posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 05:39 PM
Bodrul, point taken, and apologies...I guess I can be as narrow minded as any...
Democracy, by my definition, is the ideal that personal freedoms and personal responsibilities are encoceded into the very foundations of the
govenment...that said government provides the ovedrarching necessaties for the people it governs, education, defense etc...also that said
government is elected via a democratic process (representational, direct, deliberative, etc...) and that once the voice of the people has been heard
through the voting process, the will of the people is respected.
Theres heaps wrong with every flavor of democracy we use, but it never fails to impress me when you see the peacefull handover of power in a healty
democracy instead of a succession of coups lead by the dictator of the month club.
Once again apologies for the misunderstanding, I hope it does not affect future discussions.