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Why Don't You Belive In God???

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posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 09:24 AM
I am sort of a lapsed christian agnostic,but I don't go around slagging off religious people.
God,any God in any country are brought into being by mankind,as far as I can see.
Humans invented god,wrote the torah,bible,koran etc.

Thousands of years ago things like earthquakes and thunder,and burning bushes were attributed to acts of god.We now know this not to be the case.
Point is,ages ago everything we could not understand was put down to "acts of God."
Now we understand the science behind such things,and they can no longer be put down as acts of god.
So I will not just blindly agree with any particular holy text or religion,as they were all penned by man-not god.But I will not rule out a higher power/race who had a hand in our creation,through whatever method.
I just feel that any such power/race/being will end up being so far removed from all of the manmade religions descriptions.
Another thing,when I was a kid and forced to go to church every week I always wondered how it is that Jesus died on the cross to save all of our souls.Never understood how that was meant to happen.I mean,there are still many Christians in total torment on this earth aren't there?Or is the "soul saving" only done after we die?
The other thing that really bugged me was that we were told that we go to hell if we do not believe in God/Jesus.
What about people who have never heard about God?Do they go to hell?

No offense to anyone,just my point of view.

Reminds me of the classic "Red Dwarf" line about silicone heaven not existing-it was only made up by humans to stop the robots going mad...

Once again no offense.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by ProtoStrategy

So what you have just said basically says not that their isn't a God but that we cannot prove it until we die and find out for ourselves.

There is no way to prove or disprove God scientifically, but philosophically there is.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

What I believe is that you do not have to know or ever heard of a God, as long as you do the right things in your life, being compassionate and helping the needy, you will get to heaven.

Heaven is not scientific and neighter is God, so if you ever see any proof or disproof od God from a scientific point be very skeptical of it.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Electricneo

Unfortuneately you take it WAY too literally. They don't mean that God is every piece of matter. It means that God is the reason for your existence and He should be served.

You think God can be man woman gay w/e, but in truth God is too complex for our brains to understand. If you think that we are incredibly smart and can comprehend then you are sadly mistaken. Just think about it can animals understand algebra, can they even be taught it practically, no.

And I dare anyone to disagree with me, its true. And that is one reason we cannot fully comprehend who God is. All we know is that he is a compassionate God. But wait then you tell me why is there so much suffering in the world?

Because God gave people free will, the parents of those kids abused or ditched or had something to do with why they are in slums. But it is also everyones fault that came before them for not having made a change.

Instead of asking why God does not make the change ask why can't we make the change? Lazyiness, or because we think its too difficult, either way it is not impossible, NOTHING IS!!!

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by rhombus24

In reading these posts, I'd like to ask you some questions. You asserted in a reply to Steff that, "Until one day I started to think FOR MYSELF, as that November month last year went by I started to feel a change inside, I didn't know what it was until I finally let God have His will on me." Do you really feel like you're thinking for yourself and don't see yourself as a follower? If you ask me, you've contradicted yourself in the same statement, whereas you claim that you think for yourself and then let God have his will on you.

Another thing, why should we feel that we need to serve God? Why should we be subserviant to something that is conceptual? Is that thinking for yourself? The reification of these religious characters just perpetuates the status quo. If anything, I think religion and the church promote intollerance to people, things, and ideologies that are not their own. Therein lies the hypocracy of the church. The less people that they have walking through their doors, the less money they make off those looking to buy the salvation that they promise. Of course, that salvation comes at a price, they call it tything, or whatever their shakedown process may be.

Also, in response to your question about animal intelligence. You asked, "Just think about it can animals understand algebra, can they even be taught it practically, no." Bees are said to be able to calculate horizon, angles, and other variables regarding distance and then relay that info onto the other bees. They do their waggle dance to tell the others exactly where those food sources are. How many people do you know who can make calculations like that?

[edit on 3-12-2007 by DamnedDirtyApes]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:41 PM
In my opinion "god" isn't a higher being in that sence, it is creation, the stuff that binds us all together, love, kindness, growth.

The established religions have way to much "do things our way or the highway" and they worthship some speculative higher being instead of worthshipping their surroundings, their fellow humans and making the world a better place for all.

