posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 04:30 PM
People keep saying if the aliens wanted to hurt us they would of done it already, there already doin it! Who do you think the rothschilds and the
rockefellers are taking there orders off, there definatly not human.. A monevalent race has been minipulating our systems here on earth for six
thousand years, there the ones that gave us religon the main cause of death and destruction for centurys.. religon is evil. Its coming to an end tho,
you mark my words.. When you see strange things in the mainstream media like the documents about iran having stopped making weapons in 2003.. if the
new world order wanted fake documents they could have had them.. Its just a reflection of whats really going on outside the box and there losing
[edit on 6-12-2007 by elevatedone]