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The Beast of LBL

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posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by The Exiled One

I'm with the witch on this one. If you're messing around with stuff along the lines of the persona you have presented, then how do you know that you didn't summon this beast?

A bit off subject, but perhaps you'd like to see my thread on Vampires. There's another one just started by someone else here that you might want to post on.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 02:47 PM
I chose my avatar because it looked cool not because im a witch
And my signature is dethklock lyrics ( on adult swim at 11:15 weekdays ) and i chose those lyrics because i like the song not because im a witch
And can i ask you one question Why in god's green earth would i summon such a hellish monster into this plane of existence? But i do like your idea that it was summoned by black magic.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by The Exiled One

Hi T.E.O,

I appologize for my mini rant yesterday
and I'm relieved (for your own sake), that you are not into such things.

But I think if you re-read my post you will see that I did not at any time say you were a witch. I said I was a witch ... and trust me no genuine Pagan worth there salt would ever touch that kind of thing with a barge-pole. When I said I did something (on the greyer side of white), I was a novice and very naive. I learned from my error and soon realized that positive energy will wup the ass off negative energy any day of the week

Neither did I say that you had summoned it ... just that like attracts like and if you had been into the dark stuff it may have been naturally drawn to you. But I'm still haven't made up my mind if you're just pulling our chain yet.

Inverted pentagram is the symbol of demonology not witchcraft (both very, very different things) and lack of experience in such can be a dangerous thing is all I'm saying. Be safe. Woody

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 11:57 AM
K thanks man but the problem is that its still out there any word on killing it or capturing it maybe a silver bear trap or perhaps a .45

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by The Exiled One

Silver is most likely myth without practical application. The myth probably got its start when someone got lucky with a kill shot and just happened to be using something silver as the instrument of delivery. Then there is a very slim possiblity that someone killed a creature who just happened to be allergic to silver, the same way some people are allergic to peanuts. So you might as well pack a fluffernutter.

A .45 might work if you get a clean head-shot, like right through the eye. I would suggest a bear gun and plenty of ammo.

Since you brought up trapping, do you plan to actively hunt this beast? If you do, I would suggest you invest heavily in night-vision, motion sensors, remote sound equipment, etc., since this thing might be at least as smart as a person. Even if it's just Sasquatch.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 03:41 PM
The myth of silver probably started when people found out that silver works on some vamp clans(if there real)and thought that it would work for both.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by The Exiled One

Nope, same rule applies to Vampires as well. Garlic is just a myth too.

There may have been a particular Vampire that was allergic to garlic, but garlic will affect them no more than anyone else.

The other way that the garlic myth might have gotten started is because Vampires are known to have acute senses. They may avoid potent smells as a result. For those who still eat food, it will usually be quite bland. Garlic would obviously be omitted from their recipes for that reason. Perhaps the garlic myth started in a community that was very fond of using garlic, and "smoked out" a Vampire because of its aversion.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by The Exiled One

Im not buying your story, why? Because usually I can feel when somebody is afraid in their writing, but you? You put a laughing emoticon about killing or capturing the beast. It is really easy to come up with stories, especially when there is no evidence to back it up. I suggest, sicne you doN't seem scarred, to go out with a camera where you saw it, and look for it, film it, do what you have to do but give us some evidence. I am tired of only hearing stories, even though some are very entertaining. I am not saying your story is fake, well actually yes I am, until you give me some proof. Same goes for everybody else. If ever you smell it again, get your camera ready , get it on film or die trying. Okay maybe not lol. But give it a shot. And again, its funny how when you were questioned about the HUMAN flesh thing you said it was a typo... Pretty wild typo if you ask me, don't you re-read your posts? Especially when your writing a story?

Smells fishy.. Smells like rotting human flesh...



posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 05:35 PM
How can you tell if someone is scarred in their typing? answer; there is no way to tell. i put smily faces in my typing because the thought of confronting such a beast with limited technology is comical, i would probably die a horrible death
any way just because i made a typo dosent mean the whole thing is fake. You doubt my story and rightly so, i have no physical proof about the beast but in my next encounter with the beast i'll surely grab a camera so you and all the world will finaly know that i was right.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 05:35 PM
How can you tell if someone is scarred in their typing? answer; there is no way to tell. i put smily faces in my typing because the thought of confronting such a beast with limited technology is comical, i would probably die a horrible death
any way just because i made a typo dosent mean the whole thing is fake. You doubt my story and rightly so, i have no physical proof about the beast but in my next encounter with the beast i'll surely grab a camera so you and all the world will finaly know that i was right.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 05:40 PM
see everyone makes mistakes i just sent the same text twice but it dosent take away from what i wrote.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
Silver is most likely myth without practical application...