I believe in nature, people, peace and love... and for that I don't need a "god" idol, in the form of any religion

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Skunky

I do not believe in God / a God because there is no compelling evidence to suggest he / it exists.

If that is to brief an answer for you, try substituting 'faeries' or 'Santa Claus' for the word God.

I too cite the lack of evidence as my reason for questioning the existence of God. Admittedly, there could be actual evidence that I am unable to comprehend but it is certainly not due to a lack of effort on my part. I cannot help but question the claim of God's existence, including his omnipotence, omniscience, or omnipresence in the same way I would question the existence of Bigfoot: "Show me the money."

It seems it would be far easier to go through life "knowing" God and having all of the answers rather than facing that frightening alternative, reality. When the going gets tough, some can turn to Jesus, Mohammed, or Buddha. I envy them.

Until I achieve enlightenment or gnosis I suppose I'll simply make do with my rudimentary grasp of science and a bottle of scotch.

--Edit for italics.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by befoiled]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by rhombus24
There is a God, it does not matter what religion you belong to or anything as long as you believe in a higher being.

How can I believe in something no one can even define? That's the biggest problem I see. Every definition of God I've ever seen is logically internally inconsistent and paradoxical, and inherently useless for any kind of rational discussion, let alone belief.

The biggest paradox is the one where we imagine an infinite and omnipotent entity that for some reason feels a need to create the Universe. If you're omnipotent and infinite, then by definition you have no needs. You're not lacking anything. No motivation. Completely useless definition.

So asking me to believe (or not believe) in God is like asking me to believe in VGFDFPDJXG. What is that? Don't know. Has no meaning.

That's why I don't even consider myself to be an atheist. How can I even not believe in something that has no meaning?

Nope. As soon as somebody can come up with a reasonable definition for God, one that doesn't contain inherently nullifying paradoxes, then maybe I can tell you whether or not I believe in it.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 01:22 PM

I mean that I started to think for myself as in not blindly believing in what other people told me. That there was or wasn't a God and not giving me reasons. That is how I blindly believed. And would you not let If you knew a higher power existed that was responsible for your existence follow it or what it has said. Not commands but teachings, be kind to other people help out who needs it, give to the needy when you have more than enough.

And for your last paragraph now I know you are being completely ignorant of what I am trying to say and get your point right when it is not. Do bees look at the equations in their heads NO! Their brains have been trained to these angles just like we have to being able to catch a baseball. Do we work out the equation in our head to where the angle and speed is NO! We can catch a ball from experiencing the situation and adjusting. Very Basic neuroscience. So please stop being igorant to what I say because I have not treated you that way.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by rhombus24

Should you really be throwing around definitives like "ignorant?" One could easily place that moniker on those with "blind faith" now, couldn't they?!

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by rhombus24

Like I questioned earlier, where are you going with all of this? I still think you are questioning your own beliefs.

You are now calling people who are participating in your thread, ignorant? Sorry, but look at the source it is coming from. You. I also said earlier that I think you are trying to convert people through arguments sake.

Whatever retreat you were on, you didn't stay long enough. The intolerance you are showing to other people who are participating on your thread means you have not learned much. Either that, or the brainwashing wasn't completed!

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by rhombus24

i don't believe in god because there is no reason to believe in god. no evidence or argument to support the existence of the being(s) either scientifically or philosophically.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by rhombus24
There is a God

I think that's the best place for me to start. How can you state that there is a God? There's no backing to your statement, you just state that there is, no matter what we say, we're wrong because you said there is a God so it must be right, right? Wrong. You cannot ever in life make a statement with nothing to back it. I want to see your back argument. I'd like to see why no one else has ever been able to prove that any God exists - yet you can come right out and tell us, yes there is a God - forget what you've been taught because there is one. Where is your proof? You cannot possibly make a statement without having some sort of proof behind it, unless it is an opinion statement - and if it is an opinion statement, you shouldn't be using the word "is", you should be saying "I think there is".

Originally posted by rhombus24
You do not have to go to church to be close to your God, just pray even if you don't know to who just do it, but only to the one and truly only God.

Ouch. This is by far one of my favorites.

