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Illuminati Minidocumentary

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posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
reply to post by anhinga


Just leave them be.

You have already "won" your argument.

Can you please point out to me where any pertinent facts or documentation were submitted or indicated? I fail to see how anyone can win an intelligent arguement by rehashing already addressed and quite thoroughly disproved incidents that have nothing to do with recognized Masonry-P2 Lodge for example.

Furthermore, I have yet to see anyone prove any type of non-speculative linkage between Freemasonry and The Illuminati. Would you care to try?

Anytime one must resort to personal attacks in any sort of debate, it's a sure sign that they have no ground to stand on.

Such as calling people 'losers'?

Just take your leave of the thread buddy.

Sound advice. But do not hesitiate to return when you have something substantial to contribute.

You have easily outwitted these chaps...

Really? Was it comments like this that convinced you of his complete and total ability to outwit everyone?

Orignally posted by anhinga

What sickens me the most about *them* is the fact that they steal symbolism from legit cultures that pre-date their little 'circle jerk' club by thousands of years.

Nothing like a healthy dose of bigoted conjecture to soundly capture a debate.

and the ONLY thing that can come from further discussions is warnings you don't need.

More sound advice. Perhaps you should counsel him more often.

[edit on 2-12-2007 by AugustusMasonicus]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Seeing as how Anhinga is a WELL respected member of the forum who actually contributes a great deal of WORTH WHILE information to the site, I don't think he/she needs my counsel.

I wasn't so much referring to you as I was lightindarkness when I made reference to the personal attacks.

However, both of you guys keep going to this point of Anhinga offering up some sort of "decisive" evidence to support his claims while not offering up any of your own to support what you say.

99% of what Anhinga says can be easily verified in MANY threads here at ATS about the subject. IF you care to see verification (which I seriously doubt you do), please feel free to click that little button up there that says search and enjoy the weeks of reading that you are apt to find.

While I personally think the video in the OP is silly at best, it couldn't possibly harm the way some view Masons as much as the way lightindarkness acts.

Personal attacks in any sort of debate is a sure sign of ignorance and someone defending a position that they either A) cannot morally or righteously defend or B) know absolutely NOTHING about.

The last time I checked, Anhinga expressing his/her personal distaste for masons (or any other organization) and the things they do are perfectly acceptable here at ATS. However, personal attacks on fellow members are not.

Though you may not have blatantly thrown personal insults at Anhinga (though some of the things you said were very borderline), lightindarkness certainly did.

Not only is that childish, it's just plain ignorant.

Anhinga has earned his/her respect here at ATS through plenty of research and very well thought out posts.

Try showing him/her some.


posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
I wasn't so much referring to you as I was lightindarkness when I made reference to the personal attacks.
While I personally think the video in the OP is silly at best, it couldn't possibly harm the way some view Masons as much as the way lightindarkness acts.

You make it too easy. Your comments are the textbook definition of irony. What do you call all this?

Personal attacks by anhinga (since all masons are losers, and I am a mason..):
“they are a sexist organization”
“they steal symbolism from legit cultures that pre-date their little ‘circle jerk’”
“tacky décor & portraits of the losers”
“Homosexual, dress-up outings”
“Do you losers (do I keep writing losers instead of masons? Oh well”
“*Various insults relating masons to political figures*”
“the losers steal symbolism”
“losermason cult”

Personal attacks by you:
“it couldn't possibly harm the way some view Masons as much as the way lightindarkness acts.”
“Not only is that childish, it's just plain ignorant.”

I still await evidence of all this massive conspiracy. I even searched, sadly, I found the same - more logical fallacies, more generalizations. The burden of proof is on YOU if you want to make outrageous claims. Although nothing could be more amusing than watching someone decry personal insults, and defend someone is using personal insults while you use them as well.

No one gets my respect because they've been around on a forum for a while. Especially when they post like that. You want people to give respect? Then post without insulting me or millions of masons as a group, and stop exploding the irony meter. But of course, it is MUCH easier to argue about arguing than to actually focus on the substance of the lies being spewed.

[edit on 2-12-2007 by LightinDarkness]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 11:27 PM
Why even worry about them. The call was sent and help is here. They can take whatever symbols of old, of light and twist them into anything currupted. Lets remember that it all came from source to start.

It's our time, the GOONIES time!!!

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

99% of what Anhinga says can be easily verified in MANY threads here at ATS about the subject. IF you care to see verification (which I seriously doubt you do), please feel free to click that little button up there that says search and enjoy the weeks of reading that you are apt to find.

