posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 09:33 PM
I've noticed, and I'm sure most of you have too, that in 95% up of responses (be it here or else where) that when we talk of alien life or some form
of visitor it's always more evolved, smarter, and advanced than that of anything terrestrial. But, seriously, there is that darkside chance that we
are the intelligent life and we'll be the one's or were the ones to make contact first. If they are here, mean, Rosewell cold be a snowballed
misconception of what's actually going on. Maybe we need to think and glorify them as being smarter and more advanced then us to bring us hope than
might not exist. Just a thought, but I'm more curious about your guy's thoughts on this so..
[Edited on 5-2-2004 by Lorn]