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Reprocussions of my abduction/contact experiences.

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posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 11:32 AM

Just a heads up. Geographical cures don't work very often.

Have to agree there, when it comes to alien abductions thats for sure... Many have tried moving with little to no effect. They can find you in a high rise hotel in the middle of downtown if they want.

BUT, at a minimum, what moving might do for him is get rid of those losers that keep harassing him. What might happen is new people come in but at least it won't be the same ones...

I have heard of other accounts of people being forced or tricked into getting some injections from strange people pretending to be someone else. It sounds like to me you are somehow involved in some sort of alien-government program. I don't envy you at all and it sounds like there is nothing you can do about it, hope things get better for you...

[edit on 12/10/2007 by quick]

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 01:17 PM
While I respect your willingness to be totally open about your experience, I noticed a somewhat shrill tone of paranoia in your post. I am not saying that you are delusional, but thinking that your friends could be covert government operatives is a worrying sign. I think you might need to step back from all your research. making quick spirital/intellectual progress is good, but not if it comes at the expense of your sanity. You are headed of the abyss, please be careful.

Kind regards,


posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 01:29 PM
I'll just make one further point. A firend of a friend was recently diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He was always an unusual character in a good way, but it was only a few months between the time he started accusing his friends of putting poison and mind control substances in his food and drink, to the time he tried to take his life by jumping out of a moving car and hurling himself off a bridge. So please be careful.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Silenceisall

Seems like it's leaning that way unfortunately. There is just no rhyme or reason for "friends" to do and say these types of things. The only way I could see it is if they were involved with some type of cult.

Aliens coming out of the neighbors garage and dancing with you.

Friends suddenly turning on you because you know too much about UFO's, aliens and the government.

These same friends attempt to murder you and inject you with something.

I could go on and on.

I have absolutely nothing against the OP but I see some heavy warning signs of schizophrenia here. I would strongly suggest you seek psychiatric help as this could end very badly.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Silenceisall

Wow. That's heavy. I'm sorry. Is he okay?

Thanks for the concern... and like I said, it does sound delusional... That's why I'm not going around telling everybody the "full" story, but people are aware that my "friends" stories are bogus, because for one thing, they are accusing me of punching a bunch of holes in the wall, yet they did not file any charges, nor did they even say one damn word when I finally confronted one over the phone and just said "Listen, your story is a bunch of lies, and if you try to come after me for money or something, do you think I'm a fool who can't remember things? I don't owe you (radio edit)." and he never called me back. Oh also, when you punch holes in walls, no matter what... YOU WILL remember it, because you don't start punching walls without kinda hurting your knuckles...and mine had no damage whatsoever. By the way, there were holes in his wall, but they weren't caused by my hands. They were caused by my head.

I should've documented things a little more, like my injuries and such, just to be safe... but like I was in such shock, and I still kind of am.... I just didn't know what to think. I didn't react much to it, because I just didn't think anyone would believe me, much less did I believe what happened? I really found it hard to accept.

They just fabricated a bunch of lies, and honestly didn't do it really well, just well enough to shake me up a bit... and just well enough to ruin my reputation to most people... because yeah I am the "weird" one, and some of my experiences as of late, it can lead even my own self to question my sanity. I don't wanna jump to conclusions like "THEY ARE GOVERNMENT SPIES!", but not much else makes sense. They didn't beat me up and take my wallet or something you'd expect from assaults, they completely changed personalities in a split second... like everything was cool and fun, and then within a matter of like 25 seconds, it just did a 180...

It was really frightening, to see people who yo think are your friends just flip like that. If there's a lotta people out there like this, like "sleepers", no wonder a lot of solid evidence has come out of your average contactee. Ever notice how it always seems like a lot of them HAD evidence, but then it disappears mysteriously??? Seems pretty convenient for the storyteller, if it is just a story and they're making money off a lie... but with my experiences, I often wonder if people around them are affilliated with "somebody", and the evidence was stolen by someone who's in close proximity with these abductees/contactees.

I dunno. In my case, evidence was lost, I was threatened twice, assaulted once... and now people do think I'm crazy...

Who knows? I could be a paranoid schizophrenic... but still, what happened REALLY happened... and what am I supposed to think? that it's just a normal cruel joke someone's playing? It's possible, but not probable... especially with everything else that's happened, and the behaviour exhibited by people in hindsight.... it's just too weird to be just assholes being assholes...

