posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Dark_Ace
I don’t know if the author of the tread is really serious about this so called extraterrestrials communication…if so then I have no other solution
to put this extraterrestrials’ entity in the same sac as the one that they accused of tempering with human.
Saying this, I like to invite you to really look closely at what the scientist are saying about the DNA. Do your homes work and then you will find
with out doubt that the human genome is not an occurrence of random chances but truly something that has in some way been tempered with.
97% of all human DNA is made of non coding genes. Scientist called them “junk” because they have no clue why the hell this 97% of non coding genes
where not disregarded and suppress by the process of evolution…in brief, it just doesn’t make any sense that this genes exist if you apply
evolution process.
Do you understand the dilemma scientist are facing.
Is more, this only apply to us, human; to all other species the numbers of inactive genes are fare lower. For example only 17% of the DNA is inactive
for a creature like flies.
Some thing is very wrong with us, I will not trust any one that claim he came from outer space to save us and tell us the truth…we don’t need any
one, we will succeed in knowing where we come from and where we heading.