obsolete 5000 years ago, why all this fuss about it nowdays? We could have ridded us with the serpent ages ago, but there wasn't no faith. Don't see where people think they are heading sometimes.


[Edited on 7-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 07:12 PM
Kabbalah also suggest that this god force, does not interact directly with this universe, but through his 10 sefirots who are both femmine and masculine in qualities.
Personaly I find Kabbalah very interesting, but decided not to dwell far into it. Thier is a residue of Magic in Kabbalah, which was given to rabbis through the miracle of God, this does not sit well in my stomach.
Eventualy leading people to believe that the Rabbis were the only ones who had direct interaction with these Sefirots.


posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 07:59 PM
Kabbala is the Dragon I tell you. Unsound doctrine, human sense of judgement mixed with the powers of the unseen, ancient whispers. They call it Tree of Life, but it is Tree of Wisdom I guess. Or rather a hybrid of some sort.


posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 08:05 PM
A truer name for sound wisdom would be Kaabalb if they want to fight the words. Ka is spirit, spirit is A. Baal was Satan, he was among the first creation. Creation=B To say the oposite looks rather dragonish too.


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 01:06 AM
You may have a point here. I agree that everything is mathematical at some level and can be understood at some level too.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:56 AM
mikro! you've got it nailed with the anti-life spiral. the same way that the phi spiral acts, the anti-phi spiral must do the opposite. there is always balance. it is easy to forget as we collect our consciousness, that it(everything) already is. there are only lessons. it is hard to remember that 'we' are not seperate from 'it'. one of the lessons here is, don' t let the preconceptions built into a number cloud your greater vision.
everything in god's green multiverse has an opposite. it IS that simple(i think).
the enigma of 666 cannot be ignored by any serious seeker. the dogma can.
i will also say that 'ka' means spirit, but 'ba' means 'the interpretation of reality'(in egyptian). do(an event), a deer, a female dear, re(ray, ra) a drop of golden sun, mi(racle) a name i call myself, .....
so la ti da!
kabala, could be seen as the spirits interpretation of this reality, which 666 is harmonic of.
the tree of life fits perfectly over the flower of life. i'm pretty sure that you can judge it by it's fruit. it is not evil. it is a key to understanding the phi-losophy of creation.

fear is the mind killer(frank herbert, dune).

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 01:59 PM
That's where I think you are a bit off the mark so to speek. For 666 is something incomplete just like phi. You can never complete it, and thereby you can never write it down. Every try at drawing that spiral is a foolish act. 666 is something which merely looks like a principle in nature. They can't even figure out Pi yet they claim to be able to go on? Pathetic it is. And very human.


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:06 PM
The reason why I believe we cannot figure out Pi, is that we are unable to understand how God counts. We are unaware of his numerical doctrine. 666 is Babylonian numerical doctrine. A perversion of the sign of decay in Egypt. 666 is man without God. Like a man who doesn't keep the Sabbath and doesn't see the Truth and thus cannot walk on the Way to Salvation. 666 is the Highway to Hell. And they say it's not so bad? They don't understand #e.


[Edited on 8-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:59 PM
i can't rely on religious dogma at all for truth.
personally, i believe the teachings of jesus, love your enemy, turn the other cheek, the prodigal son, forgive and be forgiven, do unto others, love god, etc. it's not even required for me to actually believe jesus was real. the teachings stand on their own.
i hate the way the church twists everything to maintain their iron grip on the will of the masses. these days, a lot of people who don't believe in god, DO believe in the devil. that just ain't right. spend all your time thinking about evil, and you WILL resonate with evil. think of good, and you WILL BE good.
the idea of the spirals is right, i think. one thing , though, is the endlessness of phi. it creates shapes which nest inward or outward eternally. we observe life unfolding to the magical phi ratio. however, this is from an entirely material world view. who says earth isn't a prison, and these bodies are not but cages which keep us grounded in the world that belongs to satan? perhaps this is hell, and it's also heaven, once you realise that the kingdom is within. (and really realise, not just know it, but feel it, ya know!)

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 03:03 PM

personally, i believe the teachings of jesus, love your enemy, turn the other cheek, the prodigal son, forgive and be forgiven, do unto others, love god, etc. it's not even required for me to actually believe jesus was real.

Wether or not the man lived matters not, the fact that his teachings have been corrupted is the task at hand that needs to be addressed.

perhaps this is hell, and it's also heaven, once you realise that the kingdom is within.

You mean Kingdom within ones " Self "?


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by billybob
i hate the way the church twists everything to maintain their iron grip on the will of the masses.

Or wouldn't it be more correct to say "their iron inforced clay grip on the will...." etc.?


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