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 03:00 PM
I am pretty sure I don't need psychiatric help, but I do thank you for your concern.

This is kinda why I wasn't gunna post all this up here, but I can take the heat.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 05:12 PM
Hey Man
Listen take it from me, keep your mouth shut... I dont mean that in a bad way its just that I did the same thing you are doing now and what I can tell you is this
It will not help or change anything, some of us are supposed to be involved in this??? whatever this is, the rest are not, you will not change what people think about this, its just to weird if you havent been through it
and people WILL think you are weird.
Dont form any opinion because there just isnt enough to go on

Do you have any freinds left? I got rid of all of mine... I mean great folk I have always picked my friends wisely, its just how can you relate to people anymore, its like they are sleeping.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by indierockalien
I am pretty sure I don't need psychiatric help, but I do thank you for your concern.

This is kinda why I wasn't gunna post all this up here, but I can take the heat.

Don't worry, mate.

People leap to conclusions about strange experiences but they do occur, that said even though it may not be what you think it is I feel it's a bit abrasive to drop hints to you being paranoid, delusional, or even schizophrenic without even addressing the issue you brought up. Let's face it, they instantly don't believe you're had any sort of abduction experience so anything you say relating to it will be Summarily dismissed.

It's kind of a stand-offish approach to someone looking for help that a lot of people use when dealing with an individual who clearly believes they have had an unusual experience.

As if they don't happen at all.

Perhaps if you went into more detail about your experience or even sent it to some in a U2U if you don't want to face the 'heat' of quick dismissal. It would be better in at least helping you figure out some possibilities of what is is you're dealing with.

Good luck in any case.

- Lee

EDIT: SFor some confusion on my part.

[edit on 10-12-2007 by lee anoma]

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 05:45 PM
I hope you do move away from these hoodlums (ex-friends), don't let them in anyway know where you are going.

I believe maybe you should just talk to your mom about this and keep yourself safe. In this time in history you have to be very careful of what you say and do because the police don't really care about you.

I want to tell you, "I believe you."

For myself I have found out that I could come here to ATS and share what I know of the Grey's and people who have had contact will know what I say is correct and the skeptics........ you just have to ignore. The point is sharing and knowing people have read what you have written so in time when things come to light they can say hmmmmmm I think I read that somewhere.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Listen, we are seriously concerned about this guy. This is not funny in the least.

I'm not going to get into it with you but suffice it to say I don't want to see anyone end up in a bad way.

I don't think the OP would be hurting his cause by just making an appointment with a psychiatrist and getting checked out. If he doesn't think he is mentally ill then it wont be any big deal.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by indierockalien

How do you know that they aren't monitoring you here? Don't want to make you any more paranoid but, if what you have to say is true, I'd expect them to be monitoring your net traffic, emails, etc.

Then again they could also just be really sick, demented people who thought it would be "fun" to torment you, knowing that you're into this stuff. Though I never could grasp the existence of such people.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 01:43 AM
I don't know.... I never really had any concern to be paranoid before.... they very well could be monitoring me here, but there's not many outlets to find people who have had similar experiences.

And ya know, I've kind of made my peace with the whole death issue through spirituality and stuff, so I mean, what other choice do I have, other than to meet these people head on? They met me head on. I just gotta do what I gotta do, and if the time comes... IF they want to silence me.... they can't silence everyone. So honestly, I'm ot too worried about it. I was really just posting this to see if anyone else has experienced similar "backlashes", I guess you could call it?

...and if so... either post it on this thread or u2u me privately, and I'll answer any questions you have, and vice versa.

Wow that guy seems way too concerned about me... Thanks, but honestly, I'm not gunna hurt myself or anyone else. If I am a skitzo, I promise you, I'm a pacifist skitzo who values life. Thanks for the support, though, honestly.

I know how these posts normally get.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 01:58 AM
For what it's worth (and my opinion is completely worthless to you right now), I don't think you're paranoid schizophrenic.

The link to that AstralDynamics thread I posted yesterday suddenly stopped working. Just like that, the whole forum is down. The forum going down did happen two or three times before (in almost two years time I've been there). But this was just so strange coincidence to happen, just when I posted something there a couple of hours before, and a link to it here, that it really makes me wonder what that coincidence should be telling me.

Plus that strange feeling that I read exactly the same recollection of events before...

There is definitely something strange going on around you, but I still can't pinpoint what. It's unusual for me to be blind like this. Something is shielding you from me, and honestly - that worries me.

