posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 03:08 PM
I don't know if it's doctored or not. I'm nowhere near a professional to make that sort of judgement, I can only tell you what I see.
First off, let me establish that I do believe that the destruction of the towers was a controlled demolition.
Out of all the videos that I've seen, I've never seen these flashes before, but after watching the video that Insolubrious put up, I'm leaning
toward believing that those flashes might actually be real. In the OP's video, I thought it was just not conclusive enough to sway my judgement one
way or the other, and my initial response was that the video had been doctored, but after watching the second video, as I said before, I'm leaning
more toward the flashing being genuine.
If you watch the slow motion replays they do, even with the camera swaying, the flashes stay consistent with where they are. They don't move with
the camera. It's not near a leg to stand on as far as evidence goes, but it's enough to get me thinking.
Who knows. It could be doctored, it could not be. Either way, it adds an interesting peice to the puzzle.