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EMS the new spies?

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posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:26 PM

I am in EMS and this is just a shocker. They want us to spy on people and pump a chest at the same time? Next thing, you know, in our patient care reports, its going to have a page that says intelligence.

Who else is outrage by this?

The use of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel 1 as intelligence sensors or information collectors to provide information to Terrorism Early Warning Groups (TEWGs) and other local and state government intelligence fusion centers is recommended by numerous academic papers, professional articles and presentations, and U.S. Department of Homeland Security best-practice documents. These documents identify EMS personnel as valuable intelligence sensors, in part because they have access to locations not routinely available to law enforcement or intelligence communities that may contain indicators of terrorism

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by jhill76

I am in EMS and this is just a shocker. They want us to spy on people and pump a chest at the same time? Next thing, you know, in our patient care reports, its going to have a page that says intelligence.

Who else is outrage by this?

The use of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel 1 as intelligence sensors or information collectors to provide information to Terrorism Early Warning Groups (TEWGs) and other local and state government intelligence fusion centers is recommended by numerous academic papers, professional articles and presentations, and U.S. Department of Homeland Security best-practice documents. These documents identify EMS personnel as valuable intelligence sensors, in part because they have access to locations not routinely available to law enforcement or intelligence communities that may contain indicators of terrorism

I don't see it as telling EMS workers to spy on people, but keep there eyes open when on the scene since they may have a better chance than police of noticing something "odd" that may indicate certain types of terrorism.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 12:53 AM
This is the US government tellings its citizens to watch and report on one another and to be constantly on the lookout for deviant behavior that might support this nebulous term of terrorism. Having emergency services spy on people is really only a small step away from having private citizens spying on one another to report to the nearest government agency.

Think your neighbor spends a lot of time in his basement? Tell the feds he's tending to his pot plants. Think the new couple who moved in down the street looks a little foreign? Tell the government that they are spies from Pakistan.

You are living in post-Patriot Act USA were nothing is safe and the most innocuous actions can have you branded under the catch-all term of terrorism. Your freedoms are already gone and now you will have to watch out for your friends and relatives as well as the Feds and the tax man. What a wonderful place to live.


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