Has anyone ever tried to astral project to the moon to see what's really there? What about the Akashic Records?
Has anyone tried any of this stuff? Has anyone been able to provide an account of what's really there and corroborate with another astral
I'm fairly certain these phenomena exist (or some semblance of them, at least) and Robert Monroe just doesn't strike me as the type to lie about
this sorta stuff...
With all due respect, there is absolutely no evidence for astral projection, so I'd concentrate on trying to prove it exists before trying to travel
great distances with it.
Astral projectors might just be lucid dreaming when they do what they do. Also even if someone was to AP to the moon, it won't be the same moon that
we see at night, it'll be the "astral version" of the moon. At least that's how I percieve it.
Yeah same with Remote Viewing I think deminsions change when you project though I tried Astraling and it was working cannot go to the Moon with it
yet It was cool though.