posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 03:35 PM
So you asking questiong, where people are most interested.
Money is not where they are interested. But money gives it.
Entertainment is what money gives. They are interestested from entertainment.
If you want to get people known from real truth, we must show it to them. Before that we must get accept from extraterrestrials for this project,
because they are those who must be disclosured for us not we to them.
So, what advice we ask from them, what could it be. Let's think big and wide, what could it be. Let's think what could be an really amazing show,
its not magic show, its not bodyworks show. What could it be. What amaze people when they see it? Advice what we ask from E.T is that kind thing at
they could together show everywhere at our planet earth with their spaceships. They no needed to come down to ground if they don't want, they just
need show up at the sky with their spaceships. That we could call mass showing. That would start our earth new kind of knowledge and thinking. Soon in
year or in month or in week we could get positive results and galactic age of our humanity could be more closer than we thought it happen. If we just
think, its 2012 that year when we must act together, wrong, if we going act only then together, we then have wasted time for waiting. We must act now
with this thing. Those who can contact to extraterrestrials, tell extraterrestrials from this message. This mass showing thing.
Or do you people still continue whining why extraterrestrials have not been disclosured to people?
If your friends, parents, or some other don't believe at its right to act because of truth of disclosure extraterrestrials to people, leave them be
like that, they will know later about why you acted with this thing disclosure extraterrestrials to people. Every country, every nation, we are not
creating war on the earth, but we need save the earth from its destruction, foolness and selfishness is the ones what will get earth that way at
"homo sapiens" race will disappear maybe forever from earth. Survivors are last survivors, but because of others, your surviving maybe will be 0%.
We are those who understand earth situation, we are those who have ability to help people to get known from truth, but if we not act together, and
there is just only small group of people helping, then our helping not save the earth.
Extraterrestrials waiting our turn. Extraterrestrials have done their moving disclosuring themselves to someone us with their spaceships or close
physical contact. They waiting us to cooperate with this disclosure thing, they waiting just more than one cooperating with this thing. One can be
down there big, but from looking up from space, that one is small at earth. So they waiting bigger group acting with this disclosure extraterrestrials
to people project. They not maybe waiting us that kind thing at we shouting on the streets from this, they waiting from us at we will together really
cooperate with this thing and not just discussing and whining about this thing and after other day we send again message where we whining or
discussing just.
If they see at we are not interested cooperate from this thing, their interest from us stopping more and more and they maybe someday leave us alone
because they see at we are just same what we were about hundreds or thousands years ago and they see at we are not even interested contact with
extraterrestrials. Those who want contact with extraterrestrials will be suffered because of others. Many will kill themselves because of others,
their selfishness to their own things, they even gave chance extraterrestrials to tell about themselves, we just ignored full thing and leaved
extraterrestrials to corner like there never been extraterrestrials in the world. We killing ourselves and that's why i am worried about earth. I
don't want lose this homo sapiens race forever, so that's why am i act with "disclosure extraterrestrials to people" thing. Living or dead, choose