Thats a fantastic find,hopefully we'll see some pics soon.It amazes me how much we know of a species that died out millions of years ago,what they
eat how they hunted and all sorts of things like that.
Hopefully in my lifetime like somebody has said i would love to see them find a comlpete fossilized dino in ice somewhere.
too bad the scientists didn't find any traces of feathers or proto-feathers
on the specimen (as that is a controversy much like dinosaur skin coloring)
~what woud be more appropriate than finding feathers on a duckbill dinosaur? ~
on the extremely unlikely event of discovering a frozen dinosaur from 62 MYA... about the most likely place to look would be Antarctica/antarctic
and not Siberia or the Himalayas or ancient glaciers in the Andes...
or i'm supposing wrongly
I agree that Antarctica would be about the only place to find frozen dinosaurs (and a lot of other fascinating stuff) but hopefully we will not see
that day! BTW that would make a good movie plot wouldn't it! South pole melts and sure enough there is evidence of several past advanced cultures
plus ancient creatures including dinosaurs which of course they procede to clone and repopulate the planet, etc..