Ok, My Son (11), his friend and I were at the beach having a great time.
Well, my Son looks up at the sky and sees a ring around the Sun.
It can be explained as a Halo. I have seen one before but not as big and not as clear. It was in the sky for prolly 2 hours.
I took photos
Well, I told my Son what it was. He says "I want to go home now!"
So, we do. He is very upset and starts to repeat: "It is the end of the world, it is happening"!
He says as soon as he gets home, he is going to go straight to sleep so when the 'crush' happens, he will die in his sleep and won't know about
I am like OMG. So, I sit with him in his room and I am trying to find out why he thinks like this. He tells me about crush. I had never heard of it
before, he says he had a dream where he saw a dark ring around the Sun and it got bigger and bigger until Earth and the other planets gets sucked up
into the Sun. I say, did you watch something or learn about this at school? He says yes.
I tell him, oh NO, Sun Halos happen a lot and there is nothing to worry about. I say, surely if it meant something that serious, it would be on the
He says "NASA have no intention of telling us that is what it means"
Again I am like OMG
I try to calm him down, talk to him about what his dream might mean.
No use, he withdrew for nearly 3 hours.
So, I started to laugh it off...making a joke out of it which seemed to distract him. He eventually came out of his room and resumed play with his
His friend was sharing to him about fears he had with stars which was really good.
My point is, should I make an appointment at a psychologist?
He doesn't hear end of world possibilities from me. Maybe it is TV? Stupid movies? Games etc?
I am worried to see my Son react like that.
I just wonder how many kids unconsciously feel the end of the world could happen? I don't feel this is a healthy thing for psyche of any child.
All the fear and wars on the news certainly doesn't help. When he is with me, no TV cos I just don't watch TV. But, he has times when he can watch
TV, Fox etc.
Maybe a science class has created a fear?
I am not sure, but I am concerned.