posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by intrepid
I would contend that I did have something to say and something of VALUE to add to the topic, as the thread progression shows that many members seem to
think it is a fake, and a poor fake at that. Am I not allowed to comment on that aspect of the thread? Or was it the mention of site profit that got
me dinked? And seriously, if your going to enforce the "stay on topic" rule in a consistent manner, there are plenty of other replies in this thread
alone you should have hit on, and never mind the hundreds of other posts in this very forum. Selective moderation is all the rage these days,
especially when someone dares to mention site business (but to ignore it's a business when commenting on certain threads is irresponsible at best)
But, ignoring the obvious, I feel this video is fake based on facts surrounding the video itself. Shame we even need to debate such nonsense, but
eventually there will be something worthy of real debate, although, with as many video recording devices out there, you would think there would have
been some real solid stuff by now, at least, lol)
I hope potential new members reading this site for the first few times are not turned away by this nonsense, but then again a web hit is a web hit,
from member or not I guess. But in the long run, this place will need a massive amount of repeat business, an although there is enough flakes in the
world to visit once or twice, I wonder how many would continue to visit if threads like this remain the norm?. ATS can pursue the "can't look away
from a car wreck" ala the Weekly World News or they can be......ah, never mind.
[edit on 4-12-2007 by IgnoreTheFacts]