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The Walmart Guncam: Shoot them before they get away!

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posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Mr. Horn shot those burglars to death and he got away with it. They were in private property and stealing property. So, I discussed the issue at that thread for a while and spoke about how it happens at Walmart everyday.
I came up with a solution. My newest invention! Security should be able to sit at their office, scan the floor and shoot anyone who's stealing, pressing the red button at will. This is what the guncam would look like. Note the basic artwork, but you get the picture.

So the way I see it, if I could sell 50 of these to each walmart store I'd be rich soon enough. This would prevent theft and kill all the burglars that enter walmart. As they are in private property and endagering the customers.

Any other suggestions?

[edit on 17-12-2007 by jedimiller]

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 11:09 AM
Uh, I'm thinking this is a joke, but if it isn't, the "gun cam" has been around for a long time. Already invented. And that whole thing about killing people is slightly random...

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 11:56 AM
I would rather it shoot a net or something. Guns are lethal, someone desperate enough to be robbing wal mart just needs to be released back into society to fulfill their odd destiny, whatever it may be.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 12:10 PM
If you're not a burgler, then you have nothing to fear. Good idea. You should be president.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 12:12 PM
Guns are good and people who are criminals get them all the time illegally. ( that's bad! ). The good people that are out there have to go through hell just to get one and a license to carry it. I'm all for shooting someone who has been stealing from homes and decides to come to my house. I have many friends and not one single one of them are out there stealing or tresspassing on peoples land. Why? Because they're making it on their own by working a job and being a good citizen. I'm tired of seeing people get a bad rap because a criminal crossed his or her path and the criminal was handed their justice and are no longer a criminal.

The guncam is a good idea only if the criminal has a gun and is threatning to kill someone. Shoplifters don't deserve to be shot unless they do the same thing and threatning a life.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 12:39 PM
I'm not sure what to make of this thread - shoot shoplifters
Seems just a tab bit over-zelous if you ask me
Now, shooting someone who invades a private home sounds like self defense.

Based on the OP's comments, I surmise that he is against protecting one's home from intruders and is using fallacious logic as a way to demonstrate this stance.

The reason that I believe this to be non-suitur is that we know the intent of the shoplifter - to pilfer the product being taken without paying for it. However, when someone breaks into a home one cannot simply assume that the intent is to steal. There are far worse scenarios that come into play in home invasions every single day - rape, kidnapping, murder, assault and battery. For me, I'll err on the side of my family's safety and shoot the intruder - DEAD! - and ask him his intentions later.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 01:47 PM
What about due process?

If capitalism starts pointing guns at me then I'ma return the favor

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Well technically it is not shoplifting until you actually leave the store without paying... so the guncams inside won't do to much. Have them outside the store, and shoot those damn people who keep letting their shopping carts run into my car while your at it.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 05:13 PM
I like this thread.How about security dressed as civillians simply walks up and touches them with a high amp stunglove effectivly killing them efficiently and with little mess.On a more serious note, If your getting at what I think you are then my opinion is if someone invades your home they can kill rape or possible torture you.Even if they just take something it would only escalate the more they succeed in and I might seem terrible for this thought but if its a choice between killing them or letting them get away I would put three shots in their head without hesitation.Unless it was someone rather young who is more likely to get caught later in an investigation because he has less experiance.The burglar should know what he's getting himself into when he does what he does and expect someone will try to kill them, that said I believe the burglar is at fault no matter what.People shouldn't be breaking into others houses.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 12:07 PM
Is this the type of material this forum is intended for?

We have had entirely legitimate threads discussing the (legal) conversion of semi auto AKs to full auto locked by moderators, and yet here we have someone who is joking about killing Walmart customers who shoplift, and that's ok.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:28 PM
It's okay for someone on private property to shoot and kill another person on their property who is attempting to steal from them. I believe the headline called that person a "hero". It is perfectly acceptable in our legal system for someone to use lethal force to defend private property.

Walmart is considered private property... someone is attempting to steal from them... see where this is going?

I'm fairly sure the O.P. doesn't mean it's okay to kill all shoplifters. I believe he is just using a parody to point out an incongruity in our laws relating to the use of force to protect private property.

I could be wrong...

