posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Nohup
I think we should keep the subject in Urantia Book, although God as a word is defined in several hundreds of different ways in differing religions
around the world. It may be impossible to leave other religions out of this because of that, but we can try to minimize it by talking only about
definitions by Urantia Book. We don't want a religious war here. Similarities are another matter, though, because Urantia Book was sent to evolve
spiritual thought further. By that book, all other religions were either created from scratch by man or sent to us for evolution of thought in
spiritual sense.
By that book, it is we and we alone who are, in the end, responsible for our own development, and can take several thousands of years. In some cases
millions, if that book is believed.
Also, what comes to imperfection and god, it says that god isn't perfect and that certainly lower levels (deities of some sort) arent't either, and
it is those deities that created this particular universe. Below those deities, there were all kinds of levels that were responsible for different
things. Life-carriers are defined to be some sort of logical machines that create life, and are given the freedom to change life patters on every
tenth planet or so. Earth is one such planet.
And yes, prayers are meaningles in Urantia Book, but meditation is told to be a source of some divine wisdom. by that book, there's not a single
thing that would help everybody, nor is there only one thing to be done to gain each bit of wisdom.
I got a little carried away here, but I suppose that's ok. Urantia Book is also extremely complex at some places..