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Hear Voices? It May Be an Ad

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posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 01:16 AM
Guys you do realize that this technology is not the same as subliminal messaging...This is the same as hearing an ad from a tv or some other device but the entire area doesnt hear it...You dont subconsciencely "hear" this message...Its complety audible to your awake mind and you can react to it accordingly...

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by illusion987

Very well aware. However, I dislike the thought that anyone can reach out and touch me whenever it pleases them. I consider this an invasion of privacy. i would not tolerate a salesman yelling in my ear while I went down the sidewalk, and might very likely punch him in the mouth, so why should I shrug off this?

And for those more easily influenced, this could be used to promote many things that might be considered evil.

Humans have had a certain "area" about their person that was considered private, as in the expression "my space", and don't like or want it invaded except by invitation.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by illusion987

Yes maybe or was there a van parked outside your house for the night that makes you think this,oh and if you have an uncontrollable urge to buy Coke A Cola until your pennyless I`d say they have got to you on that as well.

Or did they just make me say this? because I prefer Pepsi.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 01:46 AM
With my aversion to marketing, hitting me with this kind of advertising could be dangerous to the advertiser. Seriously.

Commercials make me mad.
Stupid, flashy packaging turns me off.
Worthless products that are presented as status symbols piss me right off.
God help the poor sales man that tries to upsell me.

I think if I started hearing marketing messages in my head, something would get broken very quickly.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 01:51 AM
you need magneto's helmet or just "wear" aluminium paper ...

Nicola Tesla actualy worked on somthing similar ... (also he tought that it was too dangerous & stoped his work on it .... the man was obsessive -compulsive for crying out loud ! )

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by palehorse23

Are you kidding me? This is a total invasion of privacy! It's freakin sad to think that you cant walk through certain areas without advertisers raping your head. This is horrible.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:02 AM
"Are you there God, it's me?"

"YES, I AM HERE! Now go on a crazy shooting spree - that is my will."

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by BitRaiser
With my aversion to marketing, hitting me with this kind of advertising could be dangerous to the advertiser. Seriously.

Commercials make me mad.
Stupid, flashy packaging turns me off.
Worthless products that are presented as status symbols piss me right off.
God help the poor sales man that tries to upsell me.

I think if I started hearing marketing messages in my head, something would get broken very quickly.

Your getting sleepy BitRaiser,thats right go to bed.............there your warm and cosy...........drift off.......your into a deeeeeep deeeeeep sleeeeep.

you cant stand commercials,you cant stand commercials,you cant stand commercials,you cant stand commercials,their annoying,their annoying,their annoying,flashy packaging is stupid there`s nothing sexy about that,flashy packaging is stupid there`s nothing sexy about that,flashy packaging is stupid there`s nothing sexy about that,brand names are for the sheep,your not a sheep,brand names are for the sheep,your not a sheep,brand names are for the sheep,your not a sheep,if some sales men tries upselling to you send him to God,if some sales men tries upselling to you send him to God,if some sales men tries upselling to you send him to God.repeat.................

When you awake you will be fresh and remember none of your dream,thats rightttttttt itsss justtttt aaa dreammmm.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:06 AM
This sort of reminds me of living on an Air Force base.

We have what is called "the giant voice" This is speaker system that can broadcast all over base. In fact there is a speaker across the street from me in base housing.

What this speaker is used for is:

1. The playing of Revelry, Retreat and Taps Mon - Fri. (if you dont know what this is, ask and I will let you know!)

2. Major announcements such as:
-Lightening strikes w/in a 5 mile radius.
-Anytime there is an exercise on base we all get to hear "Exercise, Exercise, bla bla bla"
-If the base goes from Alpha to Bravo, etc

(and that is all I have heard so far)

It was SUPER annoying when I first hear all of this. However, I dont notice it...unless im outside and and revelry, retreat or taps plays - because you have to stand there and face the im pretty aware of those.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

So are you saying the military have and are using the same technology at your base?

Oh and I havn`t heard of Retreat and Taps?

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:24 AM
I find it rather interesting that back in the early 70's I read a sci-fi book that had this tech. It was used for adds plus carried a signal that could also generate a physical/emotional response.

Now that the audio aspect has been worked out, what ya wana bet the other aspects aren't far behind? What a pandoria's box!! We already have the tech using sound waves to cause pain or make a person puke. Putting the two together is the logical next step.

Don't even think for a second that it won't happen, it will if it has not already. Welcome to the ultimate crowd control. Do what the voice says or drop to the ground in pain puking.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by gps777

Marketing is not the endorsement of ideals you already believe in... so nothing has to be broken for you post.

Seriously, I once spent 20 minutes in a 7-11 pacing up and down the isle in front of the coolers because I was thirsty, didn't want pop (soda for you yanks), and simply couldn't decide which product was pissing me off the least.
I kept thinking "I can't buy ANY of this obnoxious crap!".

In the end, I found a nondescript bottle of Sunripe apple juice.
I don't like apple juice much...

I think I'm suffering from an allergy to marketing.
Ever read "Pattern Recognition" by William Gibson?
If not, you should.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by BitRaiser

I think we suffer from the same allergies I cant stand marketing either,I think a product of quality sells its self and its usually garbage the harder they push it,where it seems more money is spent on the advertising and marketing than the product quality its self.

"Pattern Recognition" by William Gibson,I havn`t heard of, thanks for the heads up.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by gps777

The interesting thing about that book is that while Gibson is known for being "the father of cyberpunk", it's a contemporary novel. It's placed in the here and now (or rather the 3(?) years that have passed since it came out). It still reads like cyberpunk and makes you take a good look at the sci-fi all around you. Also, the lead character suffers from a very advanced from of our shared condition.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:53 AM
There would be a couple of things that would drive me over the edge with this. One would be ads for elections - can you imagine Hillary in your ear all the time? The other would be ads for erectile dysfunction products. Who wants to be reminded all the time that it did happen or made nervous that it could?

Maybe we need to make a list and submit it to congress of ads that could not and should not be allowed under any circumstances.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:57 AM
Crazy Christian response: And in the Last Days there shall be a sounds like as unto many voices leading you into the temptation of wealth and sin, Raptures 4:20-2.

But seriously, I'm not too scared. Canada is so far behind technologically it'll be another 20 years after you guys have this in the US until I have to hear it.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:07 AM
No no no no no... oh lawds no.

The interior of my head... aka my mind.. is off limits. It is a no fly zone. It is my personal sanctuary (or prison. Haven't decided which yet) and none shall violate such a place!

Eternal christian sermons in my head would drive me absolutely, utterly and undeniably insane. I'd have to hurt someone. **twitch**

Constant ads to buy things would drive me to move somewhere out in the middle of nowhere and become a hermit.

I avoid tv so I do not have to see the ads. I do not listen to the radio very often so I do not have to hear the ads. Putting them in my head is only going to piss me off.

And if governments get control of this?

Beam me up Scotty. I'm done on this planet.


posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Merle8

Crazy Pagan response: Mess with my head and you're fair game for setting on fire.

Pagan's are much more to the point, no?

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:22 AM
LOL Yes we are more to the point!

Ahh the freedom to say what we mean and mean what we say (sometimes!).


posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by NGC2736
I wonder how many people could be told by "God" to go out and kill? To commit suicide?
[edit on 11-12-2007 by NGC2736]

This is more than likely an older technology that has just now reached the private sector ala MKULTRA remnants. Who was it that said their dog talked to them, was that Sirhan? I don't know it's late, but you can bet your bottom dollar this isn't new technology.

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