Your friends changing mentality in such an abrupt manner is something that you will understand from my posts on that other forum, when it comes back online.

What I advise you to do right now is to wait. Have patience. If you're planning to do anything right now - put it on hold. You are walking blindly, and who knows what you can bump into until you see what I mean by these words.

Take care.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 02:00 AM
To be honest... what are the chances of me making friends with a cabal of sick dfemented people who have all been sexually abused as children, and who have deliberately been discouraging my outspoken-ness about my experiences with ... well like I said, at first, it seemed everyone was interested in it, and people told me they were seeing UFOs and aliens, and everyone got SUPER excited about my alien handprints and Jake was all like "We gotta document it!" and like I said, we took all these photos on his cell phone... but after he deleted them, suddenly it went from that, to people just dismissing me as crazy and laughing, and from there, it went from people laughing and ridiculing it, to people getting frustrated and angry at me bringing the subject up, and from there, it escalated to violence...

There's a Mahatma Ghandi quote I remember reading that seems very relevant here, but I can't remember the exact wording....

I've considered the fact that everyone around me might just be sick and derranged (and indeed they obviously are, in the light of things)... but, I'm of sound mind, believe it or not
, and I really do not enjoy depressing violent lunatics. I really don't even understand why I was friends with these guys for so long, but in the musical niche I'm in, it's just hard to find people to relate to musically...and when you form a band and a musical community, you want to be around people of like interests... but unfortunately, these leeches decided to form around me, and this dysfunctional nightmare of a community formed... and it has all seemed to center around destroying my sanity and leeching my power as a human individual.... and the events of late just compound upon the events ever since I first became aquainted with these people about 6 years ago...

and they are bad people, man. Either way, these people have become dirty rotten scum, no matter how victimized they once could've been, they are now plagues upon society... and I am quite thankful this has happened, because it showed me who my REAL friends are...

and yes, I still have a select few real friends that actually care... like this real talented bass player I'm working with right now, we're gunna change the underground music scene seriously... but umm yeah I'm a bit off my own topic now.

Anyway... peace for tonight. I appreciate the input.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by elendal
For what it's worth (and my opinion is completely worthless to you right now), I don't think you're paranoid schizophrenic.

The link to that AstralDynamics thread I posted yesterday suddenly stopped working. Just like that, the whole forum is down. The forum going down did happen two or three times before (in almost two years time I've been there). But this was just so strange coincidence to happen, just when I posted something there a couple of hours before, and a link to it here, that it really makes me wonder what that coincidence should be telling me.

Plus that strange feeling that I read exactly the same recollection of events before...

There is definitely something strange going on around you, but I still can't pinpoint what. It's unusual for me to be blind like this. Something is shielding you from me, and honestly - that worries me.

Your friends changing mentality in such an abrupt manner is something that you will understand from my posts on that other forum, when it comes back online.

What I advise you to do right now is to wait. Have patience. If you're planning to do anything right now - put it on hold. You are walking blindly, and who knows what you can bump into until you see what I mean by these words.

Take care.

Thanks for the support! Yeah man, did you post a link to that??? Oh yeah, it was a broken link or something, like you said.

But yeah this site is definitely being monitored... but so is everywhere, even your private thoughts, as far out as that sounds... but man, you gotta persevere through the disinfo, the threat of being surveilled, the flak from non believers... and you just gotta follow the road that's being laid out before you. If you are truly sound of mind, and go with your gut, things...answers... will just fall into your lap. My motto now is that I do not dismiss any possibility now. I have debunked myself before, I have debunked others before, but I also have embraced some pretty wild notions and supported some pretty out there claims because they "feel" right... and man as long as I stay as open as can be, stuff just continually slowly unfolds. In my opinion, I don't feel like I've been open enough for my brains to fall out :p

It's when you become too comfortable with the reality you're given, and just assume that everyone outside that reality is crazy, that you are in trouble... because if you don't keep a wide open eye on everything around you... you could miss something important.

Just like I got too comfortable with the reality that I was the "town idiot" to these people I called friends, that's when I lost my power and became depressed and destructive and "crazy". Once I realized that there was a life outside of the world they guilt tripped me into accepting, I became more powerful than every single one of them combined, and more straightforward thinking than I've ever been... and with that attitude, you can never lose.

