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What do you see in this pic of area 51

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posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 02:45 PM
I found this on the structure.

posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 12:03 PM
The above dreamlandresort photo clearly shows the guide poles installed around the perimeter of the tower indicating indeed it may be a low frequency communication tower, tuned to ? freq ???

good to know, if you look at the picture link of the tower structures you can see the gap segments as a design/structural element to the tower girders.

This tower at Area 51 looks much wider but still appears to retain the three sided triangular construction.

the sq foot print around the tower indicated by the changes in coloring in the sand may indicate guide wires at the corners or more, yet to thin to cast a shadow in the photo.

Its a Comm tower almost 90% certain what freq I have no idea, could even be a cell tower.

[edit on 6-12-2007 by robertfenix]

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by robertfenix

Those are power poles. Guy wires bases may stick up a bit, but are not poles. If a pole were used, it would act as a moment arm, causing a horizontal force component on the anchor.

In any event, I've seen the structure via telescope a few times and never saw any cables. Granted maybe they can't be seen.

In any event, if you are transmitting ELF, you are no longer very secretive. Before they shut them down, I used to listen to the TTR and Groom Lake NDBs from 300 miles away. The basecamp beacon was still working last time I checked, though no AWOS.

If you really want to figure out what this tower is for, I suggest a different mindset In an area surrounded by hills. you don't need big towers. Just place your gear on the hill and use a radio relay. They already have sites on Bald Mountain and Papoose. The trouble with really high altitude radio facilities is the signals leak. You can hear Groom Tower from places easily out of the line of site of the tower because the transmitter is probably not on the tower. So this new structure, if used for radio at all, is designed to keep the signal within the Groom Lake valley.

Consider the large dishes near the tower
In the lower photograph, the dish antennas are pointing straight up, which could interfere with communications in a few areas of the valley. [This photo of similar dishes at the Blue Cube shows the dishes are as tall as a multi- story building ]

The signal blockage is not significant for land mobile use. Most land mobile radio systems have a few dead spots. You live with it. But say you are trying to get telemetry and/or two way datafrom a plane under test? It might be nice to be able to "see" the plane at all times, but not have your signal be detected. In the dark ages, spectrum analyzers were hundred pound beasts that needed amps of current. Nowadays, there are portable battery powered spectrum analyzers that are handheld. If wouldn't be that hard for some really motivated snoop to take a portable spectrum analyzer and sniff out the Groom spectrum. However, if the signals were blocked by the mountains, it would take more work to "see" them.

Of course, that is just one guess. The tower could be used for observation. The only flight test I saw at Groom Lake was flown on the deck. The 150ft or so of this tower would be eye level.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by OSSkyWatcher

The op pic looks like a long shadow to me nothing special

but anything interesting i think would be underground

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by OSSkyWatcher

+37° 14' 46.70", -115° 49' 22.43"

what the hell is this....???

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