But going over religious speculation, prophecies, claims and sources online I can only imagine that their location they’re seeking is possibly
underground. Now that only bring’s up more Questions
-My personal questions that remained unanswered
-They obviously Believe In What they are doing, But Why Take Pilgrimage At This Point in Time? Is now a Good time to leave society before things could
possibly go ugly?
-If Undergoing such a Pilgrimage is important to meeting these acclaimed Ascended Masters in such a remote location, Then there Has to be others
Willing to Take on the task as well?
- In The pamphlet It claims that “meeting the masters can assist you with everything from healing to realizing you soul’s unique purpose. And
you’ll explore soul travel and to visit the etheric retreats while you sleep at night.”
“ A Sacred Adventure is a journey full of wonder....not a place, but within. This journey will take you to realms you’ve only dreamed about,
where time and space do not exist- to the secret chamber of your heart, to etheric palaces of light, to self- realization to oneness with God.”
Some members in the ATS board have posted of what seems they have such knowledge. So I was wondering if someone could shed light on the topic.
- Ok This is with One Motivated Group of Travelers, I Imagine that If more Large Scale Wars, Plagues, Deadly Events of Biblical Proportions etc. etc.
Occur Their Will Be More (possibly millions of) Spiritual Travelers Around The World. Seeking in Search of Something (survival, enlightenment, people
to Save, the good stuff). As an Individual What Would you Do In Such Unstable Times.
-Is It pure coincidence That Montana, Wyoming, N&S Dakota, Nebraska (All the Plain lands Are mentioned as Survival Grounds in Edgar Cayce’s “Earth
Changes”? (More relevant)
- What The bible says about False Prophets
- Why Would a person leave a State Like Washington For Montana? Washing State(pudget sound area) Is a very Diverse Area. With Major expanding
Corporations just as Microsoft, Boeing etc. Mild Weather majority of the Year, Minimal Wage will be 8.03USD per hour on Jan 1. Majority of the
population is either middle Class or Higher and the list goes on. But Why? Why Montana?
- What’s your opinion on the Whole thing, their must be more than just a cave up there in those mountains.