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First Person Grenaders, not shooters.

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posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 06:55 PM
Seriously, I sometimes wonder why I play FPS games anymore. Ever since halo 2 on xbox live, it seems like "Shooters" have degenerated to massive grenade fests, with the occasional melee strike.

To me this completely defeats the purpose of a "First Person Shooter"...
Honestly there is hardly ever any shooting. Most "firefights" in halo 2 come down to whoever can time their grenades and melee strikes more efficiently than their opponent. I quit halo altogether because of this. Call of Duty 4 is sinking into this pattern too it seems! :bnghd:

A very large portion of the matches my clan and I have played are either won or lost due to the godlike throwing arm... Wait, its not even a throwing arm, it's more like a mortar tube in place of an arm, that everyone seems to possess, along with the weapon mounted "Noob tubes" (grenade launchers) that are able to fire across the map.

It's really quite frustrating.

What are your thoughts?

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Catfish

What do you mean? Like the person holds the granade till the last second so there's no way to it if they make a good throw ?

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 07:51 AM
Sounds like another reason not to go on line with X-box live.

Not sure I can take being fragged all the time and by someone at least half my age!!

When single player with Halo 2 and currently with Halo 3, I do use grenades but rarely melee. Maybe I am missing something!!!

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Scramjet76

They're tossing them over buildings from halfway across the map before any real fighting occurs, sometimes blowing up at least half the team

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 01:35 PM
Ha ha. Usually once a round in COD4, I will cook a grenade, not throw it and just run up next to someone. Totally going sucide bomber. Makes me laugh each time. I can only imagine what the guy is thinking watching the kill replay.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 02:09 PM
On cod4..

I'm the other guy, the one with all the claymores hiding in the shadows waiting to leap out and tea bag my recently claymore'd victims.

I always put them in daft places nobody thinks to look, on the steps themselves so the laser trip beam isn't seen, under tables, in bushes, by cars (double explosion).

On grenades, they can be annoying especially when one comes through a window into the room you and your team are shooting out of, a rush to the door ensues and you find yourself turned into red paint as somebody struggles with the basics of running through a door thus blocking everyone in.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Catfish

They're tossing them over buildings from halfway across the map before any real fighting occurs, sometimes blowing up at least half the team

Well why is the map so small? How are they able to toss a grenade that far? I'm no expert on first person shooters, but I fall in love with them every now and again.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Scramjet76

I don't know why to be honest. :shk: either the maps are small, or the characters ability to throw grenades is seriously... For lack of a better term, over[pwering :bnghd:

Ha ha. Usually once a round in COD4, I will cook a grenade, not throw it and just run up next to someone. Totally going sucide bomber. Makes me laugh each time. I can only imagine what the guy is thinking watching the kill replay.

My brother does this as well, while screaming "Allah Akbar!" into the microphone. Quite racey but very funny imo!

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Catfish

I just got an xbox360 and i purchased gears of war... currently playing the campaign mode.

Do you have experience with this game? Played it online?

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