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Bush nazi pictures?

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posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 02:58 AM
I don't understand.

Recently I've seen a lot of pictures of bush posing as a nazi, I mean, a lot of pictures. Don't get me wrong, I'm aware that they're photoshopped.

If you hate Bush that much, why don't you print a large banner of bush posing as a nazi in front of white house or in public....would that make a bigger message to everybody in public especially the government? Or what? Do you really think Bush is that corrupt? Whatever...

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 03:04 AM
What statement are you making with your avatar? What makes you think that the people with Bush as a Nazi in their avatar put any more weight in it than you do? It's just a picture.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 03:06 AM
It's not just the avatar, but some of them keep posting it, too in threads.

I know it's just a picture, but pictures can contain messages and thousands of words. You know, so, but it's just whatever

I just wanted to say if you hate bush that much, you might as well want to do that too and see how it goes, if you get arrested or not lol.

But yet, people don't get arrested (or banned) for having like that picture in their avatars and posts, though. I was just implying to test it out to see how it goes.

[edit on 16-12-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 04:18 AM
Do you think people should be arrested for posting such images? Seems like a strange notion, especially if we still have freedom of speech. But then again, I think that is what this is all about.

I would imagine that people are more comfortable posting those because they are allowed a sense of anonymity. The statement that the government is becoming Nazi like, would probably indicate that they would fear what could happen if they actually posted a banner like you suggested.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

Notthing New I have a Clinton photo, Bill that is, i also have one dated 1999. sitting on a potty waring tutu and having size 44 boobies

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 08:03 AM
No problem the one. did you ever see my artwork? got great reviews.

let me know what you think.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 08:47 AM
If it walks like a duck, smells like a duck

and quaks like a duck, its BUSH.

Deal with it. He's not the most reputable person on this earth of ours.

He's nothing short of the most evil thing. Richard Nixon can be seen in photos everywhere with horns, Clinton and his cigars,
you know, stop the 'correctness' and deal with the truth.

And most of us KNOW what the truth about this presidential "character" is.

Nazi fits this president just fine.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 11:03 AM
I know many hate Bush and the Nazi's but the symbol the Nazi's used is a lot older than their fascist movement. That symbol is very important and is part of the universal oneness. Unfortunately, Hitler used it as a symbol of hate. Any pictures with Bush and his Granddaddy's business partners as hateful destroyers of the world is great, but any pictures using this symbol shouldn't be included.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 11:13 AM
I am a former Bush supporter. But in spite of hoping that his Masonic tendencies wouldn't prevail, I am now sorry. He is and always will be a NWO man. Him and others like him (I suspect)are all descendents of the Nephilim and belong to this world. It is neccesary for them to have a one world government in place in order for the "beast" to have total rule. He pretends his virtues and goodness, but behind the scences he is doing his master's business. Did you know that the chieftest, highest Mason is called the "Architect". Hmmm... do we know anyone in association with Mr. Bush that bush calls by that name?

When you vote this election time, please check out who the Nephilim are and don't vote for them. They'll still get elected anyway, but at least it won't have your stamp of approval on it. You can't know how sorry I am that I was duped so badly. Whenever he's on TV... I just turn it off.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 11:24 AM
Why would people have pictures of Bush as a nazi? Do you know where Prescott and the Bush Family got their start?? Ever see the picture of Bush Laden? Wonder where that idea came from?
If the shoe fits wear it.
I don't hate Bush, I hate people who betray the American Soldiers they send to war. Trading with the enemy is illegal, immoral, and yet right there in front of our noses. The Bush Family should have been over when they confiscated Prescott Bush's Holdings under the Trading With The Enemy Act, but for some reason we elected the man to congress, elected his son and his grandson, who rose to power on Nazi money, to the highest office in the world.
Ever wonder why?
What was George Bush Sr. doing in Dallas?

