posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:49 PM
I am a big believer in the chupacabra. i have seen it before when i was in the was one of the scariest things ever. me and a freind were
there when it happened.i want to know if anybody else out there has seen one, or if there are any good sites about them. also what is your view on the
chupacabra? do you believe? i would love to hear your point of view. i would also like any information, pics, anything about it. i heard that there
was a video of it. something like a girl was in her house out in the country, and she saw something in her sheep pen so she turned on her recorder,
and taped it. it showed something that looked like a small man, that had big teeth or fangs, and she said something and it bolted. it sounds real but
is there any word?