posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 08:11 PM
Originally posted by wantsome
Good conspericy theory but how is Israel gonna attack Iran without flying through US occupied aispace in Iraq? will the US let them?
Interesting question. I see a couple of possiblilties.
1. The whole thing, including the NIE report and the Annapolis Meeting was scripted out some time ago. The US knows exactly what Israel is going to
do and when and will do nothing to stop it.
2. At some point Israel will ask the US for permission to overfly Iraq. We will either give them outright permission to do so - or - experience some
kind of software malfunction or other rare "snafu" that prevents us from stopping them.
3. Israel will totally go it alone and find some way around Iraqi airspace. This could even mean they would choose a missile attack rather than a
bomber attack. Does Israel have any missiles that can be launched from a ship?
4. Israel could opt for some kind of covert special operations attack rather than an air attack. They seem to be pretty good at sneaking guys all
over the area.
Any Israeli attack on Iran probably wouldn't even need to be very destructive to provoke a reaction from Iran that starts a major war.