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Writing for ATS Premium, And Getting Paid For It.

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posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 01:59 PM
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about an excellent service we offer, which has already been used by a few members, our ATS Premium content initiative, and expand on the idea a bit more.

While we have a phenomenal amount of impressive content authored by our excellent members, the majority of our discussion threads are inspired either by current events, or material found elsewhere online. The ATS Premium initiative is designed to inspire our members to create original, hard-hitting material that draws broad attention to important issues. For example, the ATS Premium article on the missing nuclear warhead achieved phenomenal international attention, gained more than a million views in 30 days, and is our most-linked thread ever.

We've Had Some Great Submissions

Over the past few weeks, we've had some phenomenal submissions come our way with fantastic ideas and great writing. Unfortunately, it breaks our heart to report that they're not exactly what we're looking for. Hence, this new announcement.

Now It's Time To Turn Up The Heat!

Send us your best originally authored hit-pieces on current events, politics, and historical conspiracies that relate to contemporary issues. Let the world know the calibre of people who write here on a daily basis.

Every day there is something new, interesting, or important in the world of "alternative topics" that deserves more intense scrutiny than is provided by mainstream media. No other site can match the size of the crowd that contributes to "alternative topics" here at ATS. No other online source is better prepared to take on these issues in a way that surpasses mainstream media.

Premiums For Real-World Interviews

If your published article contains relevant interviews with people who are involved with your story, and support the premise of your article, we will pay an additional 50% of the offered "bounty" for your piece. But be prepared to provide the same level of backup required of freelance journalists.

Opportunities For Multi-Author Collaborations

If your published article is the result of a collaboration between two or more ATS members, we see this as an excellent, impressive, and important evolution of creating new content within our subject areas. Content "bounties" for multi-member-authored submissions begin at $100, and we will split the payment equally between collaborators (unless you tell us differently).

Publishing Accepted Articles

As you know by now, your accepted articles will be published to our email newsletter list now boasting over 65,000 subscribers with an open-rate in excess of 55%. Also, your piece will receive a featured "ATS Premium" thread for members to provide commentary. If your piece is truly great and deserves broad attention, we'll direct our PR agency to jump into action and promote your article to a long list of influential sources. For those who desire to use their real name and pursue a journalism career, this may be an excellent opportunity.

How To Submit

Just use our submission form.


We pay by check, mailed to you. Currently there are no options for PayPal payments. And keep in mind that it takes from 3-6 weeks to receive payment for your accepted articles.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:46 PM
I would love to participate, just not at present. What you offer is a genuine gift to us and I appreciate the opportunity. Thank you for the reminder of the quality found only here at ATS.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 09:39 PM
I strongly urge my fellow members to participate here. I have read threads that I feel would have done well in this area, and would have gathered a lot of discussion.

This is a chance to have your ideas put in front of a whole new group of people. It's a chance to be of service to ATS, because good articles will draw people to the website.

And the $$$$, while it may not make your car payment, will certainly cover a nice meal with someone you love, making you a hero.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 06:54 AM
The tricky part is actually coming up with content that is exclusive, hot and not already found all over the internet. As soon as that is found, you will be getting submissions.

Also, it would be nice to find out if submissions were rejected, so that we can post them as new threads to ATS. Or maybe if we dont hear anything within a month, that means they didnt make it to ATS-Premium.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

That's a great point, we will going forward notify those who submitted pieces that didn't make the premium so they can be used as OPs in a new thread.

It may require a reminder U2U once in a while, we are running a fairly large and growing list of projects and a business, pretty much by ourselves (4 of us) and we get extremely busy and we do get behind once in a while.


[edit on 12-8-2007 by Springer]

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
The tricky part is actually coming up with content that is exclusive, hot and not already found all over the internet. As soon as that is found, you will be getting submissions.

It is the combination of all three that is the sticker for me - I can do the exclusive and the not already been found on the internet but 'hot' they are not. I would not have made many of the connection that I have if it wasn't for ATS but at the same time they appeal to a very marginal audience (just me I think) so I doubt that they would be considered ATS Premium material.

Would it perhaps be a good idea if we could submit proposals and outlines rather than a complete piece - no obligation of course if the finished article is badly written but I have several ideas just don't know whether it would be what ATS would be interested in..........

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

I think if you combine all those ideas into one article and just write up the whole thing and submit it to ATS you have a good chance. And if not, you can get it published anyway...ever heard of the Internet? It makes everyone a publisher.

In any case, I´d be interested in hearing your ideas. What are they?

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 12:10 AM
I have been very silent as of late, ... although I used to be a very prominent poster.
Work takes me away from doing anything thought provoking or even thinking out of my daily pattern...
I would like a viable option to write, especially for a reputable "news" outlet.. I'm not sure what category to put ATS in but I do believe the opportunity to make money posting has piqued my interest in posting again.

I miss the culture and believe it needs a flash-back from the not so distant past, and get the conversations elevated, and more relevant.

