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To Support Ron Paul is to Support the Constitution and Limiting of Federal Governmental Power.

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posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 02:30 PM
Reading through many of these threads in regards to Ron Paul, I find myself both proud and disgusted all at the same time.

While I certainly feel that EVERYONE has the right to choose their own candidate, the REASONS given by some for not liking Ron Paul are completely LUDICROUS.

--A "defeatist" mentality in regards to Iraq:

OH C'MON!!! Our "stated" agenda in Iraq was accomplished in NO TIME. Saddam was toppled and "democracy" was established. Aside from the non-existent WMDs, those were our stated goals. So, WHY ARE WE STILL THERE????

MONEY!!!!!!!! Iraq is no longer anything BUT a war for profit. How could ANY sane person support giving the lives of OUR troops for financial gain? It's disgusting.

--He voted against *blah blah blah*

ANYONE who actually took the time to do a background check on Ron Paul would see that his voting record is consistently against ANYTHING giving the federal government MORE power. Anytime he votes against certain issues that people seem to get all upset about, it is USUALLY because it was something that gave the federal government more power. Ron Paul is a supporter of STATE'S RIGHTS. In fact, many times he votes FOR something in Texas and AGAINST it at the federal level for this very reason.

--He is opposed to the Federal Reserve Board.

Unless you are rich, how could you NOT be against the Federal Reserve? Our entire nation's wealth is controlled by a VERY small and VERY select group of PRIVATE bankers. How could any reasonable person support this?

Do you guys actually ENJOY the fact that your money no longer carries any value? Do you think it's a good idea to have currency that is backed by absolutely NOTHING?

The Federal Reserve system is CORRUPT to the core and is inherently FLAWED.

The ONLY people that benefit from this financial system are the bankers and those they pay to ensure the system stays in place.


The above are only 3 of the ridiculous reasons that some give for their opposition to Ron Paul.

Some things I have noticed that these people have in common.

Most of them use phrases like "Islamofascists", "Mrs. Bill Clinton", "Liberal scum" and a few other STAPLE phrases of "conservative talk radio". Idiots like Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have made these phrases VERY common within certain circles and their loyal servants/followers are very easily spotted because they repeat EXACTLY what the above 3 say almost verbatim and they make a habit of using these little staple "catchphrases".

I don't know what is more sad; The fact that they actually BELIEVE the crap these morons spew or the fact that these morons seem to be the ONLY place these guys/girls get their "news".

It's almost pathetic how the easily the sheep in this country fall victim to the LIE of a two party system.

The fact that there are so many people in this country that actually BELIEVE that there is a difference between a Republican and a Democrat saddens me. Why have so many been so easily drawn into this "battle" between the parties?

I've got news for you guys, if you have two different teams both playing for the same sponsor, the sponsor ALWAYS wins.

Just look at the elections of 2006 and the aftermath of the DEMS gaining "control".

What has changed since then?

Where are all those things that they promised?

I titled this thread "To Support Ron Paul is to Support the Consitution and Limiting of Federal Governmental Power." for reason.

Ron Paul has CONSISTENTLY supported the Constitution and he has CONSISTENTLY opposed more federal power.

Both of these are principals that our nation was founded on and both of these are also principals that ALMOST every other candidate is very much in favor of.

In 2008, the ONLY choice a supporter of the Constitution has is Ron Paul.

That is, to me, VERY sad.

Not because Ron Paul is a bad candidate, but because ANYONE that runs for this nations highest position should support the Constitution of these United States FIRST AND FOREMOST!!!!

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This paragraph is the CORE of the Presidential Oath of Office, yet, who was the last president to actually UPHOLD this oath?

It would be silly of me (or anyone else) to say that if you don't support Ron Paul then you "un-American" or anything along those lines.

You, just like me, have EVERY right to vote for any candidate you choose.

HOWEVER, you ALSO have a duty to elect officials that will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Anyone who doesn't is, by default, forfeiting EVERY right that that Constitution provides them.