[edit on 18-12-2007 by b309302]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 02:22 PM
The OP is a drama queen. An emotional train wreck on the thread on Mr Horns actions over on the Alternative news blog. Hence the dramatic exaggeration here on this one. It shows great insecurity based on Drama.
Very siimilar to the Victim Dictum.
This kind of Drama queen Victim Dictum will make the thieves the Victims even in Wal Mart. Get a clue folks. This kind of emotional drama is how the world gets turned upside down.

Notice ...nowhere in the OP's position do they explain any way or manner to put the burden on the thieves to straighten up thier behavior. Nor reduce the costs to owners of private property. Some folks would call this line of thinking prevention. Not discussed by the OP..only drama. This kind of drama technique only raises costs to everyone with private property. IN Wall Mart this kind of thievery only raises costs to the public....or customer....just as thievery in private property.
Notice the morality missing here by the OP...only drama posted.

Is not this drama technique by the OP precisely how so many of our politicians work to put us on a puppet string for votes?? Have we come so far that we think this kind of drama is normal and not manipulative? I dont think it is normal at all. The OP's kind of post is a dramatic placebo in lieu of real solutions

I have a set of lock picks in my pocket. Taught myself to use and also to make them. I know where to buy them too. Also in this lockpick set is a hand made set of shims for opening locks.

I dont go around stealing from other people and I am not a locksmith.

I also carry concealed when I go into Wal Mart and other stores. Restaurants too. Around here more and more wildlife is hanging around Wal Mart looking for opportunity.

Guess what??

I am not a drama queen nor a train wreck.

What happened in Pasadena, Texas is their buisness. They are handling it the way they see fit.


[edit on 18-12-2007 by orangetom1999]

[edit on 18-12-2007 by orangetom1999]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Plus if WalMart did that they would tarnish their "family friendly" image. And if some nutcase took control of the guncams all hell would break loose, so its still a bad idea even if you were actually being literal.Oh and Retseh, the way I see it is if moderators who obviously make a lot of decisions around here and seem to know full well what they're doing are locking topics I'm pretty sure the forum wasn't intended for said topics either.Regardless of how "legitimate" they might be.I don't know why they would lock those topics though because its sort of common knowledge for those who own AKs anyway, plus who is it hurting?I doubt many people who would misuse that knowledge hang out here and even so they could find out how through a simple search of the web.I won't continue to question it though because I stand by my previous statements.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 12:28 AM
Walmart is not private property...This case with the man shooting those two guys was a classic case of someone fearing for thier life and defending it...Now if armed gunmen came into walmart and someone with the proper credentials had a gun and killed them they would be justified...And its not ok to shoot someone on your property for simply stealing...You guys need to sharpen your knowledge on the law(at least in the USA)...

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 01:10 AM
Sure, walmart is not a private property, but it is also a business property.

I love the GunCam idea, nice one

The more guncams are on, the less thieves and burglars, and terrorists.

[edit on 19-12-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by b309302
Well technically it is not shoplifting until you actually leave the store without paying... so the guncams inside won't do to much. Have them outside the store, and shoot those damn people who keep letting their shopping carts run into my car while your at it.

No problem, I can sell them to walmart for both inside and outside. the outside cams will have to be on the roofs and will probably need to be water more money for me.

Hey, I know you guys think this is riduculous and in a way it is..but wouldn't you love to have these cams at your home? and being able to check your cameras from the internet and shot anyone who enters your house? Now that would be ok right? and how many would actually buy one for their home?

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

now you're talking! I would love on efor my home that I could control from my computer over the internet. and if you kill them in your home it is legal right?

sign me up for two of those!

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

it's cool until you accidentally shoot your daughter sneaking inside late at night... Imagine your own invention taking the life of someone else. Think about it.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by Dumb Human Response
now you're talking! I would love on efor my home that I could control from my computer over the internet. and if you kill them in your home it is legal right?

sign me up for two of those!

Totally legal. Just make sure you load the guncam before you head out to work. and you will need a to enter a safety password before you use the "shoot" button.

two eh? ok the order is on the way!

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 11:50 AM
lol lol lol Jedi Miller,

Deep..very deep...all you have to do is cut off the computer gun cam. Deep...very deep.

Dogs dont run on electricity..dont take vacations ..dont cause union problems...etc etc.

Nothing like being flashdanced through life. Dreams are wonderful..are they not??


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