So, are things being monitored to unbelieveable degre4es, YES. But should you get all paranoid and cautious about everything? No, because then they win, and you end up opening yourself up to more of the things you are trying to avoid... because you've constantly got them on your mind.

Law of attraction, my friend!

Anyway... it's super late. Hopefully this thread isn't dead tomorrow and maybe I'll get some interesting replies. If it is dead, maybe all the better haha


[edit on 11-12-2007 by indierockalien]

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 02:41 AM
Do you think there could be a chance you are paranoid skitzophrenic?

If not what would be the harm in going to a psychiatrist to rule it out?

Just wondering, I would rule it out if I was you.. Those experiences aren't normal man.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by IdeaLogical
Do you think there could be a chance you are paranoid skitzophrenic?

If not what would be the harm in going to a psychiatrist to rule it out?

Just wondering, I would rule it out if I was you.. Those experiences aren't normal man.

Well, if I can interfere here...

First, what exactly do you define as normal? Something that happens most of the time? I'd use that definition myself. So, if something happened to you that happens very rarely, actually it never happened to you before, how would you call it? Abnormal? That's a wrong perspective to look from. Nothing is "normal" or "abnormal", it just happens more or less often, and we base our beliefs on that fact.

Second, if you truly knew what is happening, and you can't since you've never experienced it, you would know how easily people can be manipulated. How easily they can be forced into some beliefs and actions, and not even be aware of what they are doing, sometimes even completely forgetting what they've just done. Like something took hold of them at that moment and they completely changed.

Afterwards, if they are truly honest to themselves, they start wondering "WTF was that all about? How could I have EVER done something like that?".

If they're not honest, they'll try as hard as they can to find some "reasonable" explanation for their actions... which usually ends up finding someone else to blame. Like "You did it to us, you !@#$#! It's you WEIRDO, not us! STOP talking nonsense! I DON'T WANT to hear it! I'll punch you in your ugly face!"... (add any other line you've heard before...)

Can you feel that pure rage I've been picturing here? It's a natural reaction to the knowledge (and we always DO KNOW exactly what's happening, but we DON'T WANT to know), that we are powerless before some force that can use us like rag dolls if it wishes to. I've talked about it in that link I posted in much more detail. It also explains how to get rid of it, and it does take will and courage to do it.

Be patient, and check it out. You may be surprised with what you read there.

[edit on 11-12-2007 by elendal]

[edit on 11-12-2007 by elendal]

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 06:36 AM

To some degree,we all get victimized at times in our life.
Bad luck causes setbacks. Or a bad decision gets us into mischief.
Or thoughtless people with sadistic tendencies take advantage of
us just for the sheer hell of it. But part of the thrill of living
is using our innate talents and resources to overcome these
difficulties and rise above them.

But then there are some people, like yourself, who don't try to
overcome their difficulties and choose to instead wallow in them.
IMHO, it sounds as if you've embraced your "wounded self" and
your self-proclaimed (((weirdness))) where you have chosen to
simply accept it --- and even worse, you are wearing it as
a badge of nobility!

I'm not saying if I think you are an "experiencer" or not
and I'm not saying if I agree with you or not that there
are those around you who are working for "them" either
knowingly or unknowingly because
these are not the real issues that are being focused on by most here
in this thread who have given you the best advice they possibly
could based on the information you gave us about those thugs
ganging up on you and beating you up like that and INJECTING YOU
WITH SOMETHING... and their
continuing harassment of you.

At the present time, you need stop wearing your 'victimization'
as a badge of nobility and take hold of the reigns of reality
and buy a can of mace for you AND YOUR MOTHER.
Then you absolutely... and I'm VERY serious about this... you
need to go to the police station and make out a police report
on what happened to you in that apartment. That those thugs
you called your friends BEAT YOU UP and INJECTED YOU with
You will need to state their names in that report
and explain to the police that you fear for your life and
are concerned that they will continue to harass you -- and
from there.. let police do their stuff. True, you will have
to file that report in the same town where it happened and
regardless that you thought those policemen were not taking
you seriously.. you still need to write out that report so
they can have it on file. By having that report on file,
if those thugs, you once called your friends harass you
again where you report that to the police -- the police
will see that you've already made a report in the past
about those same people where they will do whatever is
necessary to prosecute those people in a court of law.