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by twitchy

Why... because they like other bloodlines are in control of the Earth. There are no political parties, no true ideals. It's all about keeping the world in control under a few chosen bloodlines who belong to this world and serve their master very well.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 05:38 PM
BushNazi pics merely reiterate the obvious. There are clear connections between the Bush family and Nazis of WWII, as stated in a post above. No one since Hitler has shown such blatant disregard for international law or constitutional authority since Hitler.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 08:02 PM
I'm definately no fan of Bush, his economic and trade policies have helped to destroy the glue that holds our economy together: our manufacturing jobs. His administration's bungled war has left our military stretched to the breaking point.
Worst of all, it seems like every other week there is another attempt to take away more of our constitutional rights. One of the definitions of a fascist regeime is a government that is run by business with the citizens having no say in its decisions. Sounds to me like what's going on right now.

Bush is no Nazi, but his grab for extra presidential power is reminiscent of Hitler's. As far as banning avatars, would you have a problem with someone having a Clinton/Lewinski avatar? Is it a partisan thing?

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

I am a former Bush supporter. But in spite of hoping that his Masonic tendencies wouldn't prevail, I am now sorry. He is and always will be a NWO man.

Umm.. Bush nor his father or any member of his family is a Mason.

The last US President to be a Mason was Ford.

Did you know that the chieftest, highest Mason is called the "Architect"

Your ignorance of Masonry is .. pathetic .. The Grand Architect is in reference to God, and not a man. No one in Masonry has EVER been called "Architect" or any variation of it.

I hope you to understand this, from your apparent education in the matter, I doubt you will.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 08:46 PM
The problem with comparing Hitler with Bush is well... Bush is an idiot. Hitler was a incredibly evil person who managed to bedn most of Europe to his will. People still think he was cool guy. Bush is pretty much hated by most of the nation for his incompitence and repeatedly ridiculed.
Sure, he's got some similarities, but mostly he's an idiot.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

Did you know that the chieftest, highest Mason is called the "Architect"

Your ignorance of Masonry is .. pathetic .. The Grand Architect is in reference to God, and not a man. No one in Masonry has EVER been called "Architect" or any variation of it.

i was under the impression "masons" came from a long line of Stone Masons, who built buildings with Stone blocks...thus working in architecture, being architects

are you saying masons are not builders?

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:24 PM
Bush is just a f*cking puppet. Let's discuss the real nazi...ROCKEFELLER.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
The Bush Family should have been over when they confiscated Prescott Bush's Holdings under the Trading With The Enemy Act, but for some reason we elected the man to congress, elected his son and his grandson, who rose to power on Nazi money, to the highest office in the world.

I have actually just mentioned this on another thread. To be fair when the US entered the war the Bush's and other US investors were pulled up on the Trading with the Enemy Act, but since they were up until that point neutral it was really not a fair charge. In most cases these investors just switched to making money from the US war effort instead, Bush included.

The charge that they were guilty of though, according to the guidelines and charges set by the Nuremberg War Crimes Commission, was the planning and preparation of Aggressive War. Considering that that particular charge carried the death penalty, I would imagine that Bush et al would much rather be remembered for simply trading with the enemy.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by solidgroundcafe
Bush is just a f*cking puppet. Let's discuss the real nazi...ROCKEFELLER.

Bush snr and Rockefellar are both Knights of Malta, whom are the real nazi controllers. Rockefellar got started using Rothschilds financing for Standard Oil, so some claim that Rockefellars are agents for Rothschilds. Both of them are Knights of Malta, which is sworn to work for the Vatican.

Here is a brief article on the Rockefellar family history

Incidentally, GHW Bush is also a Knight of Malta, you will see a photo of Bush with the leader of the Knights of Malta here

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by Rockpuck

Did you know that the chieftest, highest Mason is called the "Architect"

Your ignorance of Masonry is .. pathetic .. The Grand Architect is in reference to God, and not a man. No one in Masonry has EVER been called "Architect" or any variation of it.

i was under the impression "masons" came from a long line of Stone Masons, who built buildings with Stone blocks...thus working in architecture, being architects

are you saying masons are not builders?

..... Are you serious? ..

Would you call an architect a construction worker?

Freemasons may or may not be directly linked to Stone Masons, I for one do not think they where, but either way they still would not have been architects per say ..

No Mason is ever called "Architect or any variation .. its blank and white with no alternative.

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