Anhinga has earned his/her respect here at ATS through plenty of research and very well thought out posts.

Try showing him/her some.

I don't post much, I admit it, but good lord.

Jasn, what you said in that last post made about as much sense as rolling down a flight of stairs on a desk chair.

Regardless of how many other wonderous threads Anhinga has contributed to, this poster has contributed NOTHING even remotely resembling a decent argument to this thread. Quite honestly, I don't give a toss about how well respected Anhinga is on ATS, because he/she certainly has said nothing to deserve respect here.

If Anhinga feels like he/she has something to add, perhaps there is a better way to add it? Someone who has nothing constructive to say yet opens their mouth anyway isn't going to recieve much respect from me, especially if they spout insults while doing so.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 04:57 AM
The same characters attack the same things.

Threads about masons always bring sarcastic rhetoric from the masons.

Let them attack. A block, a jab and a swipe later.

Look, I'm hoping to wake some masons up.

They are using you!

Your little meeting fund their agenda, and find recruits.

Do you really feel you soul enlightning from this clubs practice?

PLEASE, you are helping the DARK SIDE.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 05:48 AM

You have easily outwitted these chaps

or not.

Perhaps they feel as I do and
" refuse to engage in a battle of wits with one that is totally defenseless."

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by SimiusDei

99% of what Anhinga says can be easily verified in MANY threads here at ATS about the subject.

BS. Anhinga groups multiple organizations together and assumes they are all part of masonry. They simply are not. What does David Rockefeller have to do with Masonry? What does the Bilderberg have to do with masonry?
Could you kindly point to any thread on ATS where this is verified?

reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

I fail to see how anyone can win an intelligent arguement by rehashing already addressed and quite thoroughly disproved incidents that have nothing to do with recognized Masonry-P2 Lodge for example.

Furthermore, I have yet to see anyone prove any type of non-speculative linkage between Freemasonry and The Illuminati. Would you care to try?

I have answered both these questions in this thread. It seems to be a common misconception amongst masons that the P2 Lodge had nothing to do with recognized masonry. It did. So did the Illuminati.

[edit on 3/12/07 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by stompk

Look, I'm hoping to wake some masons up.

Have you considered that perhaps the Masons that have posted on this thread are trying to wake *you* up?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei

Personal attacks in any sort of debate is a sure sign of ignorance and someone defending a position that they either A) cannot morally or righteously defend or B) know absolutely NOTHING about.

Indeed. And personal attacks have been Anhinga's M.O. throughout this entire thread. What does that tell you?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 07:49 AM
I find it highly amusing that stormpk thinks that every thread gets masons to reply with sarcasm. Have you stopped to think about that? Do you READ what you write? If you actually posted a thread without insulting millions of other people (and your not the only one in this thread), perhaps we wouldn't be so sarcastic.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by LightinDarkness

When it comes to folks like that, you know what they say: if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with B.S.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:43 AM
...seems like I'm the popular one around here, why? Well, I'm not afraid to post anti-nwo/illuminati excerpts; and the typical "not contributing" to the thread is beyond untrue -- this is what the FreakMansons like to do -- bend the truth.

Rockefeller isn't connected? Really? I beg to differ:

Any FBI investigation of Freemasons is a farce when you consider the relationship that exists between Freemasonry, the Rockefeller family, and the FBI.

This is one of the greatest “wolf guarding the hen house” stories there ever was.

They’ve become rich by stealing the wealth of the masses. We’ve found a way to stop the funding they receive from America’s debt and so our first step is to hit these elite “banksters” in the pocketbook.

"Fractional Reserve Banking and Fed Counterfeiting"

[edit on 3-12-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by anhinga
Rockefeller isn't connected? Really? I beg to differ:

Fritz Springmeier???

You really have to learn to evaluate your sources. Now you're bringing the Federal Reserve into the Masonic fold. I believe in the Federal Reserve Conspiracy, but this is ridiculous...

What'd you do? Google "Rockefeller + Freemason"?

Is that the extent of your "investigation"?

BTW, I've read your aspartame thread. You really have no idea how to evaluate the quality of your sources.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyNut23

...the devilworshippers like sticking up for one another, read that in one of your little 'rules' book; and sorry dude my research is going a little deeper then your sell-out loser boy Bloody Al Gore (Google "adviser"+)...

