posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by ev0lut10n
The apparent similarity between TR-3B technology and that of the GCT saucer technology... is what I was attempting to point out in Zorgon's thread:
"Warp Drive - State of the Art - Taking ET Home"
And in the pages of the GCT website, they mention drawing power from the zero-point-field (the quantum foam) and using zero-point-field for
faster-than-light communications.
Now, from what I read of the "Extended Heim Theory"... it proposes that mass can be eliminated from normal matter, by exposing it to a force released
from the extra quantum dimensions - by applying a strong magnetic field.
By adding it all up... I think the TR-3B's magnetic vortex (created by it's plasma-accelerator synchrotron) acts upon the extra quantum dimensions
described in Extended Heim Theory (EHT). Thus... accessing the zero-point-field medium, and providing the force (from the extra dimensions) that
alters matter, to reduce it's mass - for EHT hyperspace existance. And when matter's mass is reduced to zero, then - gravity does not attract it, and
f-t-l travel (in EHT hyperspace) is possible - without space-time 'warping'.
edit on 12/7/2010 by Larryman because: (no reason given)