reply to post by start_the_peace
I agree with your thoughts but I don't think it is a universal consciousness you are having realizations about.
These realizations as you call them are what is occurring universally and you may be placing that universality on what is know as a commonality.
What you are feeling is an RNA memory echo of a time when we lived in communities of collective consciousness or single mind communities.
I have been posting a lot about this lately I understand it because of a genetic defect or curse depending on your perspective.
The problem is I am an unlearned an ignorant man the only way I seem to be able to communicate the ideas in my head is to use the bible and scriptures
because it is what I look to for understanding and meaning.
When I try and explain myself however people get the wrong impression because of how I use scriptures to communicate.
In advance I tell people I do believe that you can use anything to find truth and understanding it is just that for me the bible works I am not trying
to preach to you are win you to Jesus are anything like that I am just trying to communicate what I know in the best way I know..
Before the tower of Babel mankind was linked in a single consciousness or they were of one mind, one accord, one language.
Mankind suppresses some past mass trauma which forced the elevation of ego in a kind of an involuntary survival instinct and keeps us from
re-connecting into a community of minds but I do believe we can link up in this sort of way with anyone we just need to be shown how.
One interpretation of several sections of scripture has all the places in pre-tower of Babel where we were one language as being linked in a single
commonality of consciousness because of Adams genetic manipulations and enhancements to the human genome..
Unknown tongues are treated as something that should not be possible which if you were linked into a collective consciousness you could see why the
idea of an unknown tongue would be odd indeed.
Several of the occult and cult groups have the aim of re-connecting humanity into a single awareness which is one of the main reasons they are so
invested and interested in all the quantum theory stuff.
Of course all things are linked in God which I have personally experienced the oneness of being tapped into the energy and essence of God I have come
to believe that there is a genetic reason why this is possible for me to do.
I think the most inventive scriptures used in the one mind theory is the section in Acts where Paul confronts Elymas the sorcerer a child of the devil
who was trying to prevent the governor from hearing what Paul had to say..
Elymas was blinded but the wording is such where it says that he would not see the sun for a season and that a mist and a darkness fell on him, what
is suggested is not just the physical eye but the eye of the mind which they of his kind share that is the mind the children of the devil share..
But in Acts where the believers are said to be of one mind and of one accord that is used as an example of the positive aspects of that part of the
brain being active, so it is not meant to be a negative or a positive just to say that we all carry these genes which if active turns on parts of our
brain that make it possible for us to share in a collective consciousness.
These genes were first introduced into the gene pool by Adam.
What genes he used to make the single common mind possible I don't know but the DNA of a serpent like a scorpion or snake was used to mark his son
Cain was the first to bear the mark of the beast, God told Adam to mark him in order that every one would know when they thought of him or saw him
what he had done what he was and why.
So in essence crime made it necessary for mankind at that time to link up into one mind of sorts.
A common problem they all would share physically crime was solved by joining them all into a common collective consciousness and marking the criminals
so it would be impossible to hide their crime or the state of their motives toward others..
But there are hundreds of verses that can be interpreted as talking about a collective consciousness.
The reason you are feeling these echos is because there is some sort of quantum shift occurring that is allowing this knowledge which is held in our
RNA to surface so to speak it is ego that is fighting it like I said because of some past mass trauma we elevated the ego and it does not want to go
back to being subordinate to self.
Because the shift is universal people are having memory echoes of all kinds not just of commonalities.
I could explain it by using what the bible calls the manifestations or revelations like word of knowledge or word of wisdom.
But to think of it in its simplest terms it is a revealing like an unveiling which happens at the beginning of a play only this one is taking place
in a quantum theater and we are watching it on a genetic level.
All the characters, the stage and such, are behind the curtain, and someone or something is pulling a string and you are beginning to see what has
been there all along.
We carry in our RNA the collective memories of all of our family trees and we share in a pool of knowledge that was in the consciousness of the first
father and mother who walk in the garden of God and enjoyed perfect wisdom and understanding of all things.
Until the fullness of the shift that is occurring is realized you should expect to experience more and more of these realizations.
They may become more dramatic and disturbing, they can be shocking in there vivid reality, they could give you feelings of enlightenment and euphoria,
or drive you into a severe deprecation because you may have visions of mankind's future which some individual in your past ancestry may have had,
these can be extremely horrifying.
The key is not to try and rationalize them as your own but think of them as realities or possibilities that exist or existed or will exist at some
point in the near future, they are more than a dream but they are out of time..
[edit on 12-12-2007 by newday]