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Weird and Interesting encounter....bout Draco's

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posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 12:26 AM
Heres my story about a Draco manipulating my little brother:
this happened a few days ago....and he was in the kitchen with me makin some snacks to eat and then all of a sudden he stares at me and starts to break down and cry....and guess wat?? HE WAS HOLDIN A KNIFE IN HIS HAND BUT LUCKILY IT WAS A BUTTER KNIFE!!! phew.....but anyways he said there was slits in my eyes an he threatened me and said stay away from me or i will have to kill you!!! ??? i was like wat??? I WAS SOOO CONFUSED AT THAT TIME AND WAS STILL TRYIN TO PUT THE PIECES OT THE PUZZLE>>>>ANYWAYS I WAS KINDA FRIGHTENED ABOUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO HIM, anyways i calmed him down and i asked him what it was about and he said that he was being manipulated by an entity inside my house by the name of DalFeur....anyone ever heard of that name? and he claimed that it was a Reptilian Draco that made false illusions to trick him into killin me??!!!!! and just to let you folk brother is an alien contactee...and his primary contact is a being that is in the Astral at the moment named Buritha and he claims that he is from a Binary Star system named Sirius A. My brother is also 13 years old and has been in contact with Buritha since the age of 7...this is truely a little skeptic about this....any thoughts or questions?
I would like to tell you this though...plz dont flame me.....My brother is a channeler for these things but he tells me that i used to been a Pleijaran from the Atlas Star in the Pleiades and i was in the pleiadian special ops that was tasked to take out neighboring star ships that were Draconian and he explained my death in great details...but wow all this info is mind blowing to me.!!!!!
Anyways thanks for reading and if you want to ask any questions..ill be more than happy to answer em for ya...plz no flamers...this is ATS

[edit on 9-12-2007 by Zionide]

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by Zionide

Depends on what you consider "flame" This is ATS after all. And Sirius A is the name of one of the stars, not the system.

-Which one of the stars does the supposed planet orbit?
-How far away from the star is this planet?

Also, would you be so kind to answer the following questions in mathematical terms:

-How is that orbit?
-How does the gravity pull of the binary star system affect this planet?

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 01:17 AM
I am just wondering what your parents think about all of this. Do you and your brother ever discuss it with them?


posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Farnswoth
reply to post by Zionide

Depends on what you consider "flame" This is ATS after all. And Sirius A is the name of one of the stars, not the system.

-Which one of the stars does the supposed planet orbit?
-How far away from the star is this planet?

Also, would you be so kind to answer the following questions in mathematical terms:

-How is that orbit?
-How does the gravity pull of the binary star system affect this planet?

I pissed my bro off this morning he wouldnt tell me now
....ill try to get that info outta him when hes in a better mood...thx for understanding

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
I am just wondering what your parents think about all of this. Do you and your brother ever discuss it with them?


My brother and I have tried to come forward with these things and our parents looked at us like we were nuts!!!
so i had no other place to turn to then ATS

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 12:27 PM
Wouldn't even a 13 yr old possessed by a reptilian realize that a "butter Knife" is the wrong implement to use to kill someone.

Are these reptilians maybe just morons that are more into drama than spreading evil and chaos?

Is Buritha a male or female? This one fact alone could hold the crux of the whole senario.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 12:35 PM
Actually, you could use a butter knife to kill someone, it would just require a good amount of thrust to penetrate the skin and muscles. However, know the right area of the human body, it could be used as a killing weapon.

Not the point though.. I am a little leery of the story. Some teens are prone to overactive imaginations and I cannot help but wonder if this is the case here. I could be wrong though, but, several times now both my kids have come to me with fantastical stories that they had made up in their own minds.


posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by ValhallasValkyrie
Actually, you could use a butter knife to kill someone, it would just require a good amount of thrust to penetrate the skin and muscles. However, know the right area of the human body, it could be used as a killing weapon.


You are absolutely right there VV and I certainly see your point but I'm sure that any Draco worth his salt would have picked up a butcher knife or at least something with a Point. Brandishing a butter knife in a threatening manner seems more humorous than anything else.

yeah, I too detect just a hint of over active adolescent imagination.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 02:01 PM
who knows? it all depends on the situation, you have to ask yourself if your brother is only making things up because he know about your knowleged of the alien world.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 05:39 PM
Go to your Parents. Not ATS. Who planted these ideas in your Brothers head? You? One of his friends? 13 is too young to plant an idea, no matter how ridiculous or true, in their heads and not expect an exaggerated response. GO TO YOUR PARENTS NOT ATS!

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 06:30 PM
I'm sorry to come across as crass... but your little brother needs SERIOUS counseling... If he can prove to a psychiatrist that he's channeling entities from other worlds, and that there is a Draco named DalFuer making him see illusions,
then he's validated himself.
(with the 'it's telling [him] to kill you...' stuff and the brandishment of a weapon this is a dangerous situation)

For your safety I seriously am suggesting you consider this option; it's best for the safety of you and your brother...

I am not trying to offend you.. but if this is all true... your brother really needs to seek help!


posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:16 PM
I will take that into account folks...thanks alot for the suggestions...

really appreciate it...i will have to make him see a psychiatrist

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Wouldn't even a 13 yr old possessed by a reptilian realize that a "butter Knife" is the wrong implement to use to kill someone.

Are these reptilians maybe just morons that are more into drama than spreading evil and chaos?

Is Buritha a male or female? This one fact alone could hold the crux of the whole senario.

Buritha is Male....and his name on earth is Dante

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:30 PM
how did your brother get in touch with the Dracos?
what's language they speak?
what's their plan on earth?

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 10:20 PM
I have had what one might call paranomal experiences(ufo sightings,
disembodied voices,visual phenomina,strange related dreams and the unstoppable need to research and find answers.

I went to a psychiatrist and he gave me a perfect bill of medical health.
Then I went to a para-normal psychologist and he told me some wild stuff about what he thought ufos were(spiritual).

After many years of research I am starting to think mabey all this
stuff is really the GOVERNMENT working another phaze of their

Have you ever heard of the rumor about "PROJECT BLUEBEAM".
and where they want to FAKE ufo sightings and biblical sightings
in order to FREAK US ALL OUT so they can "PROTECT US and to
"PROVE" to the world that the "Christian Bible is all true".

man what a mess ........huh?

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Zionide
I will take that into account folks...thanks alot for the suggestions...

really appreciate it...i will have to make him see a psychiatrist

ok, a couple of questions, fairly simple ones.

1. how old are you?
2. can you give more details about what your brother said about you and your pleadian background?
3.can you give more details about this "DalFuer" character?


posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 04:30 AM
so has your bother been actualy been abducted by the aliens?

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 04:46 AM
Scream VIM URU at him and see if he shape shifts

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 01:19 PM
I will answer all the above questions in abit...but first i would like to add that I see Orbs in my room almost everyday...why is that? and wat are these orbs?

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 02:04 PM
PLEASE, can you PLEASE do this for us... sit down with your brother and interview him and video-tape it. We will come up with the questions. And don't tell me you don't have a video camera.

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