The next thing you need to do is make an appt. at a
teaching hospital somewhere nearby where you live.
Such hospitals have interns/residents doing their Psychiatry
rotations where they will assign you to one of them
to come in on a weekly basis just to talk to that
person you were assigned to. They charge on a sliding
payscale so you will only paying a few dollars for
these sessions for every visit. They will determine
if they think that you need some kind of medication
just to get through what you've just gone through.
The bottom line is... you ARE a victim of a
vicious violent attack.
Most people who go through such
experiences suffer emotionally from such experiences
where they need to get help to help cope with those
strong overwhelming emotions that spring up as a
result of being physically attacked. They can pre-
scribe some medication to help you cope with those
emotions you are experiencing now -- emotions that
are manifesting in ways that only a professional
will be able to identify.

So YOU have a choice here to either continue being THE VICTIM
and wallowing in it --
or you can grab hold of the reigns of reality by doing
those things I mentioned above that need to be done
for you to begin to heal.. You owe that not only
to yourself, but also to your loved ones.

[edit on 11-12-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by indierockalien

Remember when I pointed out that there was something else you were not telling us with your thread, here?

I was perusing some of the other forums here, and went back to a thread in the paranormal section where you had replied.

So, not only were you victimized by your friends for talking about aliens, but you were John Lennon in a past life?

Please do yourself and your Mom a favor and go talk to a proffesional about all of this.

Best wishes to you!

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan


The other posters are not getting the point here. It's not just one thing or two things that are sending up red flags here.

I know there are people that have had unexplained experiences or phenomena in their lives. There are a couple that I have met here that I absolutely believe have had something unbelievable happen to them.

Then there are some that are living in an imaginary world and believe they are being contacted or chased by the shadow government but they still function in a somewhat normal way. Pretty much harmless!

Then there are people like the OP of which I've only seen maybe 2 in all the time I've been lurking and a member here (going on 3 years).

I'm not going to post again but I would ask the OP and those that support his story to please read below as well as a few other stories at the linked site. I would greatly appreciate it.

The First Signs of Schizophrenia

In my own case it was just over a decade ago when my brother began to sound different on the phone. He lived back East and my parents and I were living on the West coast and in phone calls it became apparent that my brother's voice no longer had the same tones of excitement and humor that he used to; and instead it was very flat. At the same time he began to tell us about a situation at work that just didn't seem possible; he was complaining that a group of fellow workers were conspiring to get him.

My brother was fresh out of college and was starting in a Sales job at a fast growing computer company and said that there was jealousy by the other salespeople there because many of them didn't have a college degree and that he was on the "fast track". Then he started telling us that he wasn't feeling very good and that he thought that one of these scheming co-workers had stuck him with a needle with some unknown drug so as to take him out of competition for the top jobs in the company. He also said he felt strange, and didn't have much energy and couldn't concentrate.

Obviously this whole story seemed very unbelievable and we sensed something was wrong but had no clue as to what it could be. We recommended that my brother quit his job and look for something else - as we began to wonder if he had a "mental breakdown" and would get better once out of the stressful job situation. A month or two after he quit his job he suddenly began calling me from payphones because he thought that people were bugging his phone and that famous business people in the country were trying to get his new business ideas. This was so "far out" as to be entirely unbelieveable and we suddenly realized that something was very clearly and seriously wrong - what exactly that was took us another 5 years to find out definitively, which is the saddest part. We went through a number psychiatrists and psychologists who thought he was fine or only a little paranoid (he always seemed to pull together enough to present a reasonable front to the psychiatrists but we knew the old John, and something was still definitely wrong - but you keep hoping that they are right and that he just needed a few months to get back on his feet).

My recommendation to people who are either wondering if they have schizophrenia or wondering if a friend or loved one has schizophrenia - is to first contact talk with people in the discussion areas, or contact the Local NAMI (in the USA), or Schizophrenia Society (in Canada), and visit one of their meetings to talk with other parents or family members and get a recommended psychiatrist from them who is experienced with schizophrenia. I think one of our key problems was that we didn't do this in the early days of my brother's illness (though misdiagnosis sounds very common in schizophrenia cases) - and because of this we may have missed the opportunity to get treatment. This lack of treatment during the early years of the illness, research now suggests, could have been a key factor in his ultimately poor recovery and suicide.

After a few meetings with psychiatrists - and no improvement in my brother's condition - he became disillusioned with the medical profession and would no longer see doctors. It took us almost 6 years until he then degenerated to the state where he could he had become so delusional that he had to be hospitalized. If we had gotten him medication much earlier I think he would still be alive today.


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