No matter who you vote for in 2008, we should ALL be opposed to ANY candidate that does not support the Constitution of the United States.

I don't know about you, but in 2008, I'll be voting for the Constitution.


[edit on 6-12-2007 by SimiusDei]

posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Ok.. Are you people totally stunned with silence or what? Whats wrong with upholding and defending the Consitution of the United States? It must be a crime now since no one took the time to respond.

I'm sure Simius thought this out before he typed this up. We are sitting here just letting Bush do what he wants. New York is still a mess- New Orleans lower ninth ward would be still bare if it wasn't for Brad Pitt.
The US is 9 trillion dollars in debt. And Iraq is almost destroyed. Now Bush
wants to attack Iran- oh gee whats next? What we need to do is unite and appoint us a new US President we can all agree on and not let the government pick the next one for us.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by SimiusDei

Ron Paul, in my opinion is first candidate in a very long time to actually give people hope for the future of our country.

It is evident just by the sheer number of American citizens accross the nation who are getting involved. People are excited and they are mobilizing.

[EDIT] - Some of my friends met this guy in a parking lot handing out Ron Paul business cards and he was talking to them about the NAU, the Federal Reserve, and 9/11 Truth and he wrote down some websites for them; and are some of the ones that he gave them. This guy was really passionate about what he was talking about and he was walking up to anybody that would listen to him

I think our apathy in regards to politics here in America is due to our pessimism about the political system. Every election the candidates all promise to balance the budget, grow the economy, and protect our freedom. When they get elected we find out that it was all hollow rhetoric to fool us into giving them our vote [edit] - (actually I'll admit that the economy was pretty good during the Clinton years, we had a budget surplus with a much lower national debt but he did restrict gun rights and the Waco massacre happened during his presidency. Eventually people get tired of empty promises and stop voting because it seems like your vote isn't going to change anything.

There has never been a more important time for our vote to count than now. 2008 is the most important presidential election in our lifetimes. Our nation cannot afford business as usual from the white house and the two so called "front runner" candidates Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guilliani are puppets of the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations. If elected they will continue our self destructive cycle of deficit spending and military interventionism. Neither one cares about our constitutional freedoms and I would even go so far as to say that we will loose more of our freedom if either Guilliani or Clinton is elected.

This election is NOT about gay marriage or abortion or national healthcare or global warming. Those are all issues that the politicians use (very successfully) to divide us and distract us from what is really at stake: our freedom. This election is about defending what our forefathers fought and died for, not only for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren who will inherit the country we left for them when we are all dead and gone.

And it's for that reason that we need to elect Ron Paul!

[edit on 7-12-2007 by Rahul Buttar]

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 12:17 PM
fine me points for a one-liner if you like. all i have to say is "well said."

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Leyla
Ok.. Are you people totally stunned with silence or what? Whats wrong with upholding and defending the Consitution of the United States? It must be a crime now since no one took the time to respond.

I'm sure Simius thought this out before he typed this up. We are sitting here just letting Bush do what he wants. New York is still a mess- New Orleans lower ninth ward would be still bare if it wasn't for Brad Pitt.
The US is 9 trillion dollars in debt. And Iraq is almost destroyed. Now Bush
wants to attack Iran- oh gee whats next? What we need to do is unite and appoint us a new US President we can all agree on and not let the government pick the next one for us.

On Paragraph 1: Yes, that seems to be the case most of the time.

On Paragraph 2: I just kind of wing it...hahaha

Thanks much for the kind words and I really wish threads like this one would get a bit more constructive discussion.

I was more hoping for the Ron Paul "naysayers'" response to this thread, though it doesn't seem as if I am going to get it.



posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
To Support Ron Paul is to Support the Constitution and Limiting of Federal Governmental Power.


