OK, I believe he is gone and will only look in here in a day or so, and maybe comment if the thread is not killed.
I do not ask for proof when I get someone like this because it is not possible and therefore is not a good question or statement.
For those of you still here we need to ask ourselves, what in gods name, would constitute all the proof we are asking for?
Photos? I've seen real ones debunked and fake ones celebrated.
Video? Well, that was one, but it was not anything that would help. We would likely debunk as CGI anything of a seeming miraculous nature, like a
craft or orbiting large ship. So. that's not proof.
Anybody here got access to a DNA lab? Thought not.
In fact there are problems our new friend should have known about, like coloration effects that do nothing but obscure and leave us to think he is
hiding something, and edits, sometimes after each sentence, this then suggesting he did not know his dialog, or was afraid that his missing details so
did an abrupt script. We all have the same information through Meir and others. At least those of us who study this. So nothing new.
Other proof might be the nature of "his" reality. Obviously that planet "Thrae?" (Earth backwards,
) would show in our orbital dynamic and
effect the orbits of the other planets by subtle gravitational influence, so is this a whole planet like earth just out of phase with this chunk of
spectrum we call reality?
If it has another Sun as he says, it is not here. Although most stars (1/3) are double stars, we do not have such a stellar system. So, are we to
believe that he comes from an Earth just a few wavelengths away where a second star shares our system? OK, not very unthinkable. But, proof?
Can he get information on something we do not know? Like for instance, how, if his Earth is physical, does an orbital dynamic work in a double star
system sharing the orbits of several planets. We have yet to observe this and only theoretical has been done. Between the orbital of two stars as
his Earth is traveling, the climate would be quite chaotic, or at least unstable. Seasons would follow a very complex if impossible constant change.
OK, if this is on another frequency of existence we would expect some things to be quite different. But this is fairly basic stuff here.
He may believe what he is saying. If he has any real connection to his civilization of origin, and after thousands of years of extraplanetary
excursions they should have a better method of talking to people, rather than sounding like anyone else starting a cult. If he is going to break his
worlds leaders rules, should it not be for something better than a rant.
There are too many problems in this whole thread. The video was a good try, but he could have written it all down. Actually he could have cut and
pasted from all the books we have read.
If he has any additional details we can look at or consider we will need them in a few hours.
Can anyone else intelligently describe what kind of proof could be had here? Only compelling and detailed answers maybe, or feats of prediction or
Afraid this is another very sincere attempt to make us believe in something that is not happening yet. We all want to see proof, and some of us have.
Not enough though. The guy is frustrated as all of us who look deep for truth. It won't come until it's here. Not today at least.
The painting behind him is in the vid is "Kissing" by Alex Grey, BTW.