[edit on 12/9/2007 by PuRe EnErGy]

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

In any case, I´d be interested in hearing your ideas. What are they?

I happy to share my ideas with you Skyfloating. Happy to collaborate too - I just like researching and writing - would like to do something for ATS 'cos I like ATS. Publishing aspect is secondary, I am working on an idea for a book, that's my main focus, but some 'exercise' would help.

Mostly unformed ideas. Varying subjects. If you're interested U2U me, I could perhaps use some help coming up with something that fits the bill.

All the best

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 09:01 AM
Well I just watched "Who killed John O'Niel" an overly difficult film to watch but the idea was good. I am an accomplished filmaker and the amateurish use of effects distracted me. The actor and script writer did a great job though. So you might say "do better, buddy!", and I shall, but I would like to do a similar compilation of theories UFO/human genesis/ alien wars/fortean ideas/ dropa/ dogon/dan winter...etc etc perhaps even follow my idea of the real story between the lines of "Jack and the Beanstalk" that sort of thing. Ahh but skilled as I am I live downunder and the way things are I aint moving to the States. Besides I have a two year contract to fulfil here,this would be a sparetime deal, but I am keen, have the gear and 30 years experience to back me up. If theres a small buck to be made great. So I am looking for collaberators, preferably in the land of Kangaroos but not essential.
Co-writers with ideas that need work or are ready for the screen lets chat.
This ATS premium I feel will become the new "Discovery Channel" and I want in, I think this site is the best use of mass-media, ever.
So if you have another "Zeitgeist" lets go!

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Springer
we will going forward notify those who submitted pieces that didn't make the premium so they can be used as OPs in a new thread.

Hi Springer,

I'm glad to hear that you liked Skyfloating's idea.

If you don't mind, I'll throw in a couple of my own:

(1) When a submission is made using the relevant form on ATS, it would be nice to have a record of the submission actually made. Could a copy of the relevant submission be send as a U2U or email to the person that submitted it? I have no idea if this would be very easy, or very difficult, to arrange...

(2) Could a rough indication be given as to the length of time to allow before a decision can be expected? A week? A month?

All the best,


posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 09:56 AM
Reply to Issac Koi:

You can find that record by going to "My Profile" and "Recent Threads I tagged".

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Reply to Issac Koi:

You can find that record by going to "My Profile" and "Recent Threads I tagged".

Hi Skyfloating,

Mmm. Interesting.

I see the title of my submission (and an indication of the number of replies in relation to it) in "My Profile" under "Recent Threads I tagged", but when I click on the relevant title I get an error message stating that "You've Requested A Page That No Longer Exists".

I presume that the relevant thread discusses whether the submission should be included in the newsletter or not and is in some forum accessible only to The Powers That Be on ATS.

So, I have a record of the fact that I made a submission (and its title), but not a copy of the submission as received by ATS.

All the best,


[edit on 11-12-2007 by IsaacKoi]

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 10:14 AM
the submission of an article is sent to a non-public thread so you won't be able to view it. thus, you get that page when you click the link

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

Do you want a copy? I can email it to you if you do.


posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 04:58 PM
Would it be possible to write something for you guys with anonymity and still get paid without having the material associated with my user account, or real name being made public? Fifty bucks doesn't sound like alot of money, what about the possibility of residuals if the piece draws alot of traffic or something? Have you guys considered staffing writers in future expansions?
I'm keenly interested, but I'm poor and scared

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by twitchy

the only two people who would know your name would be SO and myself. SO gets the info and passes it to me so I can cut the check. I'm not averse to having the info sent directly to me to cut out the middle man.
you would, however, need to have a piece accepted first. not sure if you can submit it anonymously.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
Would it be possible to write something for you guys with anonymity and still get paid without having the material associated with my user account, or real name being made public?

We can preserve the desired anonymity of anyone submitting a story, however, standing by your claims with real name and/or ATS account pseudonym goes a long way toward demonstrating credibility.

But if you have something great, and simply cannot have it associated (in public) with your name... we can work with you. However, in such cases, the material will likely not be accepted or covered by mainstream media -- catch 22.

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 08:53 PM
I am interested in the ATS Premium idea and was looking through the site as to where I could glance through some of the previous topics. I am sure some topics don't come off well or not read at all. Anyway my problem is, and you may laugh cause it may be staring at me up front but, where is the ATS Premium forum? My blond roots are showing maybe?

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 04:53 AM
I have done some freelance work in the past, and am wondering whether you'll accept well written pieces of history about matters that are disgussed here.

In the case that you'll give a positive answer, I must ask whether it is accepted to criticize such history with help by anthropology. It is a science specifically designed and created to examine evolution of culture (thus, also subcultures) and evolution of subjects, be it negative or positive evolution in the eye of empirical approach.

It is not my intent to write critically, but some subjects deserve to be given both approaches, reasons accepting one and denial with reasons as well.

There is however a catch. I'm not sure if I can scope with my skills in english to actually write to people whose native language is english... :-]

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