posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 05:56 PM
I'd like to think of myself as a music producer.
I work to understand the theories of music and then I pudtz around the computer and make uniform associated noises.
However, I've not yet, not sure I'll ever, personally be "happy" with my productions, so that I'd want to pass it around.
I've passed some bits before and well, everyone's a Fn Crique.
Right now I use Adobe Aduiton. I also have some basic looping "Fruit loops 3" software for building basic uniform beats.
As through Adobe you have to cut each sound to a mathmatical length to then create a looping sound.
I like to explore sounds rather then used other peoples sound books.
I find tapping on a crystal glass, bell sounds, and other less used sounds can make for an intresting arangement.
Say if you want to write a song about cooking or food, you can then use kitchen sounds, knife hitting cutting block, pans, all kinds of sounds to
provide major componet pieces of the song.
I'd like to say I'm a music producer, but it is more a mental hobbie.
I believe lyrics are the major part of any song, and that songs should be built upon the lyrics. I've not yet mastered, to my joy, the ability to
putforth lyrics.
You can't disagree, the very origin of modern music comes from traveling minstrals whom use to repeat news across the lands in form of songs.