posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Boondock78
well, i guess that depends on what your definition of "proper" is. The traditional method is to grab a few leaves, roll them up, chew and store in
your cheeks / under the tongue. That's apparently how you get the relaxing effects, but I can't stand the taste, and I've never felt these
Now using the extract will probably never result in a relaxing feeling. Warm would be an understatement. One of the common side effects is heavy
sweating and feeling extremely hot.
Now, my version of "proper" would be a dark, quiet setting with some light music or silence, and no possibility of interruptions. Once you feel the
effects of the extract come on, take one more hit, lay back, close your eyes and enjoy the ride.
Salvia is also known for "inverse tolerance" which means the more you do it, the less it takes each time, and the quicker it is to "breakthrough."
A breakthrough is the difference between feeling awkward, and complete ego loss.