Originally posted by spacevisitor
Your idea of Noah's ark was not a ship to sail the seven seas is in my opinion the only right explanation.
I realize photobug did this on more or less a dare... but this might get somewhere...
Greetings spacevisitor... I happen to agree with your assessment and have been studying this for some time...
There are a few points I would like to make... if the space ark was indeed made of pods like I showed in the image (and the brief Sumerian legend)
then there is no problem... once the catastrophe is over just release the pods and all will be well.
The indications I have found is that there was a LOT more calamity than just a flood but that is another thread...
Now lets go to the Bible for a moment...
The Ark was built according to cubits
"Make yourself an ark of cypress* wood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch. 15This is how you are to make it: the length
of the ark three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. 16Make a roof* for the ark, and finish it to a cubit above; and
put the door of the ark in its side; make it with lower, second, and third decks. "
So just how big IS a cubit? Well we have the modern conversion...
"The "Royal Egyptian Cubit" was decreed to be equal to the length of the forearm from the bent elbow to the tip of the extended middle finger plus
the width of the palm of the hand of the Pharaoh or King ruling at that time."
Eastman's bible dictionary says there are at least 2
measures for the term "cubit":
* Standard cubit : elbow to end of middle finger (20").
* Lower forearm cubit : elbow to base of the hand (12").
Now when I was studying some papers on Chinese astronomy I found a very curious reference... but a little back ground first..
The item came about as I was looking up reference The Great Square of Pegasus in association to Babylonian Astronomy
In Astronomy today we use the Pegasus Square to point the way to the Andromeda Galaxy
The Sumerian name for the constellation marking the gateway to "Paradise" was l-Iku. which is the Pegasus-square. It lies between the two fish
of the Pisces constellation. This word. Iku, was a fundamental field measure, and was taken by Unqnad (1923) 29 to represent Paradise as the
primordial field. This is reminiscent of the Elysian fields of the Greeks, which were near the Underworld, though not part of Hades’ dominion (near
Pluto, but not in its orbital plane?) Moreover, an iku is about 3,600 square metres, and 3,600 is the orbital period claimed by Sitchin for Nibiru.
1-Iku was also the name of the Temple of MARDUK in Babylon.
So what we have here is effectively the gateway to the Sumerian "Eden" (I am not going to go into detail as this is all covered in the "Stargates
are Real" thread)
More important we have a reference to the size of the Sumerian 'acre', the '1-iku' as being 3,600 sq meters...
Now from the Chines ancient astronomy "Building the Chinese Universe" there is a small reference that struck me...
"Two bright stars in xiu Yinshi and two stars in xiu Dongbi form the Great Square of Pegasus, the 1-iku (one acre sqaure) used to measure the
cube-ship of the original Noah, Utnapishtim; It was also the name of the temple of Marduk in Babylon (Bab-ilani, "gate of the gods')"
So if we add up all the clues we have a gateway to the Sumerian gods pointing to Andromeda, we have a HUGE ship that was the Sumerian "Noah's Ark"
and Sitchin's interpretation that Nibiru is a planet...
Perhaps Nibiru is Noah's Ark and will come back to save the Earth next time it's needed... and with all the gloom and doom talk associated to 2012
and the Mayan/Sumerian connections....
well we are in for interesting times...
I personally don’t buy the Bibles Noah's Ark story as it is told in there.
Because, even if you have only one male and female of each species you never can reproduce an healthy population of them, that’s scientific
impossible if I am correct, because of inbreeding.
I have brought this point up several times and even asked religious people who claim to be well versed in the Bible...
The problem with most people is that they easily accept pupolar myth and rarely READ anything...
How many animals of each kind went onto the Ark? Well most people say " Oh that's easy TWO of each..."
Well is that what it says?
Genesis 7 Verse 2
"Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and its mate; and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and its mate; "
Now that makes FOURTEEN of each 'clean' beasty (7 pairs)
There are many separate interpretations but all say 7, a male and a female but there is some confusion of the 'unclean' Some Bibles say 1 pair,
some say 2 pairs... Here is a LIST of the various interpretations...
So FOURTEEN or 7 pairs would certainly be a more viable re-population sample than 1 pair... but would need one heck of a big ship...
Think about it