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strange censored place on Holland /Germany border

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posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 09:19 AM
hi there folks,

has anybody seen the strange anomaly on the Holland/ Germany border ? the whole area is censored, but not in the usual is all blurred out with diff coloured blotches...

here is a screenshot:

and also:

and here is the co-ords for google earth:
50°56'16.85"N 5°58'45.89"E

hopefully someone may know what is under there.



edit for image size

[edit on 10-12-2007 by snoopyuk]

[edit on 10-12-2007 by snoopyuk]

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 09:56 AM
There's a NATO base in the vicinity.

Allied Joint Force Command, Brunssum perhaps ?

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 09:59 AM
Apparently the Netherlands has a blanket policy of censoring NATO and military sites on satellite pics. I was looking for airfields in the area and noticed the same effect. One was at Woensdrecht Airbase and the other was a nearby NATO fuel depot.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 04:30 PM
thanks for the info Eaglewingz and Niall197,

i didnt know about Hollands policy, and yes after looking on windows live (which ironiclly shows everything !!) i can confirm it is part of the NATO HQ.



posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 08:01 AM
There's another airforce base blurred near the German border in a place called 'Oldenzaal'. There has been a Dutch Military Airforce Base where the last F-16 squadron (313) was stationed. That base was closed at the 1st of January 2006.

Some info about that base:

ICAO code : EHTW
2 start strips
06-24 Length: 2987 meters. Width: 50 meter.
11-29 Length: 2000 meters. Width: 25 meter.
Nav Aid; the military radiobeacon EHTW TACAN ch44 and the radiobeacon TWENTHE NDB (TWN 335.5 kHz).

These are the coordinates :
52° 16' 37" North
06° 53' 24" East

I live in Enschede and Oldenzaal is just arround the corner. I went a lot of times to the that airforce base just to spot the F-16's and other aircrafts. And I also have worked at the base just for a while and I do know that there's nothing what the goverment not want us to know about. Yes there are a couple of hangars and yes they do have 2 strips and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. But it's still strange that it's blurred in google earth.

Last year our goverment decided to use that airforce base only for commercial purposes and NOT for military purposes anymore. And then my question... if it's just for commercial purposes...why do they have to blur that base?

by the way : i'm dutch so my english writing is not perfect

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by GerhardPegel

thanks GerhardPegel

it is strange that it is censored.



posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 04:22 AM
It's still very weird...

i fired up my google earth and i went to area 51. The sat-pics are so clear that you even can see large machines building hangers and stuff. If the resolution is good you even can see vehicles parked at different parkingarea's. So if we are allowed to see that 'top-secret' base... why aren't we allowed to see such a 'simple' airforce base like the one here in Oldenzaal with only commercial purposes?

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by GerhardPegel

i am joking now please don't take offence

[joke] maybe its the legalised cannabis making the dutch paranoid... [/joke]


posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by rat256

LOL, nice one rat256,

those crazy dutch !!


posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 12:55 PM
It does seem slightly odd... especially with Area 51 and other bases being shown....

maybe its more than an airforce, and thats just a cover story for what is actually in there...

Its always a possibility, you never know

Laura x

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 01:03 PM
hi laura,

yes that is true, it could be anything..

there seems to be a lot of censoring going on right now.


posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by rat256
reply to post by GerhardPegel

i am joking now please don't take offence

[joke] maybe its the legalised cannabis making the dutch paranoid... [/joke]


I must say... you have a great kind of humor...and I like that!!!!!!

But is doesn't seem to make any sense to me... I mean... let's say I'm a 'freaking-taliban-tiger-terrorist' and i'm living in a dessert in my very own luxuary cave and i have a computer running on diesel and a wireless internet connection via a satelite phone. If I'm stupid enough to plan a atack than the only thing I need is Google Earth. If any real top secret base is blurred out in Google Earth...then I just have to start Google Earth and I can find any secret base all over the world just by searching for blurred spots and attack them.

By the way... I'm in reallife not a terrorist but just a simple computerspecialist at a office. So yes I do have too much time to think

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:40 PM
#cablegate announced that the US holds nuclear weapons in the Netherlands

Brunssum is the only USAF base that i know of (family nearby)

WikiLeaks reveals US Nuclear Weapons in the Netherlands cablegate....__._/cable/2009/11/09BERLIN1433.html

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:49 PM
Try searching in Bing Maps. Not blurred out. Go figure.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by snoopyuk

That's how all government secrets are covered on google earth. Dugway proving ground was heavily like that and the area haarp is at is like that.I have found many others like it,it would be realy cool to know what they are hiding.
I also just found several secret u.s. military bases. But i will not name them incase it jeopardises anything,remember our government keeps secrets so the enemy doesnt recreate our most powerful weapons.

But one thing about ALL these bases i just found,they have alot of grid work going on,circle patterns and wierd waffle iron type grids,can anyone that already knows about these secret bases tell me what the purpose is for them?

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