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Sneaking in the new National ID card

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posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 09:27 AM

Sneaking in the new National ID card

The license will include improved security measures that will be tougher to tamper with or duplicate, said Alicia C. Ortiz, deputy director of field operations for the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division.

"It's really a much more secure card," she said.

Ortiz said some of the new security features be easily recognizable, while others will be imbedded in the card and known to only some officials, such as certain law enforcement personnel.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
Dept. of Homeland Security: "You'll get a National ID and you'll Like it"
National ID: Biometrics to be added to Social Security Cards

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 09:27 AM
When the topic came up I wondered the REAL ID Act of 2005 was going to be implemented by the 2008 deadline. Also reading other post many people said they would refuse getting such a card. Not to mention the huge amount of money it would take the government to do this. Well my friends the answer is clear now. The answer? It's in your wallet right now the drivers license. All most all of us have one or will get one sooner or later. So pawning off this on the states responsibility its much simpler to do and will go pretty much un-noticed except for the new procedure. For those who do not drive I believe we will see something later on when purchasing goods will somehow require an RFID of some sort or you cant by goods. Have you ever notice the number of towers that seem to keep popping up everywhere and wonder what it's for? I do everyday.

If possible I suggest you renew your license now before they start this new process and most states allow you to have a standard license up to 10 years.

O and for all you who said you would refuse the NID, sorry, aint gonna happen unless you dont drive or wanna by stuff.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 12:29 PM
Wow, nothing at all in replies. I guess this is just being accepted as the norm even on ATS. Maybe I'm just paranoid I guess.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 09:27 AM
How is a real ID card any different from a normal ID or drivers license?

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Keebie


I believe what you're seeing is not the fact that people on ATS don't care, as much as you're seeing a group of people that have either discussed this many times in the past, or people that have seen this coming for quite a while now. I remember that I used to be terribly concerned over such things, but as time goes on, and the cogs are already turning, I personally have found it best to pick your battles, and fight in the best way there is: knowledge.

Besides, if you worry about every thing that is happening right now, and get paranoid over all of it, you're more likely imo to end up having a nervous breakdown and of course, that may be just want they want to happen to dissidents.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 09:39 AM
Ontario just started implementing a enhanced drivers license as of Dec. '08. This has been known for years and will enable Canadian citizens to cross United States borders. I don't think anyone sneaked.


This card may even replace the passport some say, but that remains to be seen.

No amount of ID will prevent terrorism though, sleeper cells can rise up anytime and they would have all the proper ID anyway.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 09:59 AM
I believe that most state issued driver's licenses have most (if not all) of the attributes of a national id. Perhaps most will be adding RFID soon.

Perhaps it is HOW we will be required to use them that will make the biggest difference. Currently the only organization (that I know of) that utilizes the barcode on the back is the police. TSA looks at it, but does not run it through a barcode reader... same with banks.

This will require a lot of collusion with big business and small business alike to make it 100% effective.

That actually makes me feel much better about it all.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 10:05 AM
Well, I believe the Real ID is just another step the government is taking to swindle us from our rights. Rumor has it, that once the American people gets used to the Real ID, they'll try to pass off a small micro chip implanted in the card, a chip equipped with a radio transmitted tracking device. So the government will know what you're doing and where you're at at all times. For example, if you get any new American passport. Just simply tear back the top of the bind, and you will find this same small micro chip tracking device. To make it worse, this chip will not be enforced upon the people, the people will demand it. At least, that's their plan.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 02:32 PM
I don't like the tracking device either. I guess in a way for missing persons it would be a good tool but the con's are there also.....

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