I made an analysis on another thread about Ron Paul, I'll repost it here (along with some semantical edits) for sake of ease:

Originally posted by TrueAce
As a nation, it is quite obvious that we have strayed away from what our forefathers originally intended (i.e. Constitutional law, advocates of states/individuals rights, and minimal federal intervention).

The Constitution, the foundation of this wonderful life in the United States, was to be the backbone and the basis of a (if you allow me to use the Fox News terminology) fair and balanced land where people could live in comfort knowing that the ruling forces were (technically as well as literally) themselves. It was a nation BY the people, FOR the people - serving as an example to other countries that people can indeed rule themselves and get by just fine without an 'elite' class (as most other countries were dominated by monarchies and oligarchies at the time).

As you said yourself, SimiusDei, the only choice we are being posed as voters is between Viewpoint A and Viewpoint B...

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 7-12-2007 by Jbird]

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Rahul Buttar
Ron Paul, in my opinion is first candidate in a very long time to actually give people hope for the future of our country.

It is evident just by the sheer number of American citizens accross the nation who are getting involved. People are excited and they are mobilizing.
I think our apathy in regards to politics here in America is due to our pessimism about the political system. Every election the candidates all promise to balance the budget, grow the economy, and protect our freedom. When they get elected we find out that it was all hollow rhetoric to fool us into giving them our vote ... Eventually people get tired of empty promises and stop voting because it seems like your vote isn't going to change anything.
This election is NOT about gay marriage or abortion or national healthcare or global warming. Those are all issues that the politicians use (very successfully) to divide us and distract us from what is really at stake: our freedom. This election is about defending what our forefathers fought and died for, not only for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren who will inherit the country we left for them when we are all dead and gone.


The elections of the past have nigh (perhaps entirely?) been shadow elections - as SimiusDei said in so many words, the best way for the Federal Reserve Board and associates (i.e. the 'sponsor') to create favorable laws for itself would be to play both sides...

Democrat Rinton claims pro-choice, no new taxes, pro-gay marriage, believes in global warming, a slow-yet-inconsistent withdraw from Iraq, and supports the 'sponsor' - since they paid her ticket.
Republican Comney claims pro-life, tax-cuts for all, is against gay marriage, believes global warming is a hoax, will establish permanent bases in Iraq, and supports the 'sponsor' - since they paid for his ticket.

The others issues fall by the wayside when one actually sees that neither upholds the Constitution in earnest...

People ARE excited about Ron Paul - and for good reason!

Originally posted by Rahul Buttar
There has never been a more important time for our vote to count than now. 2008 is the most important presidential election in our lifetimes. Our nation cannot afford business as usual from the white house and the two so called "front runner" candidates Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guilliani are puppets of the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations. If elected they will continue our self destructive cycle of deficit spending and military interventionism. Neither one cares about our constitutional freedoms and I would even go so far as to say that we will loose more of our freedom if either Guilliani or Clinton is elected.

And this is from using experience and intellectual observation as well as intuition and gut-feeling.

Originally posted by Rahul Buttar
... Some of my friends met this guy in a parking lot handing out Ron Paul business cards and he was talking to them about the NAU, the Federal Reserve, and 9/11 Truth and he wrote down some websites for them; and are some of the ones that he gave them. This guy was really passionate about what he was talking about and he was walking up to anybody that would listen to him
And it's for that reason that we need to elect Ron Paul!

Seems to me that you are preachin' to the choir here, Brother Rahul!

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 01:22 AM
Where is Nyk at?

I thought for sure that he would want to chip in here.


posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 01:07 AM
I invited RRConservative over to add to the thread.

He loves the term, "Ron Paul Fantasy", so I'm hoping he can provide us with an opposing opinion on this thread.

Let us pray!


posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:53 PM
Ron Paul gets his support from anti-war activists. They wrap themselves around the Constitution for legitimacy.