...there isn't even six million of these things worldwide -- real Christians & Muslims got 'em outnumbered in the billions; please, try to be polite -- remember, courtesy is mandatory in these parts....

...on the edit: aspartame has anything to do w/ this? Like I care that you decide to choke on poison -- your decision.... 'derailing' treads and 'ganging' up on others is also against ATS T&C.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 11:21 AM
I am being courteous. I’m questioning your sources and the quality of your research. Anyone that checks your links would do the same.

I’ll doubt you will find anyone in these parts who think Fritz Springmeier and are good sources.

Can you find anything that links David Rockefeller to Freemasonry?
I have no idea what you are saying about Al Gore and my little “rule” book.

STOP harassing me via U2U, that’s not what is for. Rummy-lover????

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyNut23

One u2u is "harassing"? Please, tell me what they "are for" then? (rhetorical. Should you even know what that word means.)

No "rules"? Spare me; you want the sources? Here, I got some right here from your own books:

"Under the head of Discipline is given a catalog of 15 classes of un-Masonic acts, of which this is one. It is so subversive of the groundwork of Masonry, in which obedience is most strongly inculcated, that the Mason who disobey subjects himself to severe penalties."
—Morris' Dictionary of Freemasonry

“The powers and privileges of' the Master of a lodge are by no means limited in extent."—Chase Digest of Masonic Law

And I got plenty more where these came from, so are you going to admit there are 'rules' or lie some more?

And as per Gore, he a freakloser, ain't he? He's down w/ Google, ain't he? You asked, sarcastically, about "googling" info, that's your answer, and now, here, spelled out again, since aspartame has pretty much ruined minds.

I wonder who's (Blood &) Gore's master? Ha, ha & ha!

[edit on 3-12-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyNut23

It is of course a travesty for crazy people to learn that just because something is on the interwebs, does not mean that it is the gospel truth. While people like you and I actually know that, in discussions, you should use sources that at least look unbiased - clearly the tinfoil hat people in this thread don't know how to do so. I applaud you for taking it on though, at this point all I can do is sit back and read the "OMG MASONS FDR FREAKMASONS GHOULIANAI CONSPIRACYYY!!!!111" posts and laugh. It makes for great comedy.

Of course, anhinga doesn't care about the truth, only spouting his/her inane preconceptions that are only verified by tinfoil hat conspiracy sites that aren't taken seriously by anyone. Oh, and by the way anhinga, I can take quotes out of context too. Not only are the above quotes probably blatant lies, but they are likely taken out of context (the second one, if true, in context would talk about how the power of the master is unlimited within the lodge room - and it would have been written before our times when saying "unlimited power" had an entirely different connotation).

[edit on 3-12-2007 by LightinDarkness]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by anhinga
And I got plenty more where these came from,

Sigh. When will you learn that googling masonic conspiracy sites doesn't provide valid information? You got that from a wacko right wing conspiracy site. Spin again, you lose.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by LightinDarkness're kidding me right? Take a stroll on Amazon or eBay and there's a slew of 'rules' and 'laws' books for FM; let alone countless flea markets, garage sales & used bookstores!

The IJC declared: “After complete research concerning this organization, based on written accounts from many sources, we have determined that”[5]:

1. Freemasonry is a clandestine organization, which conceals or reveals its system, depending on the circumstances. Its actual principles are hidden from members, except for chosen members of its higher degrees.

3. The organization attracts members on the basis of providing personal benefits. It traps men into being politically active, and its aims are unjust.

4. New members participate in ceremonies of different names and symbols, and are frightened from disobeying its regulations and orders.

5. Members are free to practice their religion, but only members who are
atheists are promoted to its higher degrees, based on how much they are willing to serve its dangerous principles and plans.

7. It is a Jewish Organization in its roots. Its secret higher international administrative board are Jews and it promotes Zionist activities.

9. It tries to recruit influential financial, political, social, or scientific people to utilize them. It does not consider applicants it cannot utilize. It recruits kings, prime ministers, high government officials and similar individuals.

10. It has branches under different names as a camouflage, so people cannot trace its activities, especially if the name of “Freemasonry” has opposition. These hidden branches are known as Lions, Rotary and others. They have wicked principles that completely contradict the rules of Islam.

Although members of various faiths cite objections, certain Christian denominations have had high profile negative attitudes to Masonry, banning or discouraging their members from being Freemasons.

...when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Benedict XVI), as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued Quaesitum est, which states: "...the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic assoc. remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion."

[edit on 3-12-2007 by anhinga]

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