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Skepticism of 9/11 Truth is Denial for Comfort Sake

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posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 04:43 PM
I dawned on me years ago that we never see a plane cutting through any building. We see a ball of fire and/or dense black smoke. When the smoke clears enough, we see holes in the walls of buildings. I have yet to find any footage or high speed stills of any planes actually being inhaled by any buildings. If someone has access to any of those, I would appreciate seeing them.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
Oh puhleezze. The official story began shortly after the second jet impact.

The media identified Osama bin Laden etc almost immediatley and we have been dealing with that "fact" ever since....

Not to be nitpicking... but I was watching MSNBC right after the first 'plane' was shown 'hitting', and BEFORE the second plane impact, MSNBC was showing FULL SCREEN shots of Osama Bin Ladens face and claiming to have intel that he is somehow connected. Again, before the second plane 'struck', MSNBC was showing full screen shots of Osama Bin Ladens face and blaming him for it.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 04:52 PM

I will concur. I saw it too. Yet, it was from the same people who also insisted they did not have a clue it was going to happen before it happened. Spooky.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by OrionStars
What is it about what I discuss, regarding 9/11, makes you so fearful?

Fearful? That's even a more curious evasion of yours.

I'm just waiting for you to get around to supporting your claims. I'm confident everyone else here is too.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Ionized
Not to be nitpicking... but I was watching MSNBC right after the first 'plane' was shown 'hitting', and BEFORE the second plane impact, MSNBC was showing FULL SCREEN shots of Osama Bin Ladens face and claiming to have intel that he is somehow connected. Again, before the second plane 'struck', MSNBC was showing full screen shots of Osama Bin Ladens face and blaming him for it.

No you didn't.

Not live TV, at least. I saw what you are talking about - but it was after I got home from school that day and was watching replays of what had been the subject of much discussion and concern at school.

Which... was well after the real events, themselves, happened.

Do take into account your time-zone differences. As you could have been watching it in a time zone two or three hours behind Eastern time. Which, you could have been watching all of this happen at about the same time indicated on the News channel... but in reality, you were getting it an hour or more late.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by OrionStars
I dawned on me years ago that we never see a plane cutting through any building. We see a ball of fire and/or dense black smoke. When the smoke clears enough, we see holes in the walls of buildings. I have yet to find any footage or high speed stills of any planes actually being inhaled by any buildings. If someone has access to any of those, I would appreciate seeing them.

Sir... I know this might be hard to understand... but, planes are made of this material called "Aluminum." Most of the plane that you see is, in fact, filled with air, luggage, and fuel (and people). The plane, its structural volume, is very, very small in comparison to the volume that it contains.

So, when you suddenly slam this structure into a building, it will rapidly deconstruct. Now, there is not a whole lot of 'plane' there to destroy, anyway. Combined with the fact that aluminum has a nice way of literally vaporizing in anything resembling an explosion, and most of your primary supporting structures will be embedded in the core of the building (or otherwise unrecognizable as being from the plane) - and God only knows where those engines went to, since they were each spinning at several thousand RPM.

So... you have people, luggage, and fuel being the primary components of an airplane. All of which are flammable..... I just can't imagine what happened to them.

And there ARE no high-speed stills. High speed cameras are special use items. You don't just run around with cameras capturing three hundred frames per second unless you are specifically anticipating to film something high-speed.

I mean... seriously... it's hard to take these claims seriously when I have to explain something as simple as that. And this isn't the first time I've noticed a lack of a fundamental understanding of the use of various instruments and design concepts. As a whole of the 9/11 "truth" movement. It really helps your argument if you actually understand half of what you're talking about, to begin with.

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