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Proof! Guns Do Stop Gun Violence

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posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

she's not so much a hero as a person that shot someone thinking god directed her...
if she had just shot the person and stopped him and been humble about it, i'd call her a hero.

however, i don't think this is a "guns are good" situation, this is a "security guard with a gun" is good situation.
having everyone armed with guns doesn't necessarily make a situation better... in fact, it could lead to disorder in a situation like this, and possibly more fatalities

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
i don't think this is a "guns are good" situation, this is a "security guard with a gun" is good situation.

I suppose your assumption is that security personnel and even police officers have some superior training/ability that the average gun owner does not have?

Should I bother to tell you that as an NRA firearms instructor I have witnessed incompetence the likes of which would make cringe from security and police or is that something you need to ignore to perpetuate this notion of yours?

Security and police are some of the most firearm ignorant individuals you'll ever meet. The only exceptions are those people who have always been gun people before their career choice. Otherwise they are just as bad, if not worse, than the clown in Washington who wish to legislate firearms out of existence yet have no clue what a barrel shroud is or why they even put it on the "ban" list.

I and virtually anyone I've ever shot with am far better trained than any officer in my local PD. SWAT guys, on the other hand, are the exception. Usually anyway. There are still quite a few chumps there.

So, sorry, but having a badge doesn't make you magically qualified for anything. Quite often it makes them pompous asses who show up for training sessions with a holier than thou attitude only to be made to look ridiculous by the middle-aged housewife who has never fired a gun before.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Sentinel 1

Ahhhh, but it doesn't really stop gun violence, does it? Since she still have to shoot (violence) the bad guy. It just makes it less, or shorter.

However, I still prefer the rights to bear arms.


posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

I suppose your assumption is that security personnel and even police officers have some superior training/ability that the average gun owner does not have?

So, sorry, but having a badge doesn't make you magically qualified for anything. Quite often it makes them pompous asses who show up for training sessions with a holier than thou attitude only to be made to look ridiculous by the middle-aged housewife who has never fired a gun before.

You must have seen some of the same ones that I have. Around here, a lot of them get the job just so they can carry a gun and be Mr. big shot and have a little authority. One even told me that it was almost impossible to find a honest cop anymore. Around where I live, judges, law enforcement and government employees have been investigated and some have even lost their jobs and more will. And they wonder why people don't have any respect for the law.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by MBF

The situation where you live isn't rare or uncommon. The law enforcement all across the country has flipped from having a few bad cops among a sea of decent honest cops to the exact opposite. Maybe each dept. has a few good cops but they're either behind a desk or getting ready to retire. The new ones I see coming up are all filled with this gestapo, stomp the citizens, Bill of Rights be damned mentality. It won't be much longer before every PD local to state is completely federalized and we have honest to god stormtroopers beating old ladies for jaywalking.

This is one of the reasons I get so happy when Jane Housewife out-guns these cops who come through my classes.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Just want to say semper I realize you guys could use all the help you can get because your undermanned and I hope you get it.

My concern is that the lines and judgment/execution between good and bad are left to anyone with a gun.

Here`s hoping you have a relatively quiet Christmas period.

PS have you heard from Jim lately? the officer in Hong Kong,I haven`t seen him on ATS for ages.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 07:01 AM
I just thought of something while in the shower this morning.

Given what I've seen of police "training" I'd rather have somebody claiming magical forces were guiding their hands than somebody claiming government regulated training were guiding theirs watching over me.

You know what you're getting with government training. Lowest common denominator, lowest bidding firm, maybe a firm run by some politicians brother, one-size-fits-all BS designed to pass as many chumps and half-tards as it can in as fast a time possible not unlike what yo get from government schools.

Maybe the magic forces guiding the other guys hand compelled him to achieve or reach a little bit. Hell, even if they didn't it can't be any WORSE than government training.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 12:47 PM
Chalk one up for the gun advocates! About Time !

Funny though, as I read the posts I didn't seem to see any anti-gunners posting.

Maybe they finally figured an armed citizen might just save their pathetic lives to wine about guns another day.

Dear Mr. Criminal,
Please feel free to rob, rape, pillage, plunder, and should you be having an extremely bad day, shoot all the people in this establishment you would like.
For your safety we have banned all armed citizens from our premises that could have stopped you. Have a Nice Day.

I've even gotten to the point if I can't be armed in any particular location I won't go there. If I can't come in with my side arm you don't need my business.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 02:08 PM
I think theres both a positive and negative to this topic. Allow people to carrying weapons, would yes, help such as in the case listed here at the church.
However, it would also deeply complicate things.

EXAMPLE: Johny is having a bad week, he lost his job, lost his girl, is failing his classes found out he has cancer all in the same week. He loses it and chooses to start blasting away at school.
Now, jimmy, Ryan, scott and dale are all packing, and hear the gun fire. Jimmy turns the corner and sees ryan with a gun, Jimmy shoots ryan, Scott sees jimmy shoot ryan so scott shoots jimmy.

I know this is far fetched, But people panic, its in our nature to jump to conclusions without rational thought, and that my friends, would cost lives as well.

I think a Balance needs to be found. most security guards are armed with a flashlight and pepper spray, not a gun. There are things that could be done to help true dedicated law enforcement men and women other thatn just arming the masses.

Semper, lord knows you guys could use the help, my Dad was CHP for 30 years, he just retired last year. I have no doubt that are plenty of people out there that would be responisble, smart and rational if allowed to carry a firearm, but there are also plenty out there wouldnt.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by The Prodigy

Statics show that those who are licensed to carry and actually do carry commit
fewer gun crimes. All CCW classes teach that the weapon is for self defense only and that you the holder is still liable civilly. Drawing a weapon should only be done in order save ones own life of the lives of his/her family. CCW holders don't go looking for gun fights, If your scenario could even be possible I believe the CCW holders would hopefully have a better understanding of the situation prior to getting involved if getting involved at all.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by HeavilyArmed
reply to post by The Prodigy

Statics show that those who are licensed to carry and actually do carry commit
fewer gun crimes. All CCW classes teach that the weapon is for self defense only and that you the holder is still liable civilly. Drawing a weapon should only be done in order save ones own life of the lives of his/her family. CCW holders don't go looking for gun fights, If your scenario could even be possible I believe the CCW holders would hopefully have a better understanding of the situation prior to getting involved if getting involved at all.

I will agree to that, people that have taken classes, and have been CERTIFIED to carry a concealed weapon would be more likely to respond correctly. But, cant we already do that? gun permits for concealed weapons? And if the awnser to that is yes, then don't more people get them selfs certified.

Don't get me wrong, im all for the right to bear arms, And I do think that people take gun control to far. But also think Think things should be met in the middle with it comes to something like this.

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