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IDF to show US nuclear data on Iran

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posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 09:40 AM

IDF to show US nuclear data on Iran

Disappointed after failing to make their case on Iran and influence the outcome of the United States's National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released this week, Military Intelligence will present its hard core evidence on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program on Sunday to the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff during a rare visit he will be making to Israel.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 09:40 AM
IT looks like the this is not over just yet...........
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 09:56 AM
Israel want the USA to bomb Iran - the NIE says otherwise so they will `try` and push there agenda again with `new evidence`

and around it all goes again.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:04 AM
Seems some agenda pushing was done via the authors of the current NIE.

IMHO the current NIE version made things more dangerous rather than less.

1. Meaningful sanctions out the window.
2. More risk of WW3 or 4, with IDF acting alone.
3. Iranians emboldened to rachet up rhetoric.

A published NIE with stronger findings vis a vis Iranian nuclear program would most likely have resulted in a more peaceful resolution, not the march to war that some think when reading on surface.

IDF is trying to avoid unilateral action with this meeting, if their evidence holds sway then there may be chance to avoid the path to outright war.

Time will tell.........................


posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:17 AM
I don't know why but this topic seems to agitate me more than most others. I wish they would stop with all of the double talk and conflicting information. It just feels like the country is being lied to again and it drives me crazy.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
Israel want the USA to bomb Iran - the NIE says otherwise so they will `try` and push there agenda again with `new evidence`

Actually, the NIE doesn't really say otherwise. While it does say that the Iranians have halted the program, the report says they may restart it at any time, and forwards the possibility that the Irans may still be conducting a nuclear weapons program in secret. While the information in the NIE doesn't necessarily contradict itself, there is enough conflicting information and suggestions that no matter what happens, the authors will be able to point to it and say, "see, told you so."

Though I hate to appear as if I am killing the messanger, one of the authors of the NIE, Thomas Fingar, appeared before the House Armed Services Committee in July 07, and testified that Iran was pursuing a nuclear weapon.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

I don't think anyone is lying to us.

I read somewhere that Iran is the hardest country for our spies to operate in. Even more so than North Korea, which is the most isolated, closed country in the world. Given the difficulties infiltrating Iran, it is only natural we would recieve much contraditory information in regards to their activities.

Is the President lying to us about Iran's activities? Doubtful, he was going on the best information available to him (remember the 2005 NIE did state that Iran was developing nuclear weapons). Are the authors of the current NIE lying about Iran's activities? Again, doubtful; they are just going on the best information available to them.

Now, are any of them cherry-picking data? Probably. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Given the difficulty getting information out of Iran, and given the contradictory nature of that information, one must shift through data, take the best information and cut what they believe to be bad information, to come to a best conclusion possible under the circumstances.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Phoenix

I totally agree with your analysis. I can't really say if the NIE is actually correct or if the authors were trying to push an agenda. Either way, the end result is that further sanctions against Iran will never happen. This leaves only the military option for Israel. That will inevitably result in military involvement by the United States.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 04:56 PM
Despite the report that Iran supposedly discontinued its nuclear program in 2003 only 18% of people believe that. So if Bush and company wants to invade Iran on the nuclear weapons premise......he has the support of most Americans if the poll is to be believed. Its a question of who do you believe.... Israel, The United States, or Iran......????

Just 18% Believe Iran has Stopped Nuclear Weapons Development Program

[edit on 7-12-2007 by BlueRidge]

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by BlueRidge

IT looks like the this is not over just yet...........

Of course its not over. Nothing has changed since the release of this report. The U.S. and Israel both know the truth. This so called report is bogus and just a big lie. Of course Iran has a nuclear weapons program.

Its really funny how some of you here will jump on this ONE story with an opposing view and claim 'here is your proof'. Yet, the same people disregard all the previous reports stating that Iran does have a nuclear weapons program. The same guy who was behind this bogus report was the same guy just two months ago who said Iran does have nuclear program. Don't drink the Kool-aid....

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan

Originally posted by BlueRidge

IT looks like the this is not over just yet...........

Of course its not over. Nothing has changed since the release of this report. The U.S. and Israel both know the truth. This so called report is bogus and just a big lie. Of course Iran has a nuclear weapons program.

Its really funny how some of you here will jump on this ONE story with an opposing view and claim 'here is your proof'. Yet, the same people disregard all the previous reports stating that Iran does have a nuclear weapons program. The same guy who was behind this bogus report was the same guy just two months ago who said Iran does have nuclear program. Don't drink the Kool-aid....
and you would know beyond a reasonable doubt that they have a nuke program how? unless your part of irans nuclear reaserch field then you dont know. and having a hunch isnt a good reason to assault another country espescially with the implications of attacking iran. first off iran has a EXTREMELY strong sense of nationalism being one of the oldest territories in the world. there also a major influence in the region that leans towards the possibility of this not just being us and iran. we also dont have the man power to swoop in and keep hizbullah from reclaiming military equipment that survives the airstrikes. sanctions arent working so were either going to warr or bush realizes that this would be a tactical error we dont have the troop moral or power to fight in iran. there is a much more important thing to look at too. is this going to be the rest of our lives? middle eastern country after middle eastern country? this could be the straw that breaks the camels back. if it looks like were going to just invade country after country then we could very well see a unified middle east movement. if theres going to be hostility towards iran we either are not going to see it for a few years or were going to have a catastrophe in the middle east.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by justanothergangster

and you would know beyond a reasonable doubt that they have a nuke program how? unless your part of irans nuclear reaserch field then you dont know.