Why can't people see this? It's obvious when you have a Republican so far out in left field, that anti-war Democrats will pump this guy up as an embarrassment to Republicans. Hence the spammed online polls. Ron Paul rules these polls. But when a scientific poll is run polling registered Republicans, Ron Paul doesn't even register. In the primaries, most states require you vote in the primary of your registered party. It's a good rule, because I would definately vote for Mrs. Bill Clinton for the Democrat nomination, so would alot of Republicans. The other side is going to root for the lessor candidate of the other party.

I have one question for all you Ron Paul fanatics....

If Ron Paul decided to run as an independent who would he hurt more? Mrs. Bill Clinton (The coronated one), or the Republican candidate?

If you are truthfull, you will say that he hurts Mrs. Bill Clinton more.

I can't wait until I can officially say "The Ron Paul fantasy is finally over!"

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 08:52 AM
This Ron Paul stuff is a joke. He's a politician just like all the others. He's playing the same game as Bush, as Clinton, as JFK, as every other politician has in US history. The only thing that will help the US is another revolution - the current system of government has clearly failed - democracy in the US has died. As in Iraq, voting does not equal democracy.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by RRconservative


Thanks for taking me up on my invite.

Always good to have others' viewpoints on any subject.

You do know that Ron Paul is a Libertarian right? He's only running on the Republican ticket because of the whacked out two party system in this country.

You say that if he goes on to run as an independent that he will take away Hillary's votes. Does that mean you DO want him to run as independent when he inevitably has to?

Personally, I wish we lived in a country where he could run as what he is and actually get on the ballot. Do you not feel that there is something inherently flawed about that?

A scientific poll? Do you have an example of any? Also, could you provide some links to the ones where he didn't even "register"?

You did take the time to read the thread written by SO about the poll that was cancelled because of too many Ron Paul supporters being there right? Do you think that might possibly be why he isn't "registering" on the polls you are viewing?

There is an undeniable media blackout of Ron Paul and he has also been restricted from several of those "scientific" polls you speak of. Do you find that a bit strange?

WHY don't they want him there? And why is it that he has such a HUGE following on the internet?

Could it be because they cannot restrict him on the net? Perhaps the free flow of information scares whatever candidate you choose?

What about the CNN debates where Paul had a DECISIVE victory over the other republican candidates? Was that a "fantasy" as well?

Why are you such a fan of Rush Limbaugh?


posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 02:58 AM
Political parties mean nothing in reality, they are a distraction which fool the ignorant, as the two parties prop themselves up on beliefs that have no Constitutional basis.

The protection of Freedom and Liberty are our countries founding beliefs.

If the candidate upholds his or her oath to the Constitution, then the party they represent is of no importance.

There oath is the protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, Because within the Constitution is the the protection of your Freedom and Liberty, To Say, Do, Own, and believe that which you chose, and unless you violate the rights of another, freedom has no boundaries.

Its not a hard concept.

Somewhere along the course of this Country Americans begun to think that we have the right to force our moral or personal beliefs upon others through law, We don't have this right.

Informing and talking to others is perfectly fine, but forcing such beliefs and ideas on free men through law, Restricts there freedom and liberty.

Those who support Ron Paul only have one thing in common, our desire to be free, our individual and personal beliefs are diverse, and we are ok with this because thats is freedom.

We don't have to agree with what someone says, does, owns, or believes, But in order to protect our own rights, we must also protect those who have opposing beliefs.

[edit on 16-12-2007 by C0le]

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by dave420
This Ron Paul stuff is a joke. He's a politician just like all the others. He's playing the same game as Bush, as Clinton, as JFK, as every other politician has in US history. The only thing that will help the US is another revolution - the current system of government has clearly failed - democracy in the US has died. As in Iraq, voting does not equal democracy.

I don't think you have looked enough into him, what makes him unique is that hes unlike any other politician.I suggest you research him a little more.
Democracy? The US was never a democracy.I do agree with you that the US needs a revolution and its happening right now with Dr.Ron Paul he has awaken so many people and this is the only and possible chance at a peaceful revolution before all hell breaks loose.

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