A .45 might work if you get a clean head-shot, like right through the eye. I would suggest a bear gun and plenty of ammo.

Silver affecting werewolves is a Hollywood invention, perhaps borrowed from a similar myth concerning vampires. Modern writers took the cue from "The Wolf Man," and it is now part of our modern myths.

I live in Kentucky, and never heard of the Beast of Land Between the Lakes, or werewolves in the state until just a few years ago. The Exiled One's story is the first I've ever heard outside of two very uncredible websites.

Take Jan Thompson's story, found here and at a variety of other places on the net. It has the air of an urban legend, as she herself is never a witness to the events described by "Adam and Bill" or the "old-timers." Everything happens to a friend of a friend. Since she uses pseudonyms for the cops, there is no way to verify the story. There is no collaborating evidence, nothing to prove that it is anything more than just a story.

A critical reading of Thompson's, or rather "Bill and Adam's," story of the family being mutilated by the monsters shows her story makes little sense. She claims there is a cover-up of the incident, so as not to scare away tourism to the area. She claims "Bill and Adam" were instructed not to speak of it, yet they blab the entire story to first person they come across, Thompson. Certainly, if "Bill and Adam" are going to tell her, they are going to tell other people, such as their close friends and family. According to Thompson's story, dozens of police officers and other authorities were involved in the investigation, coming from other counties and even Tennessee (she says officers came from another state, the closest state to that area of KY is TN). If "Bill and Adam" are going to tell their story, so would others involved in the investigation. Yet, despite the number of people supposedly involved in the case, we've never heard one other person come forward other than Jan Thompson.

The other site I mentioned concerning Kentucky werewolves is Kentucky Bigfoot. There is one brief entry on werewolves, and it is laughably suspect and almost insulting to the intelligence of the reader. The writer claims after a man named L. Talbott died, and was buried in the Bethel-Talbott Cemetery, a werewolf-like creature began haunting Henderson County. And to prove to us he isn't making this up he says there really is a Bethel-Talbott Cemetery and says he found a grave-marker reading, "L. Talbott," verifying his story and the local folklore. It just so happens that Lon Chaney's character in "the Wolf-Man" was named Larry Talbot. And, according to a listing of cemeteries in Henderson County, there is no Bethel-Talbott Cemetery.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 11:47 AM
ok guys heres my $.02.

I grew up near the LBL and there was a place called vampire hotel that was actually a foundation from a hotel during the 1920's that was torn down in the late 90's. Now I never personally met a vampire in Murray or around the LBL and I have no clue as to why people called it vampire hotel but we spent many a night there partying never saw anything weird except melting candle's and wavy walls HEHE. I do however have a story that was told to me by 2 of my uncles about a bottom near the marshall county /calloway county. line very close to ky lake which is the LBL basically. It really scared the # out of me when I was a kid because they swore they would never go back to that area and they were real outdoorsmen who didnt get scared I thought.

The story goes that my 2 uncles were coon hunting and they had 3 coon dogs with em their best by their account and they heard a yelp ahead. Well two dogs went running by them like they were being chased and the other was nowhere to be found. Now most people dont know this but most coon dogs are mean as # and dont back down from anything not in west ky anyway. My uncle said when he saw the dogs running back towards them something bad was going on because that had never happened. He said they made their way to where they heard the yelp and found the missing dog and it had been attacked by something and he had to shoot it because it was hurt so bad. They had no clue what could have done this other than a bear or some really big animal ,but in this area of the country we really have no big predators that we know of. A black bear was spotted in nw tennessee in the early 2000's but never at the lbl.
Now the really weird stuff started happening they said. When they were shining their lights around the dog body they said they didnt see any tracks and then they heard a loud scream behind them where they had been, it was like nothing they had ever heard they said. Well at this point they decided to shag ass back to their truck and something threw a rock or something at them they couldnt tell what was thron but something flew through the air and hit a tree. On there way back to the truck they said they kept hearing things in the brush and then they would hear something in the trees like they were being stalked by something but it was able to get into the trees and they never did see anything except branches moving like something had just been there. They said they fired some shots to try and scare whatever it was that was following them but whatever it was followed them all the way back to their truck. When they got to the truck the other 2 dogs were laying down by their cages and he said they never hunted the same again.
Now this is a story told to me by 2 uncle who did their fair share of drinking while hunting and you only coon hunt at night so it was definately dark but I see no reason that they would lie about it, I know the dog died anyway LOL. I can only add that I have never seen either of them look scared especially hunting but they said something was out there that they had never encountered before, and they lived here their whole life since the 40's. Something killed Dale's favorite dog which I would have thought would piss him off more than anything and make him want to kill whatever it was , but he swore he would never go back there. I dont know the exact bottom they were hunting but I am going to take a look at the county map and try to pinpoint it I think I would remember the name if I saw it. If I can I will post the exact position here. I really thought it was a strange story when I was a kid but I had never heard any others stories about anything even remotely like this until now. I thought that maybe this was a mountain lion or a really big cat of somekind IMHO to kill a hunting dog and get into trees but who knows. Anyway thats my story take it for what its worth.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by 187specialist

When did this encounter take place, what time of year?