What are they spinning in those centrifuge's - cotton candy? One does not need to bury cotton candy machines far underground either. Of course if IT was just cotton candy then it should be no problem for anyone to take a look eh?

I think when it comes to nuclear weapons speading reasonable doubt should be the opposite of your interpretation, on the shoulders of cotton candy makers that is.


posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Phoenix

No, their spinning Uranium gas in those centrifuges, for their nuclear power programme.

The IAEA has given them a clean bill of health. The latest report in Oct 2007 cited only slight technical details needed resolving, which was done two weeks ago when Iran submitted the remaining documentation to the IAEA.

I assume you've read that report, hey? I have....

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by stumason

The IAEA has given them a clean bill of health. The latest report in Oct 2007 cited only slight technical details needed resolving, which was done two weeks ago when Iran submitted the remaining documentation to the IAEA.

I can only use ElBaradei's own words as spoken November 22, 2007 in answer,

The IAEA “has so far not been able to verify some important aspects of Iran’s nuclear programme: those relevant to the scope and nature of Iran’s centrifuge enrichment activities, as well as those relevant to alleged studies and other activities that could have military applications,” ElBaradei told the meeting.



When the head of the IAEA is giving speech's in front of the 35 member board where he is unclear - how can you be so sure of the report you are citing.


(sorry but link buttons are not functioning for me)

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 10:21 PM
am i the only one that thinks Israel giving us intel about THEIR enemies actions carrries a little conflict of interest?

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Phoenix

That was exactly what I meant that within the past couple of weeks, the very question you cite was resolved. It was to do with the contaminated centrifuges that Iran obtained and also documentation Iran had in it's possession relating to it's nuclear programme.

The documentation issue has now been resolved, except for Iran's continued enrichment in spite of UN resolutions, but one could argue that the UNSC is being unreasonable in demanding that Iran stop what is it's legal right under the NPT.

On 5th December, El Baradei said Iran was "vindicated" by the NIE report. The IAEA report of Oct 2007 states very clearly there is no evidence of a nuclear weapons programme and only cites slight technical issues to be resolved, as highlighted above.

The IAEA also noted the answers Iran had given about the history of its centrifuge programme were consistent with the agency's own findings.

The report by IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei praised Iran for making progress in responding to questions about its past nuclear activities.

"Iran has provided sufficient access to individuals and has responded in a timely manner to questions and provided clarifications and amplifications on issues raised in the context of the work plan," the report said.


posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:10 PM
That's awesome. They goofed up and people found out what our intelligence was ACTUALLY saying about Iran's activities (as opposed to the now-proven-lies of the Bush Dynasty.)

Now they have to do damage control and have Israel make up some good lies for them to shove down our throats.

I don't mean to come off as being some kind of anti-Semite, but the recreation of Israel (from stolen land, no less) might prove to be the mistake that will destroy mankind.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by justanothergangster
and you would know beyond a reasonable doubt that they have a nuke program how?

Its called simple deduction. Why would Iran spend the hefty costs of trying to only gain nuclear power? The most cost effective method would be for Iran to just build more refineries. Presently, they have the oil but not the refineries. So, the simplest and logical conclusion is that they are attempting to gain nuclear weapons.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:53 PM
It sounds to me like Israel won't stop until they have manipulated the US into destroying each and every neighboring country for them.

Any time Israel wants to push another power play on neighboring countries, they simply call up the US. From there the US feeds their public whatever lies they need to in order to sway public opinion, then they deploy the military.

I wouldn't be surprised if the US went to war with itself by the command of Israel.

The US government benefits from all of this of course. Though they don't obtain direct control over foreign countries, they do obtain that countries assets, they get to install a puppet government, and oppress yet another peoples who otherwise might resist a hostile takeover.

Make no mistake about it, Israel and the US are after world domination. Though, they cleverly re-named it "spreading freedom".

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by johnsky
The US government benefits from all of this of course. Though they don't obtain direct control over foreign countries, they do obtain that countries assets, they get to install a puppet government, and oppress yet another peoples who otherwise might resist a hostile takeover.

Please enlighten us by naming all these countries whos assets we have obtained and installed puppet governments.

Make no mistake about it, Israel and the US are after world domination. Though, they cleverly re-named it "spreading freedom".

This must be the most idiotic statement I have read in a long time. You really have no clue. Sad, just sad.

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