"but only to the one and truly only God"
But didn't you just tell us that it's ok for us to believe in whatever God we wanted? And now you're telling us that there's only one real God. That seems quite hypocritical to me. And what about the religions that believe in only one God? Are they wrong? Can you prove it? You try to say that your not saying people have to believe in your religion, by in a way you're implying it. You're saying that there's only one real God - so by default you must believe your God is that one God, which also means you're saying that everyone else's God isn't the real one. Have you met this God? Because if you haven't, I don't think you're really in any position to be telling me or anyone else how many Gods there are, which one is the right one, or if there are even any at all.

Originally posted by rhombus24
give me FACTS

Ok, this is a good one. You want me to give you "facts" on why there is no God? How about you and the rest of organized religion pushers start giving me and everyone else some facts that God exists. A lot of what I'm going to say I've probably already said, but that's ok - I can handle repeating myself, especially to such an uneducated, unorganized, unthoughtout post. How can you honestly push me to give you some sort of facts that there is no God? Especially when you cannot even give me the slightest example of proof that there's a possibility of there being a God. It's just absolutely absurb to me! I will write you an essay on facts that God does not exist when you can give me just ONE fact PROVING that a God does exist.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Why don't you believe in Thor or Zeus?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:16 PM

I think that's the best place for me to start. How can you state that there is a God? There's no backing to your statement, you just state that there is, no matter what we say, we're wrong because you said there is a God so it must be right, right? Wrong. You cannot ever in life make a statement with nothing to back it. I want to see your back argument. I'd like to see why no one else has ever been able to prove that any God exists - yet you can come right out and tell us, yes there is a God - forget what you've been taught because there is one. Where is your proof? You cannot possibly make a statement without having some sort of proof behind it, unless it is an opinion statement - and if it is an opinion statement, you shouldn't be using the word "is", you should be saying "I think there is".

I would like to ask you a similar question.. Where is your backing for what you believe? Which is apparently that there is no God? Something we all need to take into account here is that "The absense of evidence is not the evidence of absense"

Personally, I believe in God. I won't go into any more detail, just that I believe in God the way most of you believe in Aliens and the like.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:16 PM
I believe in a higher power, I believe in a Goddess, and I am happy and content with it.

Is that good enough for you? Will that suffice?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:23 PM
If that is your belief then thats okay.. In my opinion, most Christians have it all wrong. They shouldnt shove their religion down your throat.. The most they should EVER do is share their beliefs. Thats it. From there, it is up to the listener as to whether or not to believe it.

Personally, I will NEVER chastise anyone for their beliefs, because it is just that.. THEIR beliefs. What they believe is no threat to anyone else, and as such, shouldnt be criticzed or torn down. Sure, you can share what you believe, but please.. dont criticize anyone for their beliefs

[edit on 3-12-2007 by Kirev]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:25 PM
There is an invisible magic man that lives in the sky and created everything from nothing just because he felt like it. He created all the laws of nature and science and ensured that everything would work and progress over millions of years because his creation is perfect and infallible.

Oh yeah, he also happens to banish anyone who does not believe to a firey inferno to be tortured and molested by giant evil beasties with Horns and pitchforks for all eternity.

Sorry, but if a Christan/Muslim/Jewish god is real than he is completely out of his mind and I would not look forward to spending my eternity with a crazy person.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:26 PM
I think part of the problem in trying to answer the "God" question has to do with what folks conceive of as God. Now I have a big problem with the usual anthropormorphic concept of God. I see it more as Jung's "ground of being" or the universal connectedness of all things. However, I do not believe in a God that thinks/feels like us or shares our emotions.

Those that take this stuff literally should note their own Christian scriptures: "the invisible things of god are clearly understood by the things that are seen." Okay fair enough, lets look at some of those "things"...

..The natural history of the planet has been a blood bath for all of biological life since its beginning. All biological life has been all about competition, dominance, survival of the fittest, disease, violence, usurping of one species over the other...need I go on? Therefore, what does it say about this God that created us and also created viruses to destroy us?

[edit on 3-12-2007 by whatsup]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:32 PM
You raise a good point whatsup..I won't argue against it, but what it says about God, at least to me, is that he saw fit to give everything free will, and as such, wrong choices were made

Although, I should add that "Right" and "Wrong" are all relative to the observer, and not a universal truth

[edit on 3-12-2007 by Kirev]

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