posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo
I haven't read all the replies here but IMO the minute you stop looking for/thinking about/yearning for a sighting, it most likely will happen. It
seems rare that anyone deliberately searching for a UFO actually see's one. Its when you are totally unprepared sans camera or even mobile at side
that it happens!!
I have seen two unexplainable 'things'. One when I was 18 years old very close to a military base in my country and that coincidence ( military base)
totally escaped me at the time. I never gave it a thought but now we all know that sightings close to military bases seem relatively common. I had
only had my licence to drive for a week or so and here I am waaaaaaaaay out in the countryside at dusk, alone, and some very weird light streaked
across the sky in front of me and then stopped. Stopped dead. I stopped the car. Said ' light' took off at an enormous rate of knots. I needed a
From one green eyed ' Leo' to another...dont give up hoping, just put it out of your head and you will see something for sure. day.
ETA: The sighting mentioned happened mid '70s in New Zealand.
edit on 20-8-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)