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 01:27 PM
Well I do and do not belive You . I do belive you because I belive in werewolves (something that happened to me once but as I have no proof and it was a loong time ago I dont bother posting).

I do not belive you because as you said (and I know it to be true) that werewolves are bloody fast so explain to me why are you still alive ? I mean come on that thing could have killed you with 1 strike and there is no way you could outrun it .

So either this was not a werewolf or something had to divert its attention which I would somehow belive but then you go ahead on saying that you found marks of the beast arround your house ? I dont think that if it wanted to get rid of you that a house would be any problem for it to get in

[edit on 12-12-2007 by Thill]

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:58 PM
I have to agree with Jimmy and Thill

this smells rank

If something that alledgedly moves that fast wants to get you, it does.
Same with it stalking your house and pushing in a pane of glass without breaking it (a considerate critter, how nice)

As for the typo..

Typing 'human' when you are trying to type 'animal' is about the same as typing 'werewolf' while trying to type 'fiction'.

So in conclusion I'd have to say your story is utter werewolf.

Oops, sorry, my bad.

Pardon me if I don't post this twice.

[edit on 12-12-2007 by Mirrorshade]

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 07:06 PM
Rotting no matter what the animal is, human or not is still going to smell like rotting flesh.Im sorry if i missed typed this but still, all of you keep saying the same thing,'' He put human when he meant to put animal so the story must be fake.''wow real mature and intelligent of you all, now i understand that when you see a story as incrdible as mine your naturally going to doubt but understand but one word does not break a story (usually).

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Thill
Well I do and do not belive You . I do belive you because I belive in werewolves (something that happened to me once but as I have no proof and it was a loong time ago I dont bother posting).

I do not belive you because as you said (and I know it to be true) that werewolves are bloody fast so explain to me why are you still alive ? I mean come on that thing could have killed you with 1 strike and there is no way you could outrun it .

So either this was not a werewolf or something had to divert its attention which I would somehow belive but then you go ahead on saying that you found marks of the beast arround your house ? I dont think that if it wanted to get rid of you that a house would be any problem for it to get in

[edit on 12-12-2007 by Thill]
well as for thing not attacking i have no explaination for that except that we saw it first(loss of element of surprise[lions have been know to give up the chase once they have been found out])and it was two of us and one of it and we were armed with knives(didnt bother saying anything earlier because didnt think it was important.)Or maybe it wasnt hungry ( thank god for that ) any way Thill i live in a three level house Top, middle, basement with conceret walls and metal doors, and i dont think it would have fit inside that window because it was a preety small side window thats was already broken before. All the other windows are fine and are kept locked (thank god). so i feel preety safe. and i will be going back into the field again with a camera(not going alone) to see if i can find evidence since everyone wants evidence.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:13 PM
Living very close to Bray Road and having Lima Marsh practically in my back yard i know a few things about the Brey Road Beast and werewolves. Althought on my hunts i have NEVER come across one I have read as much on the subject as possible and investigated all the various locations. One thing i found intersting is that according the the Skinwalker Ranch Story

The first unusual encounter the Gormans had on the ranch involved what appeared to be a very large wolf on one of their first days after moving to the ranch. The animal was not aggressive towards the family, but when it attempted to capture a calf, Mr. Gorman shot at the creature. The shots had no noticeable effect and the creature eventually left the homestead. Gorman later found a hunk of flesh from the animal that smelled of burning sulfur or rotten meat.[2]

Wi ki article

I can only assume what they came across was a werewolf like creature whose flesh smelled like sufler and rotting meat.

Also its silly to think that the animal should have killed the poster simply because it is so fast. You do realize it is not natural for large predators to kill humans? We seem to invoke a curiousity in them rather than a natural instict to kill as we are not their main food source (unless weak, starved or sick). This is true for big cats, sharks, bears ect.. i would assume the same to be true of were wolves.

Many of the werewolf stories i've read depict them killing SMALL DOGS, and/or roadkill. None of these are simliar to a human.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by 187specialist

187- You ever find out where those bottoms are pleas post it. I am around them parts... lil further south..West Ky HAS panthers... I dont know bout bigfoot. But I have heard of the LBL beast. Reports around Grand Rivers.
I have read about bigfoot reports in the bottoms in Ballard Co.

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