This is a thread which is acting as a sequel to my thread:
Interaction with the Spirit
World .
Long ago, all of life was in harmony with nature. We knew how it worked. Life would gradually change, die, and be reborn with memory of all of it's
knowledge and experience. Flesh and Spirit were as one. Each entity could communicate with all others, knew it's role in the scheme of totality, and
played it's part.
However, in time, mankind became addicted to a potent drug: lack. When in love, it is often when your lover is away from you that you appreciate it
most. When you are waiting for their call, or staring at their picture.
Lack was a very different experience, we lived in a world of abundance, and power. Eventually, humanity began to challenge itself with contests, and
struggles. Abundance pitted against abundance, there would have to be a loser, and that anxiety of not knowing held tight the hearts of man in an icy
Over time, many of us did not appreciate that which did not involve lack, and anxiety. We began to look externally for fulfillment. At that time came
our fall from grace. Using the knowledge of abundance and power, man used his power to create an impersonal entity that would bring us to a paradise
of lack. A place where struggle was the norm. A powerful minority birthed this entity, which soon took hold of the collective conciousness of mankind.
The entity called Lack had a mission: to enforce separation from nature. Within our minds was erected a barrier to make distinct the world of Flesh,
and the world of Spirit. Man was no longer reborn with his old memories and experiences. In time, everyone had forgotten where they had come from. A
dark age descended upon mankind.
With knowledge of abundance fading fast, lack would come to permeate all aspects of life. It would impose control over each of us, echoing in our
minds, whispering to us that our dreams are impossible, that we should settle for what we have, to accept what we are given. We became convinced this
little voice in our mind is us.
Lack is the root of evil. When a man becomes a thief, he believes he lacks money or goods. When a man becomes a rapist, he feels he lacks sexual
pleasure, when a man becomes a killer, he lacks excitement, he lacks a challenge. When a man becomes a corrupt politician, he feels he lacks
influence, or money. In wars, men fight because they lack freedom, or land, or favor in God's eyes.
When a man is angry, it is because he lacks control over someone. When a man is depressed, he feels he is lacking someone or something. When a man is
fearful, he lacks safety, and continuation, and ease. When a man is lazy, he lacks desire, he lacks courage, he feels he lacks resources.
Lack cuts us off from The Spirit World. It prevents us from recieving messages from our brothers and sisters, our guides. Lack makes us the victim,
not responsible for our own happiness. Lack places everything we want outside of ourselves, and when we attain it, it provides only momentary
satisfaction, before we deteriorate back to misery. Another aspect of Lack, is that it works to isolate us from the rest of the world. So when we seek
to do things that are motivated by Lack, they tend to be things that can only benefit us, and often at the expense of others. However, when we act
from a belief in abundance, as in our nature, not only do we recieve great benefit, but we also play our part and help others out as well.
Our Foe is a clever bastard. He is constantly whispering the old programming, telling us how life works. He tells us that we are too stupid, too ugly,
or weak, that we can't break the mold, or make a difference. He is constantly filling our minds with these lies, and in turn, everyone around us is
telling us the same.
Every thought we have begins to give shape to our beliefs. Our beliefs motivate our actions. Our actions build habits. Our habits define our
character. Within each of us is an image of ourselves, The Self-Image. This image is a reflection of what we are like on the outside. When Lack
whispers in our minds, and infects us, it contaminates our Self-Image, and in doing so, our external self follows suit. "As Above So Below, As
Within, So Without."
With a diseased Self-Image, we are generally on auto-pilot, doing our Master's bidding. We're blind to the joy around us. Even with modern comforts,
we soon find them as necessities just to make it through the day. We cannot appreciate what we have, and always want more.
Living with abundance, we are powerful. Strong, Compassionate, Faithful, Charitable, Just. People who have these traits of abundance are looked upon
as heroes, and always achieve success. They are looked at as a cut above the rest. But inside us lie the same powers, if only we awaken them.
But the Darkness wants none of this. We aspire for the average. If you're not born exceptional, you never will be. However, looking through history,
one finds more true rags to riches stories than actual people you've ever seen in your life. Not known, seen. These people have seen the light.
Every thought and action either takes us towards Lack, and Deterioration, or towards Abundance, and Expansion.
In nature, if you are not flourishing, you are deteriorating. That is simply how it works.
Think of life as a sink filled with water. You churn it in a circle, either clockwise, or counter clockwise. Every thought, or action, either takes
you one way, or the other. If you churn it clockwise 1000 times, the current becomes powerful. If you have been chruning it that way your whole life,
you wouldn't have the coordination to churn the otherway, and even if you did, it'd be difficult to still the waters, let alone chane direction.
It is a matter of dedication, and awareness. If you stop churning clockwise, and only head in the other direction, maybe not right away, but
eventually, it will stop, and eventually you'll be heading in the right direction. After the waters stop going clockise, you're in the clear to
start receiving the benefits of Abundance.
To Be Continued....